Statements about the morning: quotes, aphorisms, humor, authors and folk art

For some people, morning is a pleasant awakening with birdsong, someone spends this time of the day playing sports, and someone is ready to run a pillow into the alarm clock, just to not wake up too early for work. On the weekend, the latter catch up, and they get very angry when their small plans are trying to destroy. Statements about the morning from the lips of talented personalities, as well as cool phrases, you will find in this article.


Good morning

The Jewish proverb says: "Good morning brings good afternoon." And the larks are sure that the key to a positive mood lies in early awakening. The body is awakened, thanks to jogging and taking a cold shower, breakfast is flaunting on the table, and the head is full of fresh ideas and plans. Owls lose a lot, warming up in their beds until the lunch hour.

Lara Fabian shared a wise recipe for the whole day:

The first thing to do when you wake up in the morning is to look around, think about what is happening in your life, and thank God for what you have.

Director Roman Polanski in his statement about the morning defends the benefits of a cold shower:

I am not a masochist, but in the morning I always take a cold shower. This is a great start to the day, because then obviously there will be nothing worse.

Donald Trump prefers reading the latest press:

I go to bed at one in the morning, and at five in the morning I wake up and start reading fresh newspapers. I do not need a longer rest, and this provides me with a competitive advantage.

Salvador Dali, in turn, considered the mosquito bite to be the most effective method of early recovery:

A mosquito, digging into your thigh early in the morning, can serve as a lightning bolt that will illuminate still unknown horizons in your skull.

The thought of something tasty and sweet helps to wake up in the morning. At night, eating is more expensive. Why do we get out of bed in the morning? For the sake of another piece of cake!

The wise poet of the present, Taisiya Lipatovskaya, in her positive statement about the morning, calls for every person to start a new day like this:

May your day always begin

Not with a cup of flavored drink,

What refreshes the head in the morning

And with a small, pretty little smile.

The sun and a cup of fragrant coffee pot are a great occasion to cheer up. But this does not compare with the warmth of a morning greeting. Another statement about good morning, or rather a poem by an unknown author, will delight those who can’t imagine their life without contemplating beautiful moments:

Short word, only 6 letters,

And how the mood improves!

And to your friend, and even to the enemy

Hello in the morning say no harm.

Wake up, smile, look around:

"Hello!" - And the world will become kinder suddenly.

And yet, belief in miracles is a powerful force that helps to open new horizons for the knowledge of happiness. Hence the positive comments about the morning.

Learn to wake up every morning with anticipation of a miracle and believe me, miracles will not keep you waiting. Every day there will be people or circumstances bringing new opportunities on the path to your happiness!

Romantic awakening

Morning kiss

It's great to wake up early, hugging not a pillow, but a loved one. What about coffee? Let him wait a bit, he is perfectly replaced by a hot, passionate hug. Beautiful sayings about the morning perfectly complement the splendor of this unforgettable experience.

Gently, with notes of warmth and happiness, the lines from Alevtina Egorova’s song “Good morning” sound:

I wake up a little earlier.

To tell you

That good morning will be with us again.

I smile at you, I smile again.

I smile at you a thousand times.

This medicine awakens and excites much hotter brewed coffee. As Bruce - Elixir (Lady Rain teacher) said:

The best start to the day is morning sex.

Sometimes morning can ruin everything and limit the time of passionate forwarding of a mysterious night time. This fact confirms the statement from the anime series "The Dark Butler":

It would be better if morning never came. And we could forever love and kill each other.

Let's drink and pour it again

Glass of red wine

Everyone remembers Winnie the Pooh song "Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely." The end of the quatrain is heard by the people in a new way: "And here is one hundred grams, and there are one hundred grams, then it's morning." And how, after the hectic working days, the words "Friday", "Saturday", "weekend" caress the ears. Want to share a cool saying about the morning after stormy fun? The answer to this question can be found in the song of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky "My Gypsy":

But, in the morning everything is not so;

No fun:

Or smoke on an empty stomach

Or drink with a hangover.

When things go awry, poet Vadim Stepantsov finds a tough, uncensored way out:

A poet has many desires,

Only admit it is time:

There is no better and cleaner desire

Than to get drunk right in the morning.

About the beauty of nature

Summer morning

It is impossible not to recall the work of the great classic Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and his unique "Winter Morning":

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still asleep, dear friend -

Time, beauty, wake up:

Open your eyes closed

Towards Northern Aurora

Be the star of the north!

Modern poet Alex Mack Gregory painted July morning in a refreshing green color - a symbol of life and vitality:

Yes! July morning is green!

In the color of life and freshness,

In the color of summer foliage and grass.

Wang told about the miraculous effect of dew in his wise statement about the morning:

Morning dew is a summer wonder. In the morning, plants secrete a lot of medicinal substances, which is why it is so useful to wipe dew not only in patients, but also in healthy ones, for prevention.

A person loses a lot when he is too lazy to get up in the morning. Indeed, at dawn, nature wears the brightest colors. You can always get enough sleep, but life is fleeting. From a poem by Yu. Nikulin:

Do not wake up the beauty in the morning!

Don't wake up when the sun rises

When a fresh, invigorating fog

From the hill up, sleeping off, leaves.

Thus a new day is born, as written by J. Reveco:

And outside the window, the dawn has already begun to wander ...

Another, the night melted without a trace ...

Glare of light began to play on the glass,

With sunrise - Morning was born ...

For a coffee?

A cup of coffee

It is inconceivable to imagine an awakening without a cup of aromatic coffee. This unique drink is able to charge with good spirits for the whole day. Quote from the book “Colorless Tskuru Tazaki and the years of his wanderings” by Haruki Murakami:

It smelled of freshly ground grains - an aroma that separates day from night.

It is coffee that allows you to bring an aggressive person cursing a hated alarm clock into feelings. There’s even a joke about this: “Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, humility, coffee.

And how pleasant it is to wake up, smile at a new day and have breakfast with fresh thoughts. This confirms the positive energizing statement about morning and coffee by an unknown author:

The best morning: got up, washed, drank coffee ... and went home!

And how do you like the joke that in the morning only sugar wakes up well past the mug? Morning coffee will be excellent if you cook it according to a special recipe. Do not add yesterday's woeful memories to it. Better use the sugar of today's joyful hopes! Instead of milk, put clouds and a share of trembling feelings, as in this incomparable poem by the talented modern poetess Olga Kozlovskaya:

Morning. The sun. A cup of coffee.

Want instead of milk

Passing through the heavens road

Will I add clouds?

I will add happiness to the spoon

You want, not even one.

Your feelings on the palm

I’ll stretch it with coffee.

I will add a handful of smiles.

And your dreams from dreams.

Flower violin music,

And also ... your love!

Harsh weekdays and sleeper weekends

On the pages of users of social networks, you can often find cool sayings about the morning with a touch of Monday and the work week:

  • Whoever gets up early, he infuriates everyone, slams doors, rattles a kettle and walks like an elephant!
  • Who is Sleep? And why do I always want him in the morning?
  • Every morning, I play a major role in the fantastic thriller "To sleep in 5 minutes."

Advice for those who are not familiar with the word punctuality:

If you woke up in the morning with the feeling that you had overslept for work - take a nap for another hour so that the feeling grew into confidence.

And envy is a terrible thing, especially in relation to latecomers to work.

You won’t run away from statistics

Alarm clock in the morning

Don’t even try to repeat the advertising numbers - it’s dangerous:

When a person in an advertisement gets out of bed, cheerfully gathers and goes to work, at the bottom of the screen there should be an inscription: “Do not try to repeat this!”.

The most terrible beast during a sweet morning sleep is His Majesty the Alarm Clock. It is he who wants to be thrown against the wall, trampled underfoot, thrown out through the window and sent to hell.

The alarm rang, but I was unavailable.

And even my favorite musical composition becomes hated: “I had a favorite song, and then I set it on the alarm clock. There are no more favorite songs.”

About women

Some of the fairest sex are completely unfamiliar with time and the same Punctuality - the queen of the working day. Well, what kind of efforts a woman needs to make in order not to fall into the mud in the face in front of her colleagues, especially in front of the bosses. Wake up, catch up, wash, have breakfast, make up, and the main thing is to get enough sleep before performing all these procedures. And since this does not work out, the household will have to hear her speeches on the topic of "nothing to wear" and eating the brain about the fight against extra pounds. Jokes in the subject:

  • My alarm clock is my wife, who screams on the scales every morning.
  • It is wrong to say: "The woman had a bad morning." It will be correct to say: "The whole family did not set the morning!"

With humor

The sensational humorous program "Ural dumplings" is a storehouse of funny scenes and jokes, among which you can take note of cool sayings about the morning. Those who watched all the numbers of these talented artists probably remember the scene “When Grandma Can’t Sleep” and the very piercing exclamation: “Igor!”

In the morning you can hear a lot and see a lot. Even find out about pregnancy:

Hearing in the morning the phrase: “Dear, I am pregnant,” Vadim pretended to be sleeping for another two days.

Those lucky ones who have cats at home will especially understand these jokes:

  • At night a cat came and modestly lay down in his legs. And in the morning I was already sleeping at my feet.
  • These soft hands do not know the limit of arrogance.
  • “Feet in my mouth” is the way a cat wakes me up in the morning.

And yet, people should learn to appreciate every moment of their life, even if it is that morning, when you want to once again soak in your bed.


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