The most affectionate breed of dogs: list, the nature of the dogs, features of care, photos

People often argue about which breed of dog is the most affectionate. Actually, here is not just interest. The need comes to the forefront to find a true friend who can learn to understand a person perfectly. Fidelity, devotion, unconditional obedience - we value these qualities in our four-legged family members. The fact is that each of us wants to feel secure, to be needed by someone. The kindest and most affectionate breeds of dogs are described in this article. These are, first of all, companions who cannot imagine life without a beloved master. In fact, many would like to have such a four-legged friend, but not everyone can afford to make the dream a reality for one reason or another. Circumstances are sometimes stronger than human desires and aspirations.


A stunning breed, the analogues of which cannot be found all over the world. The nature of its representatives is so soft and flexible that many are even surprised at how good these creatures can be. Specialists in the field of cynology consider Newfoundland to be one of the most affectionate dog breeds. And it’s hard to disagree with this statement! The only thing that really scares the owners when looking at such a dog is its long coat and size. Of course, it’s not easy to take care of her.

Newfoundland breed

You will need to comb out your friend daily, devote a lot of time to cleaning the apartment. But in return, be sure to get devoted eyes, the desire to protect you from any troubles. If there is such a large dog next to a person, it is unlikely that some ill-wisher will risk even just coming. Newfoundlands often scare away people who have small children, and those who are not ready to deal with a pet for a long time. Nevertheless, dogs of this breed are great for keeping in an apartment.

German Shepherd

This breed is always out of competition. Its difference from many lies in the incredibly high intelligence of animals, their ability to carry out any commands. The German Shepherd lends itself perfectly to training, can fulfill any assignments related to security and defense. Such a dog does not require special care and some incredible conditions of detention. The dog can be kept both in a spacious aviary and in a small-sized apartment. The character is most often even, calm. This breed is focused on submission, so it is so loved to use in various services. If you deal with a dog from a very young age, you will grow up a smart and noble friend. With this, it’s not scary to go out in the dark. German shepherd looks pretty presentable. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, the animal needs to be combed once or twice a week. Wash, contrary to popular belief, is recommended as little as possible.


It is believed that representatives of this breed are the most affectionate dogs in the world. Yes, a collie is characterized by unconditional devotion and obedience. If necessary, he will give his life for the owner, without hesitation for a second. Unfortunately, few are involved in collies. Someone is afraid of the long coat of the pet, others simply do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the pet. The fact is that representatives of this breed require increased attention to themselves. With them you need to walk every day for at least two hours. The more the animal moves, the better. In addition, it is very useful for the person himself to lead an active lifestyle.

collie breed

They say that this is the most affectionate dog, for children - the very thing. If a child lives in the house, the collie will take over the duties of a nanny with pleasure. You can really rely on a dog of this breed: he will never offend the baby, will not do anything that would bring grief to the owner. Disappointing the owner for a collie is a real taboo. The pet will rather prefer to suffer himself.


Telling what the most affectionate breed of dogs for an apartment, one cannot but note the grace and grace of these cute creatures. Currently, pugs increasingly prefer to start houses. The fact is that this breed is quite convenient for urban maintenance. The dog is small in size, therefore, does not take up much space. It’s easy enough to take care of it: bathe as it gets dirty, remove excess hair with a simple stroking with a wet hand. More responsible is required to approach the issue of nutrition. Pugs don’t eat everything in a row, that’s how they work. Sometimes they are allergic to the most familiar and harmless products. The pet can not tolerate chicken, fish, some types of vegetables.

dog breed pug

Experts recommend choosing carefully balanced dry food for these dogs. So the owner can be sure that his pet really gets all the necessary nutrients. By nature, pugs are somewhat moody, but infinitely loyal to man. If you are also looking for the most affectionate breed of dogs for the house, it is recommended to opt for pugs. With such a hassle-free creation it will be comfortable to live even in a rented apartment.

Saint bernard

There is an opinion that this breed is started by those who are really confident in themselves. Keeping a large animal in the house is far from easy. It takes time to care and feed. St. Bernard must be walked two to three times a day. Although in appearance the dog looks rather clumsy, it needs daily physical activity. The main feature of St. Bernard is its "habit" of leaving wool and drooling everywhere. There is no point blaming the dog for this. This is his physiology. The dog is suitable for active people who do not like to sit at home.

Saint Bernard breed

She is calm in nature, but she also needs to devote a certain amount of time per day. The pet needs to be combed out daily with a special brush, properly fed. If you are not ready to take long walks with the dog, it is better not to get a St. Bernard. In a cramped apartment, the pet will suffer, not being able to move a lot. For this reason, it is best to keep it in a private house.

Golden retriever

This dog wants to get anyone who at least once saw her live! She has amazing grace, excellent pedigree qualities. Golden Retriever is a strong and hardy dog. She needs to move a lot, play with the owner. If possible, a dog should go for a walk at least three times a day. If the dog is not given the opportunity to realize excess energy on the street, she will easily “smash” the apartment. You need to understand that the retriever does not belong to calm breeds, representatives of which can lie for hours in one place. This dog needs adventure, additional physical activity. Preferably, if the owner himself seeks to lead an active lifestyle.

Golden retriever

Being passionate about sports, a person can find a faithful companion and companion in the dog. Lying beds, who prefer to spend all their free time at home, the breed is categorically not recommended. The future owner should preoccupy the issue of feeding. Proper nutrition is the key to good dog health. It is best to consult a veterinarian. A competent specialist will help you choose a quality and balanced feed.

Pomeranian Spitz

This is a dog that will always be with you. Wherever the owner goes, the Spitz will follow him literally on the heels. If you are looking for the most affectionate breed of dogs, pay attention to this option. The animal is small in size, so it is perfect for keeping in an apartment. A pet can be allocated a small corner, and this place will be enough. But there is one caveat: the Spitz has a rather loud voice, so barking will be present constantly.


However, if you believe the reviews, you get used to this feature pretty quickly, especially when you become attached to the pet with all your heart. Some owners note that once having got a spitz, it is hardly ever possible to change this breed.

Toy Terrier

Many people do not even consider them to be living creatures: tiny size, shrill voice, lack of protective qualities. And this is a big mistake! In fact, the toy terrier is the same dog as everyone else. The difference is only in height and weight, in certain physical features. Thinking about which breed of dogs is the kindest and most affectionate, you can not ignore these crumbs. They have a solid character, despite their size. They have undivided loyalty to the owner. Toy terriers look very touching in the hands of the owner.

Russian toy terrier

In fact, they really need attention, care. It’s easy to take care of them. It is enough to just feed correctly, perform the usual daily procedures. They do not cause much trouble, but they bring a sea of ​​joy and pleasure.


Oddly enough, the sinister appearance of these stocky creatures does not correlate with their true nature. Most will be surprised to learn how obedient and kind they can be. Many owners claim that the bulldog is the most affectionate breed of dog! These amazing creatures are so loyal to their masters that they really amaze with their loyalty. These are not very mobile animals by nature.

the most affectionate dog breed for home

Active holidays prefer to eat more and sleep. The character is lightweight, without additional features. Some people cannot boast that they have such a trusting relationship with someone as someone with their four-legged friend. Dog grooming is common. There is no need to make any additional efforts. In matters of nutrition, bulldogs are quite unpretentious. Sometimes it seems that they are ready to eat everything.


This is one of the cutest and most tender dog breeds . Poodles have long had their ardent fans who will not exchange them for anyone in the world. Caring for these decorative dogs can not be called simple. It takes a lot of time and patience from the owner to make the pet look neat and beautiful. Some owners even cut and curl their pets. Poodle wool has unique features: it does not cause allergies, does not smell. And the dog’s character is simply amazing: she’s not picky, ready to obey the owner in everything.

the most affectionate dog for children

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the most affectionate breed of dogs is one that you will love with all your heart. It does not matter who it is - an elite descendant of famous parents with a pure pedigree or an ordinary mongrel. In no case should you make a choice based on fashion. Any trends pass, and a pet will remain nearby, constantly requiring attention and care. The breed must be chosen from the heart. Only by listening to oneself will a person come to the right decision.


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