How often to water carrots in the open field?

Carrots are not a particularly demanding vegetable crop. However, for growth and development, it requires a certain amount of moisture. How to properly water the carrots in the open ground, in what terms, how often - these and other issues will be discussed in detail below.

Watering equipment

For high-quality watering, as well as to prevent leaching of seed material, use:

  • Watering cans. For watering carrots, a watering can is used that has a thin and long nozzle, as well as a removable divider with small holes.
  • Hose. With a large crop area, you can use a strong, bend-resistant, flexible hose with a nozzle for sprinkling.

how to water carrots in the open field
Watering with buckets is undesirable, since a strong stream of water will damage young plants, and irrigation will be uneven, in some places a crust will form, the temperature of the soil will drop sharply, which, in turn, will delay the germination of seedlings and wash out a large amount of seeds.

How many times to water carrots in the open ground?

The intensity and frequency of watering of carrot crops directly depends on the climate of the region, land quality, proximity of groundwater, and seed variety. An approximate schedule of the procedure and water flow:

  1. Mature young sprouts are watered every 3 days, especially in hot weather.
  2. As the plants grow, the irrigation rate decreases, and moisturization is carried out as the soil dries, that is, approximately every 5 days.
  3. At all stages of watering, about 15 liters per square meter of crops are required.

The number of irrigations and the volume of water used can vary both in the direction of decrease, and in the direction of increase.

Water temperature. Spraying

How to water carrots in the open ground? An ideal watering time is considered to be early morning. The procedure in the evening will be useful for carrots provided a warm night. The growth and development of the plant depends on the temperature of the water used to moisten the soil. It is strictly forbidden to use liquid with carrots in open ground at a temperature below 10 ° C. In cloudy weather, the water should be 28 ° C, and on hot days - 20 ° C.

how often to water carrots in the open field
Irrigation of carrots is also carried out in the early morning hours. When carrying out this manipulation, moisturize very carefully during the day. The liquid should not get on the leaves and stems of the plant. Spraying carrot crops with water and salt at night is a folk remedy for combating pests and slugs that affect the plant.

How to check the soil for moisture?

How often to water carrots in open ground depends on soil moisture. A finger is immersed in the ground near the plant. If it is wet below 3 cm, watering is not required. To check the soil moisture, you can use a shovel, plunging it into the ground with a bayonet.

how often to water carrots and beets in the open ground
With excess moisture, the soil is a sticky lump. If it crumbles, it means that emergency watering is required. At optimum humidity, the earthen clump sticks slightly to the shovel.

Watering the beds before sowing carrots

Sowing carrots in the spring months also requires moist soil. Sowing seeds in dry soil will result in rare seedlings or even their absence. For friendly seedlings, approximately 2 days before planting the seed material, the dried-up soil should be saturated with water using an ordinary watering can or hose with a nozzle for sprinkling. Small grooves are made on the bed and they shed well. In order to disinfect the soil, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the grooves are tamped. After two days, seeds are sown, slightly compacted, sprinkled with peat and sand. The ridge is closed with plastic wrap. As soon as the first shoots appeared, the covering material is removed.

Watering after sowing

How often to water the carrots in the open field after planting depends on proper sowing. During germination, the seeds absorb a fairly large amount of water. Unfortunately, inexperienced summer residents neglect watering the soil before planting seeds and begin to actively moisturize it immediately after making planting material in the soil as a result of:

  • part of the seed is washed away;
  • a crust forms on the surface of the earth, which interferes with the development and emergence of seedlings;
  • the earth is moistened unevenly.

If it was not possible to properly prepare the soil before planting seeds, then the following rules must be followed in the future:

  • moisturize the soil using a watering can with a fine nozzle;
  • watering is carried out daily in small portions until the first sprouts appear;
  • constantly keep the earth moist.

Watering young plants

How often to water carrots in the open ground until a powerful root system is formed?

how to water carrots in the open ground
The plant in this case needs constant hydration. The main thing is to know the measure, not to overdry and not to fill in young sprouts:

  • water the beds in 2-3 doses;
  • constantly check the depth to which moisture has penetrated;
  • not allow waterlogging;
  • make sure that the upper earthen layer is not covered with a crust;
  • after watering or rain, carry out accurate loosening.

Watering during the formation of root crops

Beginner gardeners are concerned about the question of how often to water carrots in the open ground during the heat during the formation of root crops. As they grow, the soil moisture pattern changes: the volume of water increases, the frequency of procedures decreases. For 1 square. m should be poured up to 30 liters of water.

how many times to water the carrots in the open ground
In hot weather, this manipulation is best done in the late evening or after sunrise. In case of humidification in bright sunshine:

  • plants overheat, as moisture evaporates very quickly;
  • high risk of sunburn;
  • cold water causes shock in plants;
  • the growth and development of the root crop may cease.

Watering a fully formed plant

How often to water carrots outdoors in August? This question excites many gardeners. Experienced vegetable growers recommend that hydration be significantly reduced during this period, and about three weeks before harvesting, in the absence of drought, watering should be stopped. They resume it only a few days before the collection of root crops, which will help to collect carrots without damage.

How to correctly determine the frequency and volume of irrigation

How to water carrots in open ground depends on:

  • weather;
  • growing season;
  • soil;
  • varieties of carrots;
  • phases of plant development.

By the appearance of the aerial parts of the plant, you can determine whether the carrots need urgent watering. Signs of moisture deficiency:

  • the tops become lethargic;
  • leaflets begin to curl;
  • the color of the tops changes to dark green.

The resuscitation of the plant consists in urgent irrigation, which is carried out in three doses at short intervals.

The combination of fertilizing with watering

How to water carrots in the open field and at the same time to fertilize? It is convenient to combine soil moistening with top dressing. In this case, the nutrient mixture is added to the grooves located next to the planted carrots.

how often to water carrots in the open ground in the heat
Fertilizer consumption is based on a ten-liter bucket. That is how much is poured into 1 square. m of land. Application terms and quantity of fertilizers:

  • After the first thinning. Apply 25 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride.
  • During the next thinning, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride.
  • In the early days of August, only potassium is used in an amount of 30 g.

In the phase of nucleation of carrots, ashes can be used as potash fertilizer, which will protect against diseases and pests. And potassium top dressing in early August contributes to an increase in the sugar content of root crops and better ripening.


Mulching not only simplifies carrot care, but also reduces watering. As mulch use:

  • sawdust;
  • humus;
  • fine straw;
  • film;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • special paper.

The benefits of mulching carrots are as follows:

  • moisture is stored longer in the earth;
  • no crust forms;
  • no loosening of the soil;
  • weed growth is reduced;
  • mulch from humus, peat, straw, sawdust is a source of additional nutrients that promote plant growth and increase productivity.

Features of the use of mulch: seeds are sown earlier than usual for two weeks, if the plot has a high level of groundwater, then they do not mulch.

The subtleties of watering

How to water carrots in open ground:

  1. It is desirable under the root, since moistening the leaves leads to the development of fungal diseases.
  2. Watering in the early morning or evening is recommended in hot and dry weather.
  3. In cool weather, the plant is watered in the morning, sometimes closer to the middle of the day. Evening watering is not recommended, due to the high risk of fungal infections.
  4. It is forbidden to water plants with a small amount of water. The roots must be moistened, otherwise the water will evaporate from the surface of the soil.
  5. Seedlings, like seed, need a moist topsoil. Rooted plants require moistening of the middle soil layers to develop and strengthen the root system.
  6. Mulching will be a good help to reduce evaporation from the soil surface. Adding compost to the ground will increase its ability to retain moisture.
  7. Loosening after watering is a must. Ground crust inhibits the development and growth of the plant. The root system should not protrude above the ground.
  8. Hard water is pre-softened and then irrigated.
  9. Excessive moisture erodes the soil and increases its acidity. The root system begins to decay due to oxygen loss, and loses the ability to deliver nutrients and water to the aerial parts of the plant. To drain excess water, you can make the grooves deeper or dig grooves nearby.

How often to water carrots and beets in open ground?

The root crops of these vegetables acquire a sweet taste with timely fertilizer application and proper watering. To get a good crop, proper watering is required. Beets are rarely watered. For the whole season it is enough to moisturize it at least 5 times. However, in the absence of rain and intense heat, the number of irrigations increases. Before the first seedlings appear, carrot seeds should be in moist soil. Then it is actively watered, and watering is stopped before harvesting. How often to water carrots and beets in open ground depends on the weather, soil composition and stage of plant development. The water consumption for these crops is the same and is 30 liters per 1 sq. Km. m

how often to water carrots outdoors in August
Beets, like carrots, do not tolerate drought. The lack of watering is manifested in staining the tops in a brown-purple color. The formation of root crops ceases, and peduncles are formed. Watering should be regular to prevent the soil from drying out on hot July days. Therefore, how often to water carrots and beets in open ground in July directly depends on the degree of moisture in the land.

Watering errors

With insufficient watering, side shoots grow, the shape of the root crop changes. Carrots begin to grow in breadth, due to lack of nutrients. Abundant hydration contributes to the development of fungal infection. Doubly dangerous is excessive watering in combination with fertilizing. In the case when the plant was not watered for a long time, and then it was abundantly moistened, the root crop may crack and lose its beneficial properties. Thus, subject to the rules of watering carrots, a plentiful harvest is guaranteed to you.


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