Autumn crafts made from decorative pumpkins

Autumn is a great time for harvesting. Someone spins cucumbers and tomatoes that have been growing in the garden all summer. And creative people consider each vegetable as a future decorative element for the interior. Crafts from a decorative pumpkin look especially original. Famous designers have long been using this garden product to create interesting ideas. Do not think that crafts of this kind are relevant only during the Halloween period.

crafts made from decorative pumpkin

Autumn crafts made from decorative pumpkins look attractive and appropriate in any kitchen. If you want to transform the space, then take a look at the pumpkin. This is a malleable and interesting material. Even children can work with it. At the same time, the interior items are unique. The main thing is that everyone can grow a pumpkin in his garden. You just have to choose a decor element and a method of processing natural material.

Varieties of decorative pumpkin

Housewives plant a decorative pumpkin to decorate the green zone and their garden. This vegetable is not eaten. It is not even given to animals as feed. Spread two popular varieties:

  • Lagenaria is a large pumpkin with a thick peel. Use it to create bowls, lanterns and birdhouses. Items from it are decorated with personal plots and outdoor recreation areas.
  • Kukurbita - small pumpkins, they are easy to clean and have a variety of colors.

Gardens with pumpkins will be an excellent option for children to show their gardening abilities. And in the fall, interesting crafts can be made from the grown vegetables. Just before that, the pumpkin needs to be prepared.

Preparation and storage of decorative pumpkins

Before you start creativity, you need to carry out preparatory work. Crafts from a decorative pumpkin will become an adornment of window sills and wings. Everyone knows that the wrong approach to pumpkin will affect the life of the product. The vegetable must be dried, and only after that proceed to work. Otherwise, the pumpkin will begin to rot and lose its appearance.

crafts made from decorative pumpkin
Immediately warn that this process is long and time-consuming. Do not be lazy to carry out drying. This procedure cannot be avoided if you want to get a positive result. After we will tell you how to make pumpkin crafts. Pumpkin drying takes place in several stages:

  1. The vegetable is washed thoroughly using soap. Wipe the surface dry and leave for some time under the sun.
  2. Pumpkin is placed in a ventilated place for one week. After seven days, you will see that the crust has changed its color. During this process, the peel becomes tougher. You achieve this effect.
  3. A small diameter hole is made on top. Using a spoon, rake the flesh.
  4. In the resulting space we put crumpled sheets of paper. We put the vegetable in a well-ventilated area. We expect complete drying, the paper periodically needs to be replaced with new sheets.
  5. The entire drying period will take about a month. Only after that can you make autumn crafts from pumpkin.

Small pumpkins can be dried with pulp. In this case, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor so that mold does not form. After the vegetable has completely dried, you will hear characteristic sounds when shaking. These seeds beat against the walls of the pumpkin. Drying the whole product will take six months.

Halloween and pumpkins

Crafts from a decorative pumpkin are associated with the famous holiday of all saints. Many people ask why this particular vegetable has become a symbol of Halloween. The roots go back to the days of the druids who made lanterns from orange circles. It was believed that this product was able to scare away evil spirits. There is still a very old legend that all fans of this holiday know.

pumpkin autumn crafts

Once upon a time, farmer Jack lived, who stole from his neighbors and was addicted to alcohol. Once a man was returning home and met the devil on his way. An unclean spirit announced that his time had come. But the cunning farmer did not want to say goodbye to his life and showed ingenuity. He will offer the devil to organize a massacre between civilians. For this, the unclean needed to turn into a coin. The peasants would find the money and fight for their possession. The messenger from hell liked the idea, he instantly became a piece of silver. Jack put the coin in his pocket where the cross was. The devil has become a hostage to man. I had to promise the mortal that his soul would not go to hell. When Jack died, the gates of paradise were closed in front of him, since he sinned a lot. He had to wander between the worlds, and he began to ask for at least a little fire. The devil threw coal to him, and Jack carved a lantern from a pumpkin and began to roam the earth. He still has not found peace, and people began to make intricate figures of vegetables.

Pumpkin lanterns

Today, a wide variety of crafts made from decorative pumpkins. Photos of such products fascinate and delight. Everyone is trying to show all his imagination. Now you do not need to expect a holiday to decorate the house with pumpkins. Now decorative pumpkins are actively used in the interior. The simplest option is flashlights.

To do this, take the dried pumpkin and cut out any picture. You can make patterns yourself. The easiest way is to take a stencil. It is applied to the wall of the vegetable and cut out along the contour. Such products are hung around the yard and indoors. Inside they put candles that mysteriously flicker in the dark.

Garden stories

There is a very simple ornamental pumpkin craft. Mushrooms from halves of a vegetable look fun and interesting. With these products you can decorate your garden or green area. It is not necessary to dry the vegetable. You can use fresh. This is a temporary decor that can be done every year.

how to make pumpkin crafts

It looks beautiful if you place garden gnomes between the fungi. As legs use zucchini. If you wish, build a whole mushroom clearing. Children will love this process.

Original candle holders

Throughout life accumulates a huge amount of residue from candles. They can be given a second life. Such crafts made from decorative pumpkins will be a great gift. Wax must be melted in a steam bath. Take the iris threads as a wick. We cover a small pumpkin with shiny paint. We are waiting for complete drying. We put a thread inside, better make it longer. Gently fill the space with wax. Hardening will occur during the day. Such candles are good to use on dark winter evenings.

crafts from decorative pumpkins photo

Drawings and colorful crafts

Autumn crafts made from pumpkins are very diverse. Special craftsmen manage to carve houses and whole castles. It’s easy to create a cute hut. You need to cut out the windows and come up with interesting decorative elements. And you can make a whole family of kittens.

decorative ornamental pumpkin crafts

Such crafts from small decorative pumpkins look very cute. A large pumpkin is taken as a basis. But the muzzles of animals are made from small vegetables. An impromptu basket can be decorated with ribbons that are attached to hot glue. Your child will surely enjoy such a family on the windowsill.

pumpkin autumn crafts

Instead of tapes, you can use paint, which is applied by the spot method. Such a pumpkin looks vintage and neat. Conventional patterns and abstractions will give the orange vegetable a charm and originality.

Simple pumpkin lantern

Let's take a closer look at how to make pumpkin crafts. You will need the vegetable itself, a drill with a special nozzle and a large candle. You can use a dry preparation, but if there is no such vegetable, then pick a fresh pumpkin. We clear it of the internal contents and outline the location of future holes. Using a drill, we drill holes of the desired diameter. It will be difficult to cut even circles with a knife.

crafts from decorative pumpkin mushrooms

We place candles inside and set them on fire. Now you can install the flashlight anywhere. He will delight you with his light for a long time. You will need to ensure that the product does not deteriorate.

crafts from small decorative pumpkins

Here are such simple crafts everyone can do. With these products you will decorate your room and transform a boring design. Experiment and create your real masterpieces.


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