Maine Coon - character and other features of the breed

Nowadays, the Maine Coon cat breed is very popular , the nature and size of which impress many people. These huge domestic cats are incredibly kind and kind to everyone around them, so there is no point in fearing that the animal will become aggressive. However, in order for such a cat (or cat) to take root in the house, it is important to have it at a very young age. Therefore, the purchase of a Maine Coon kitten becomes the number one business.

Maine coon character

It is important to consider that even in infancy any Maine Coon, whose character is completely suitable for home maintenance, still has its own characteristics. These cats do not tolerate familiarity and prejudice. Bringing a giant cat into your home, you need to treat him like your friend or family member. Gradually, he will get used to the features of the life rhythm of the family in which he lives, and will become a real favorite, kind and big.

Going to get a big cat, many people come across a hoax organized by animal sellers. An ordinary kitten that does not match the characteristics of this breed can simply be sold to an inexperienced buyer.

Men kun photo
Therefore, it is important to pre-view the images on which all the features characteristic of the Maine Coon breed are clearly drawn. Photos are stored on various blogs and sites dedicated to animals, and finding them is not a problem.

Among the features of the behavior of cats of this breed can also be called activity and increased mobility. Every Maine Coon cat, whose character can be the most โ€œquietโ€ and lazy, always needs space for jumping, jogging and so on. Therefore, being the owner of a small apartment, you should not have such an animal, as it will feel uncomfortable and closed on a small footage.

Maine Coon cat differs from other breeds also in its intelligence and memory features. This makes this cat breed the most prone to training. Maine Coon will remember every intonation of his masterโ€™s words, and over time, he will begin to perceive his speech as an equal, and understand it perfectly. However, this feature can be considered from the negative side - if the cat has been offended at least once in his life, this moment will be remembered, and one day the animal will find a way to repay with the same coin.

Cat me kun

There are a whole host of features that characterize Maine Coon kittens. Character is only the first number on the big list that everyone who wants to own such a cat should know. So, there are three main physiological features that correspond to this breed. They are the following: a large and magnificent tail, the presence of "tassels" on the tips of the ears, as well as the presence of a "box". This is the front of the cat's face, which must certainly have a square and slightly enlarged shape. It should be remembered that all the above characteristics are manifested in Maine Coons from birth, based on them, you need to choose a kitten.

In conclusion, we can say that you need to buy Maine Coons only in licensed nurseries, where owners can provide you not only the pedigree of the animal, but also its real parents, as well as those cats that lived nearby. It is worth paying particular attention to them, because often the genes of the "neighbors" are transferred to an allegedly pure inheritance.


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