League of Legends guide to Shako

One of the best killers that can be found on the expanses of Valaron is the hoaxer and joker Shako. This hero can become invisible at any time, as well as distract the enemy with his clone. Needless to say, this damager creates the best ambushes, and its mobility and elusiveness make this character practically inaccessible to the enemy. This guide to Shako will tell about his abilities and skills, as well as pumping skills and builds.

guide to shako

general information

For a better understanding, we decided to compose all the data and present them in a table. She will demonstrate the characteristics of the hero:

healthAttack Powerattack speedtravel speedhealth regenerationarmormagic resistancemana
1st level582.1257.580.6943508.3724.8832.1210

Positive and negative qualities of the hero

Like any other League of Legends champion, Shako, the guide on which we are analyzing, has strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of the hero include the following qualities:

  • Strong ganks at the beginning of the game.
  • Incredibly powerful duelist abilities. Shoku is able to destroy many junglers alone.
  • Any of the skills can be used for both attack and defense.
  • The ability to control objects on the map, thanks to the ability to Deceive.
  • Powerful counter-jungler and effective split-pusher.
  • Jack In The Box ability gives you the ability to scare away monsters and not lose health in the forest.
  • Thanks to Hallucinate's ability, Shoku can dodge most attacks.

Character flaws:

  • A complex set of talents. To use the hero correctly, you must be a fairly experienced player.
  • Shako is quite vulnerable at the beginning and middle of the game.
  • Does not possess skills with tight control.
  • When playing with this hero, you always need to monitor his whereabouts, because a powerful attack can be made only from the back of the enemy.

Description of skills

Let's start with a description of the passive skill of the hero Shako, the guide (season 6) on which is in front of you. Backstab is a talent that allows the champion to deal 20% more damage to the enemy if the attack is carried out from behind the enemy. Excellent skill, given that Shako most often attacks from behind. Passivation will be especially useful if the enemy starts to run away.

lol guide


The next talent that this guide to Shako will talk about is the ability to jump to the right point and go into the inviz when landing. When invisible, the hero deals bonus damage in the amount of 40-60-80-100-120%. The amount of critical damage is cumulative from runes, items and masters. So it is extremely important to choose an effective build in order to maximize this talent. But our LOL-guide will tell about this a little later. Skill Cost: 90-80-70-60-50 mana. Range of action - 400. Rollback - 11 seconds.

Jack in the box

A completely original skill that enables Shako to put his clone, Jack, at the indicated point. In this case, the assistant will become invisible after 2 seconds and will exist for 60 seconds. As soon as Jack goes into inviz, he will cause fear in any creature that falls within the radius of the skill. In this case, the enemy will begin to rush in different directions, and as soon as the effect of fear passes, Jack will begin to inflict damage to the enemy for 5 seconds in the amount of 35-60-80-100-120 units. After that, if the enemy does not destroy him earlier, the clone will disappear. Jack's range is 425. Skill rollback - 16 seconds. Mana cost: 50-55-60-65-70.

Two Poison Sharpeners (Two-Shiv Poison)

Now the guide about Shako will analyze a passive skill that can not only damage the enemy, but also seriously slow down its speed of movement. When using Two-Shiv Poison, Shako throws a knife at the enemy, causing 50% damage from the total damage, while the miss chance of monsters and opponents increases from 20 to 30%, and the victim's speed decreases by 3 seconds. Cost of skill: 50-55-60-65-70 mana. Damage radius: 600. Skill rollback starts after 8 seconds.

shako guide season 6


Shako is a LoL champion with an incredibly strong ult, in which the hero disappears and after a moment appears with his clone. In this case, the copy deals 75% and absorbs 135% of the total damage. Upon destruction, the copy explodes and inflicts magic damage to enemies (300-400-600 + 1 * AP) that fall into the radius of destruction. The cost of the skill is 100 mana. The range is 500. Cooldown: 105-90-75 seconds.

Enemy Champions

Shako is a rather fragile character, especially in the early stages of the game, an enemy forester can be a danger to him, of course, if he is played by an experienced opponent, versed in the tactics and skills of our hero. Especially dangerous:

  • Udir. This hero leads the top opponents of Shako for a reason. With excellent farm speed and good damage at the initial stage of the game, this champion can greatly complicate his life.
  • Skarner is a hero with a good initial farm speed and great potential for killing Shako. You should not meet him in the forest, it is better to focus your efforts on the farm and attack on the line.
  • Elise Thanks to his skills, this champion can literally kill a hero in two counts. But with the right tactics using skills and traps, Shako will be able to destroy Eliza.
  • Lee Sin is an excellent opponent, meeting with whom will not bring Shako pleasure. Never engage in battle with this opponent if your health level is lower than his. It is better to ambush Lee Sin in the forest when he uses one of his skills.
    shaco guide

Builds for the hero Shako. Forest

The guide will continue to describe the spells that will help you successfully farm the forest. First of all, you will need Smite. This spell can cause serious damage to neutral monsters and enemy minions (from 445 to 870 units depending on the level of the hero). In this case, Smite can be purchased already from the first level, which makes it one of the best spells in the initial game.

You also need Exhaust - a curse that reduces physical damage caused by the enemy by 70%, from objects by 35%, while the enemy’s movement speed slows by 40%.

Skill upgrade

The following table, which was provided by our guide to Shako, will clearly demonstrate how to share the experience gained:

Jack out of the box+++++
Poisoned Grindstones+++++


Offense: Sunder, Executioner, Arcane Knowledge, Lethality, Deadliness, Alacrity, Sorcery, Summoner's Wrath, Rough Strength (Brute Force), Weapon Expertise. In this build, Shako does not require a defense upgrade.

Hyde Shako Forester

Support (Utility): Speed ​​(Swiftness), Direct hands (Good Hands), Experienced mind (Expanded Mind) and Runic Affinity.

Also to strengthen the hero you will need runes:

  • Penetration of defense against physical damage increases by 1.66 units (Mark of Desolation).
  • The cooldown of all skills is reduced by 0.65% (Glyph of Focus).
  • The level of protection against physical damage will increase by 1.41 units (Seal of Resilience).
  • Quintessence of Fortitude will increase the hero's health by 26 points.


Further, our guide to Shako (Jungle) will provide a list of magic items that can significantly improve the game of the champion:

  • Cloth Armor is a standard artifact that increases defense by 15 points.
  • Health Potion is an essential item. This artifact will replenish 150 points of health, which makes it useful in any situation.
  • Increase physical defense by 25. possible with Madred's Razors. At the same time, the artifact makes it possible to increase the damage by 300 units for neutral monsters and minions, but it does not affect the enemy.
  • Boots of Speed ​​- a magic item that accelerates the champion by 25 points.
  • Madred's Bloodrazor is an excellent artifact that gives a defense bonus of 25 units, physical damage - 40, and also increases attack speed by 40%.
  • Berserker's Greaves. Another item with which Shoku will attack 20% faster, and his movement speed will increase by 45. You can create this artifact from Dagger and Boots of Speed.
  • Giant's Belt - champion health increased by 430.
  • Vampiric Scepter - 10% of the champion’s physical damage is transformed due to vampirism into health. Also, the artifact adds 10 units to the attack. Item collected from Long Sword.
  • Zeal - Increases the critical strike chance by 10%, and attack speed by 18%.
  • Frozen Mallet With this item, your critical strike chance is increased by 30 points. The artifact also gives an additional 700 points of health, and slows down enemies hit by a hero by 40%.
  • Phantom Dancer is an artifact that gives a bonus to attack speed of 50% and critical chance of 30%.
  • The bloodthrister. This magical item increases the physical damage dealt by the hero by 70 points. Also 12% of the damage will be transferred to health.
  • Infinity Edge - Increases physical damage by 70 units, critical chance - by 25%.

Hyde Shako is a forester. Build second

Spells you need:

  • Teleport A champion can teleport to a tower, allied turret, minion or ward for 4 seconds. Another positive property that this spell possesses is that any item or minion to which the hero teleports will become invulnerable during the jump.
  • Exhaust. You can learn more about this spell from the first build.

Skill upgrade

For this build, it is better to improve skills in a similar way:



Offense: Executioner, Lethality, Sunder, Deadliness, Weapon Expertise, Havoc, Alacrity, Summoner's Wrath, Brute Force )

shako forest guide

Defense: Durability, Veteran's Scars, Resistance, Hardiness. Support does not need to be pumped.


  • Critical attack increases by 2.23% - Greater Mark of Furor.
  • 0.78% increased critical attack level - Greater Seal of Furor.
  • Crit damage increased by 0.56% - Greater Glyph of Furor.
  • Attack crit increases by 4.46% - Greater Quintessence of Furor.

Artifacts for the second build

You will need such magic items as Health Potion, Berserker's Greaves, The Bloodthrister, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge. You will find a description of these items above. In addition, this LoL-guide recommends stocking up on such artifacts:

  • Sheen Using this item, the power of skills increases by 25 units, and mana also increases by 200. Another bonus is an increase in physical damage to the enemy by 100%.
  • Last Whisper - an artifact that increases physical damage by 40 points. Also, the physical defense of the enemy is reduced by 35%.
  • Trinity Force. This artifact increases the champion’s attack speed by 30%, physical damage and skill strength increase by 30 units. Also, the subject gives an additional 250 points of health, and 200 mana. In addition, the chance of crit increases by 10%, and the speed of movement by 8. Each hit makes it possible to slow down the enemy.

Game tactics

It is worth noting that Shako can be pumped with an emphasis on any type of damage, both physical and magical. At an early stage of the game, this champion has a huge advantage, which you should definitely take advantage of. No need to farm the forest for about 20 minutes, and only after that they will join their team. After all, the chances of winning decrease over time. This does not mean that Shako becomes useless in the late stages of the game, but his abilities work wonders at the very beginning.

guide to shako jungle

The hero can get almost any buff without using spells from the first level. To do this, he will only need jester boxes created by the Jack in The Box skill. Usually buff gathers from golems, and therefore it is worth practicing in killing them. Before the enemy appears, place 4 boxes and start the attack. Jack, a clone, will destroy the golem within seconds. Also, do not forget to ulty, because the created copy perfectly damages the enemy, and also causes damage when he dies. At the same time, use Deceive to constantly be behind the enemy. It’s quite difficult for beginners to play for Shako, but for experienced players, he becomes one of the favorite champions of the League of Legends game.

Shako, the guide on which we are considering, should collect the buff from the golem as soon as possible. You need to do this quickly, even if you are not going to swing in the forest. The champion will quickly reach the second level. Already, he is able to come to one of the lines and help an ally kill the enemy. Even if the enemy cannot be destroyed, his existence is significantly worsened. Prevent the enemy from farming normally - this will greatly facilitate the life of the team. To the third level with a red buff, Shako will be able to easily kill his first champion. Only it’s better not to attack an opponent with the Flash skill, or something like that.

Review on the tactics of the game. Continuation

To achieve maximum results you need to constantly farm and increase maximum damage. In the mid, you need to move from one line to another, and at the same time gank opponents. Take advantage of the invisibility and mobility to be behind the enemy. This should always be remembered, because Shako is not a tank, and you should not go this champion "breast on embrasures." Your style should be cunning and the ability to attack from an ambush. The surprise with which you hit the opponent at the most inopportune moment for him will be the trump card in your game.

league of legends shako guide

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that Shako is a rather difficult champion, which is very difficult to manage. In addition, they can only play in a close-knit and experienced team. But if you like original damageers with such a unique set of skills, you will definitely not regret it if you get this champion. We hope our review on the hero of Shaco (Shaco Guide) was useful to you, and you gathered a lot of useful information from it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21637/

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