How to relax? A few tips for workers

Are we able to relax? It would seem - what is there to learn? Then why is it Monday for the vast majority of people - a "hard day"? And after the holidays, we are not at all full of energy for new achievements at work? Let's find out how to relax in order to restore physical strength and peace of mind.

how to relax

An evening in a club or with a remote control in front of the TV is the worst way to relax. Of course, we, residents of large cities, spending a lot of time at the computer monitor in the office, should give preference to outdoor recreation, in the fresh air. This can be a regular evening walk in a park or square after work, or a hike or picnic on a weekend.

How to relax in nature?

1. Dress for the weather. And by the way, look what weather forecasters promise on the day you choose. In a word, plan your vacation in advance!

2. Take care of insects and the sun. Itchy bites and sunburns are the worst thing you can bring with you from the forest. Take a first aid kit with you!

3. Think through the menu. Let it be tasty and nutritious. But do not overeat! Otherwise, your active vacation will turn into a normal hibernation with a full stomach.

4. Gather a good company, think about leisure.

5. Clean up after yourself - do not leave or bury trash in the ground, take care of nature! Let this vacation spot become your favorite and permanent.

how to relax in nature

How to relax in nature, so as not to be bored? We offer several options for classes:

The first is hunting and fishing. Most suitable for a male company.

The second is swimming, playing volleyball, badminton, soccer, etc.

Thirdly, the collection of mushrooms, berries, herbs, materials for crafts or herbarium with children.

Fourth - songs and dances around the campfire, games and competitions. Well, if you are with children - play Cossack robbers, catch up, pour water on each other with bottles or water pistols, launch a kite ... In a word, there are plenty of options! Do not sit still, get new impressions!

Holidays at sea

The long-awaited vacation for many in their dreams seems to be at sea. Lying on the sand in the rays of the gentle sun and listening to the sound of the waves, it is so easy to forget about work and everyday problems. How to relax at sea so that the vacation does not bring unpleasant surprises?

how to relax at sea

1. Do not fly to warmer climes on the first day of rest: any trip is stress for the whole organism. Change of climate, time zone, and just the rhythm of life and food consumed lead to a weakening of immunity. Returning from vacation is also advisable at least a few days before going to work.

2. Solve all problems before leaving. Determine who the children will stay with, finish the report at work, ask a friend to feed the cat and pay the loan. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax - a bunch of thoughts about these problems will spin in your head.

3. Save up money and relax "within your means." Rest on credit - an extra headache.

4. Eat correctly and be careful with exotic dishes - poisoning and allergic reactions can ruin your entire vacation!

5. Try to observe the daily routine - then it is so difficult to restore it! Do not go to bed after midnight and sleep until noon, no matter how much you like.

6. Take pictures - it’s the pictures that will best retain warm memories for you about the time spent on the coast!

Have a nice rest!


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