Chimneys "Ferrum": reviews, description, device, material, photo

Classical heating stoves and fireplaces in private houses, saunas and bath houses without fail require the organization of a chimney system. It can also be equipped in the traditional way (masonry), or you can apply a more technological and practical solution in the form of a finished structure. In the domestic market, in particular, Ferrum chimneys are popular, reviews of which note reliability, durability and functionality. Moreover, at the prices this option is quite attractive - the main thing is to determine the appropriate device model.

Chimneys from the company "Ferrum"

General information about the manufacturer

Ferrum is a Voronezh enterprise that specializes in the development and manufacture of stainless steel structures. One of the directions of his activity is the production of chimneys for various kinds of heating equipment. Today, the enterprise’s capacities are oriented on single and double-walled chimney flues for heat-generating equipment. The range of target equipment with which Ferrum products are combined is very wide. It covers both typical solid fuel furnaces with boilers, and gas columns with ventilation ducts and drains.

Chimney device

One of the key advantages of the chimneys from the company “Ferrum” can be called a prefabricated frame device, thanks to which the user can simulate a variety of layouts. The basis of any kit is formed by pipes for the Ferrum chimney, with several sections. The initial level is a pipe directly connecting the conditional boiler and the ceiling that separates the lower floor from the attic. Then follows the section leading to the roofing, and the outlet pipe is located on the roof. For the attachment points, special clamps are provided in the sets, and a passage cover is mounted in the passage through the roof. An umbrella or deflector is installed on the very top of the pipe, depending on the model. The diameter range of the chimney pipe varies on average from 80 to 300 mm.

Elements of the chimney "Ferrum"

Chimney Materials

Almost all supporting and functional components of the chimneys are made of stainless heat-resistant steel. In particular, Ferrum specialists use alloy grades AISI 304, AISI 430, AISI 439, as well as metals with a polished mirror surface. The structure of these alloys is characterized by a low carbon content and a high chromium concentration (over 11%), which precisely determines the structural stability to high temperatures and mechanical loads. Each element of the system, up to the clamp and the smallest hardware, is characterized by corrosion resistance, so even the internal attic condensate is absolutely harmless to the structure. With regard to reliability, the chimneys made of Ferrum stainless steel have walls up to 0.5 mm thick, so neither wind loads nor accidental impacts, provided that the structure is properly installed, are not terrible.

Design features

Sandwich chimneys "Ferrum"

In the manufacture of chimney elements, the company uses advanced technologies for spot welding, as well as argon-arc equipment. As consumables for welding, non-fusible electrodes are used according to the TIG technology. Thanks to such joints, durable pipe joints with increased tightness are formed. In the case of AISI 439 alloys, lap welding and laser welding are also used. As reviews of Ferrum chimneys of this type show, the designs are highly resistant to deformation. Strong seams inside the pipes hold a cylindrical shape even in conditions of intense dynamic effects. This is very important in terms of channel cross-country. The absence of the smallest dents ensures a free passage of smoke without turbulence and soot deposits on the walls.

Types of chimneys "Ferrum"

As already noted, the manufacturer uses two basic fundamentally different structural solutions: single and double-walled pipes. In the first case, the simplest channel device is used, intended for placement inside a heated room or boiler room. The main thing is to provide for the technical possibility of connecting the pipe to the heat generator and the output to the outside. The main disadvantage of structures with one pipe is the inability to bring them out through the roofing. On the other hand, reviews about Ferrum chimneys in a single-wall configuration emphasize their installation flexibility, compactness and the possibility of implementing a variety of connection schemes, which is very important in small boiler rooms.

Single-walled pipes "Ferrum"

As for double-walled models, they fully reflect the principle of the device of a sandwich chimney. The structure is formed by two pipes (one in the other), between which a layer of thermal insulation is placed. It is the insulation that allows the use of such pipes outside in conditions of sudden temperature changes. As a filler, basalt fiber is used, which retains its shape and does not burn.

Advantages of the Ferrum sandwich chimney

The main advantages of this design are provided by a multilayer structure with a central functional filler in the form of a basalt heat insulator. This device can distinguish the following advantages:

  • Fire resistance. The material does not support combustion in the event of a fire on the roofing or in the attic. If the structure of the roof contains a fire-resistant layer, then the fire will not pass through the only conductor in the chimney.
  • Condensation minimization. Heat storage does not interfere with air circulation at all, which eliminates the accumulation of moisture on the inner walls of the pipes.
  • Improving structural resistance. The presence of a middle layer of mineral fiber with a thickness of 30-100 mm in itself increases the rigidity of the walls, making them heavier only within the permissible limits.
Chimney tee "Ferrum"

Chimney flues

The features of chimney models designed for gas equipment include the use of a coaxial and separate exhaust system for the combustion products. Structurally, the same Ferrum stainless steel sandwich chimneys are used, but of small diameter - about 80-100 mm. Seams are usually made by spot laser welding, as it is important to ensure a smooth and even surface inside. When assembling at the place of use, clamp joints can be used, as well as a butt welding method. In order to increase the sealing, silicone rings are used, which also prevent condensation from accumulating in the junction points of the two sections.

Chimneys for stoves

The use of pipes for the removal of smoke in combination with bath stoves involves ensuring the resistance of materials and structures to high heat loads. Accordingly, only a two-wall chimney with a pipe wall thickness of at least 0.8 mm is used. It is important to consider that high temperatures of the exhaust gases will also create loads on the insulation layer. Therefore, in order to exclude thermal degradation, preference should be given to stainless steel chimneys “Ferrum” with a density of insulation not less than 120 kg / m3. The thickness of the insulation should not be less than 50 mm.

Installation of chimneys of the Ferrum brand

Exit through the roof for the chimney

At the stage of preparing the wiring diagram, several installation parameters should be fixed, which the manufacturer recommends to observe:

  • The height of the chimney pipe from the heating unit must be 3 m.
  • The protrusion above the roof is at least 50 cm.
  • From the parapet and ridge, the exit point of the pipe should be at least 1.5 m.
  • If a higher building is located near the house, then it will be necessary to increase the height of the structure so that the neck level exceeds the upper point of the neighboring building.
  • Throughout the installation process, a level should be used to assess the position of the pipe, which should be strictly vertical.

Directly mounting the Ferrum chimney begins with fixing the base section to the heat exchanger through the gate. Metal clamps, welding and silicone sealant are used to connect the elements. The next docking unit will be the second segment of the pipe, and then the final one, which will provide a base for going out through the roofing. In advance, a hole of suitable diameter should be prepared in the roof for installing the passage. The metal passage is attached to the roof material in a circle, after which an annular seal is installed. At the final stage, the outlet pipe of the chimney with a lid or deflector is mounted. From below, it is connected with the same clamps to the attic section of the pipe, and in the passage zone it is sealed with foam.

Reviews about chimneys "Ferrum"

User feedback on the designs of this company is generally positive. Various technical and operational advantages from ergonomics of use to fire safety and technical reliability are noted. So, many advantages are due to the optimized design. Owners praise her for the ease of assembly, the ability to build a variety of configurations for the assembly, functionality and durability. Separately, it is worth noting reviews of the Ferrum sandwich chimneys, which emphasize practicality, maintaining the optimal thermal regime and the complete exclusion of moisture, which usually negatively affects metal structures of this type. Plus, it is worth adding the moderate cost of Ferrum sets - for example, a sandwich pipe with a diameter of 150 mm can be purchased in full for 2 thousand rubles.

Chimney pipe "Ferrum"


Metal sectional chimneys today are very popular and the manufacturer "Ferrum" demonstrates an example of the optimal execution of this concept. However, when buying, it is important to pay attention to the small nuances regarding the quality of a particular product. For example, a Ferrum chimney sandwich pipe should have a straight and clear cut. Dents and other defects with defects should not be present on metal surfaces. It will also be useful to check the mechanics of the connection between the individual elements of the kit - there are situations when you have to artificially customize the sections by connecting adapters and other accessories. It is advisable to avoid such fasteners by using strictly matching pipes and clamps in advance. Together with the kit, marking is also taken indicating the parameters of each structural element. In the future, it will also help to correctly perform installation operations.


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