Dummy: pros and cons, types, sizes, whether to give the child, the opinion of mothers and the advice of pediatricians

Almost every baby knows what a dummy is. Many parents buy it before the baby is born. Currently, there is a huge selection of soothers. Adults sometimes do not know how to choose it correctly. After all, nipples are made from different materials, have a different shape and are designed for babies, depending on age. In addition to benefits, it can be harmful. What are the opinions about the dummy: for or against?

Give a baby a dummy

The task of the nipples is to satisfy the baby's sucking reflex. It is around this that many rumors and conjectures are widespread. The sucking reflex in a child is formed in the mother’s womb. On ultrasound during pregnancy, you can notice how he sucks his finger intensely. So the baby is preparing for an independent life, so that after birth, suck on the mother's breast.

This reflex ensures the normal development of the jaw apparatus. This load contributes to the correct spatial arrangement of the teeth, the formation of the right size for eruption of the entire group of teeth without crowding.

Dummy: the pros and cons of Dr. Komarovsky

There are various opinions about the baby's dummy for the newborn: both for and against its use. The nipple is very important for the baby as a satisfaction to the sucking reflex. This will help to quickly reassure the baby. Of course, a completely healthy child can be raised without a dummy.

Nipples and bottles are not shown to a certain group of children, because they are breast-fed. And to stimulate the growth process of the maxillofacial apparatus, you need to feed the baby on demand.

Attaching to the chest allows him to suck out the necessary amount of milk, fully satisfy his reflex, spend a lot of energy and calmly fall asleep.

In this situation, the baby does not need a dummy, so it makes no sense to acquaint him with it.

Parents ask if a dummy is needed. Doctors for or against? Pediatricians do not recommend combining a dummy and breastfeeding.

When feeding from a bottle, the baby spends less energy, and the process itself continues less in time, so he does not succeed in realizing his sucking reflex. For babies who are on full or partial artificial feeding, a dummy is necessary.

After the baby falls asleep, she needs to be taken out of the oral cavity.

Parent Tips

If the parents nevertheless decided that the child needs a dummy, then they should:

  1. Choose a pacifier in accordance with the age of the baby, the correct shape and without defects.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the material from which the dummy is made.
  3. You need to buy it only in pharmacies or certified stores.
  4. It is necessary to constantly observe the sterility of the nipples.

After all, there are no trifles in caring for a child. If mothers decided to use a dummy, then you should not forget about the health and well-being of the baby.

Positive points in using nipples

There are different opinions about the dummy: both for and against. Do not categorically reject its use. After all, there are times when you can’t do without a nipple:

  • unforeseen situations during breastfeeding;
  • artificial feeding;
  • diseases of the oral cavity and musculoskeletal system;
  • as a means to calm in especially difficult situations.
Nipple soother pros and cons

When breastfeeding, a newborn does not need a dummy, his mother’s chest will help him get distracted and calm down. But sometimes emergency situations arise:

  • It is impossible to feed a child if this happens on the street or in another unfamiliar place. Especially if it's cold. In this situation, you can give your baby a dummy so that he calms down and does not cry in the cold.
  • Artificial feeding does not involve feeding the baby on demand. In this case, there is a risk of simply feeding him. Therefore, in between feedings, the baby is given a dummy. You can try to calm him in another way, but when this does not help, a nipple will come to the rescue.

Dummy harm

Despite the positive aspects in the use of soothers, there are also negative ones. Nipples can ruin a baby’s bite, bend their teeth, it’s difficult to wean them. Such children can be immediately detected by the ajar mouth in the absence of rhinitis.

The more serious damage is the harm that the dummy does when breastfeeding. There is a decrease in lactation due to the fact that instead of eating or before it, the baby is given a nipple. The facial muscles of the baby get tired. Therefore, when it is attached to the chest, it eats much less than necessary. And this does not come from satiety, but from fatigue. Therefore, a woman's body begins to produce less milk.

Many mothers are not quite sure if a dummy is needed. Whatever form she may be, she is not identical to the real nipple of a woman. The process of sucking the nipples and breast has many differences, so the newborn begins to get confused. This can lead to his abandonment of the laborious process of milk production. Therefore, considering all the pros or cons of a dummy, you need to remember this.

Baby's dummy: pros and cons reviews

The inclusion of artificial mixtures in the diet of a child may especially affect the process of breastfeeding when she believes in opinions about the poor quality of milk or the reluctance of the baby to take breasts. In this case, it is best not to rush to replace breastfeeding with artificial.

Another feature of improper attachment to the breast formed by the nipple is the ingestion of air during feeding. And this can lead to bubbling in the stomach, anxiety and cries of the newborn.

Varieties of the nipple

If parents nevertheless decided to introduce the baby to the dummy, they should study the pros and cons of this phenomenon in advance. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​the types and sizes of the nipples.

The most popular material for soothers include:

  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • rubber.

Latex soothers have softness, environmental friendliness and a characteristic aftertaste and smell. They darken, lose their elasticity and stick together from the inside.

Rubber nipples are not available at every pharmacy, but many mothers prefer them. The main characteristics include softness, accessibility, a special smell and versatility. Many babies are happy to suck rubber dummies, and nipples made of modern materials are not always to their taste.

Soothers: the pros and cons of Komarovsky

Silicone pacifiers have durability, strength and a complete lack of smell and taste.

Product shape: oval, drop-shaped, anatomical with a curved neck and a beveled nose. Dummies are also known:

  • bilateral can occupy the correct position in the oral cavity;
  • with soft protection;
  • for premature babies;
  • with a thermometer.

Dummy sizes are classified as follows:

  • for newborns with a body weight of up to 1750 g;
  • for infants from 0 to 3 months;
  • for babies from 3 to 6 months;
  • for infants 6-12 months.

In more detail, Komarovsky talks about all the pros and cons of dummies. He advises parents when choosing nipples from one or another material to consider that latex can cause allergies. And also he is afraid of significant changes in temperature. Silicone is a tight material, so it is best used for children whose teeth have not erupted. Rubber can cause diathesis.

Since when to give a dummy

It is necessary to give the baby a pacifier from infancy, be sure to correctly choose the shape and size. Talking about all the pros and cons of dummies, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend giving it in the first 7 days, so that the baby does not give up his chest. Some mothers have a question, how to teach a baby to take a dummy newborn. However, problems rarely arise, because in this way he realizes his sucking reflex.

In some situations, the baby refuses the dummy because it does not suit him. Here, parents should act by selection.

Terms of use

In order for the dummy to be safe, hygiene rules must be followed. Silicone teats should be changed every 1.5 months, and latex - every 3 months.

Komarovsky baby's dummy for the newborn pros and cons

Once a day, the dummy must be disinfected (boiled). For safety, it should have a protective disk and cap.

So that the nipple is not lost or the baby cannot swallow it, it must be attached to a special protective disk, which has a certain width. There are holes for ventilation on it.

Elementary operating rules include:

  1. If the nipples are damaged (hole), it must be thrown out.
  2. Do not leave the dummy in the sun or near heating appliances.
  3. For storage you need a special case.

Dummies are changed, according to the terms of operation, after 6-8 weeks of regular use.

At what age to wean a baby from a dummy

The sucking reflex is innate, but it may fade over time. And just from this period should begin the time of rejection of the nipple.

This should happen in 8 months, but no later than 1 year. By this time, the sucking reflex is dying away, the habit of sucking a finger may persist. If this is not done before 12 months, then the baby may develop bite pathology.

Separating the baby from the nipple is easy. It is enough to choose the right time and give the baby maximum attention.

All the pros and cons of the nipples, soothers can explain the psychologist. Many of them believe that simply taking away the nipple from the baby is wrong. Everything should be done gradually.

Opinions of experts

When a well-known pediatrician is asked about the pros and cons of pacifiers for a newborn, Komarovsky believes that a baby should be given a nipple after 28 days or when her mother is convinced that her baby is completely saturated with milk.

Many experts are sure that the baby's dummy is the main enemy of breastfeeding, because because of it the baby does not eat well. As a result, little milk will be produced, and as a result, underweight and other problems.

Baby's dummy: pros and cons

Psychologists are confident that the nipple harms the psyche of the newborn. This is due to the fact that when sucking the baby enjoys physical contact with his mother. A dummy replaces a direct relationship with a loved one.

Speech therapists inform about the dangers of prolonged use of the nipples. As a result, speech defects may occur in older children.

Parent reviews

There are different opinions of parents regarding nipples. You can study all the pros and cons of a baby's dummy according to reviews. One group of mothers was faced with the fact that the nipple disorientates the newborn, because it differs from the shape of the female breast. Therefore, the baby incorrectly captures the nipple, and milk flows worse. After sucking a pacifier, the baby was very tired, so they used it in extreme cases.

Dummy: the pros and cons of the doctor

The second group of mothers has a diametrically opposite opinion. According to their reviews, the nipple, the dummy does no harm, but only satisfies the baby's sucking reflex. He did not give up his chest.


Whether a baby needs a dummy or not, parents must decide. The baby himself will tell you if he needs it or whether he can do without her. If the nipple is correctly selected, then you can give it, but do it only in extreme cases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21650/

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