Integrated lesson in the second junior group in mathematics, speech development

Many educators seriously think about how to organize the process of education and training in such a way that the results are higher, harmoniously complement each other. The integrated lesson in the second junior group should be based on competent planning. With the proper approach, significant results will appear in a fairly short time, which will please both parents and carers. In this article we will consider some interesting exercises aimed at children of four to five years old.

What it is?

Integrated lesson in the second junior group It is a complex, organized process aimed at the active learning activities of the child, stimulating the development of all cognitive processes.

integrated lesson in the second junior group

Many employees of children's educational institutions dream of combining the double benefit in one lesson: to obtain the necessary knowledge and to consolidate the material that was passed earlier. There is a way out - these are complex exercises with children. The effect of such classes is real - and is achieved if there is a great desire to give as much knowledge as possible, and most importantly - to do it with love and sincere participation.

Counting ducklings

In kindergartens in the classroom, children are often offered black and white pictures, and the task is to color them. To achieve this intention, children need at least to know the colors and have some idea of ​​this type of waterfowl. We give the children the task: β€œDuring the coloring, count the number of ducklings, write down the answer in a box intended for a numerical value, and prepare a short story about how these ducklings live.”

integrated lesson second junior group

The task is rather complicated, and therefore only one who listens very carefully will complete it without errors. As a result of this exercise, creative thinking, mathematical abilities, interest in wildlife, cognitive activity develops. The integrated lesson in the second junior group in mathematics should not be limited only to direct work with numbers. The main feature is to make the "lessons" as useful as possible for children and at the same time affect knowledge from other areas.

How many needles does a hedgehog have?

An ordinary adult is unlikely to ask such a question. Children are a completely different matter. They are interested in literally everything that surrounds them. If you provide each of them with a toy hedgehog, kids with great pleasure will begin to count the prickly needles and at the same time they will not get tired.

integrated lesson in the second junior group in mathematics

When the fascinating action is completed, ask them to tell about the hedgehog: what the animal is, what his habits are, features, what he eats, where he lives. Be sure to tell the children how to compose the story, otherwise it will be very difficult for them to navigate the topic. An integrated lesson in the second junior group for the development of speech should be accompanied by elements from other areas. The complex nature increases its value.

The Tale of the Mouse

The essence of the exercise is that the educator gives the children a task on the weekend to come up with a fairy tale in which the protagonist would be a mouse (you can take any other animal at your discretion instead). However, it is important that the character must necessarily have the following characteristics: have four legs, one long tail, eat five pieces of fresh cheese daily. All these signs need to be depicted on the album sheet. In addition to the drawing, the child (possibly together with his parents) should prepare a short but informative story about his little character: what is his name, what he likes to do, what he eats, where he lives.

integrated lesson in the second junior group on the topic of spring

An integrated lesson in the second junior group is held the day after the children come to the garden. In this case, the previously prepared story about a cute mouse is still quite fresh in the memory, the child will happily demonstrate the drawing and dwell on all the details.

Miracles and only

The meaning of this task is to correctly solve the mathematical problem (and each child has her own, selected individually), get a token with a task for the development of speech and complete it. For example, a task is proposed for a mathematical action. If the child has correctly completed the task, then he immediately proceeds to the second part of the exercise: here you need to solve the riddle or read the poem from memory with expression.

integrated lesson in the second junior group for speech development

Of course, some of the children will be confused and will be discouraged by the fact that they do not remember a single text by heart. It is important to stimulate them further: for expressive reading, a small prize is put (a toy from Kinder Surprise or a sweet candy). Then the educator can see significant results. This is what an integrated lesson is all about. The second youngest group is the age of children from four to five years. A very favorable moment both for the development of speech, and for the disclosure of all cognitive processes.

Where do swallows live?

The kindergarten program includes the study of the names of migratory birds, which include the swallow. What can an educator do to correctly use this circumstance? It will be very useful to organize an integrated lesson in the second junior group on the topic "Spring": repeat the names of migratory birds, consolidate the knowledge that children have about the world around them, calculate how many swallows you can see high in the sky at a time, etc.

integrated lesson in the second younger group

Attract the children to a fascinating exercise: let them draw a few swallows, and then calculate the total number and compare their results with others. Whoever gets the most birds has the right to a sweet prize. According to the completed drawing, a cognitive quiz can be held in the form of questions and answers about the life of a swallow.

Instead of a conclusion

An integrated lesson in the second junior group must necessarily include the use of several components: mathematics and the development of speech, the surrounding world and teaching letters. Exercises of this type are very effective when they are aimed not only at repeating the material covered, but also systematizing knowledge. The integrated lesson in the second youngest group on FGT (Federal State Requirements) fully meets all the rules and regulations imposed on what a child at a certain age should know and be able to.


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