Where and when is it better to go to Altai to relax with children: tourist tips

Snow-capped mountain peaks, natural parks, beautiful waterfalls and lakes - all these natural beauties can be found in Altai. These places are beautiful at any time of the year, however, planning when it is better to go to Altai with children, you will have to take into account many factors.

Clean mountain air has a healing effect and has a good effect on the nervous system, giving peace and tranquility. And the unusual nature and good nature of the locals will help to spend an unforgettable vacation.

However, the climate of Altai, especially in the mountainous regions, is rather capricious. Let's try to figure out where and when it is better to go to Altai in order to get maximum pleasure.

Picturesque Teletskoye Lake

Teletskoye Lake in Altai

In the Altai Territory there are about seven thousand lakes. The largest of them, Teletskoye Lake, whose length is 78 kilometers, is second only to Baikal in water volume.

Its shores are very beautiful: peaked peaks of mountains, steep cliffs, smooth pebble beaches in beautiful bays.

It is not surprising that tourism is very developed here, there are many mansions (it is customary to call guest houses here) and recreation centers. When thinking about when it is better to go to Altai with a child, it is worthwhile to clarify whether the estate is close to the lake, and whether the owners can offer food.

Even in summer, the water in this deep lake is quite cold, it is better for children not to try swimming. But on the southern part of the lake there are several partially heated bays, the water in which is warmer than 23 ° C in summer.

Although you can relax on the shores of Lake Teletskoye year-round, with kids it is better to enjoy nature in the warm Siberian summer. The summer season lasts from late May to August.

Arriving in these parts, you should definitely wander around the surroundings, visit several excursions to protected places and book a boat trip on the lake by motor boat. According to the stories about when it is better to go to Altai, it is in the warm time that you can not only have a good rest with your children, but also comfortably visit the unusual sights of Altai.

Warm Lake Aya

Aya Lake in Altai

The unique natural reservoir in Altai, in which the water warms up to +24 ° C in summer, is very popular among tourists. Surprisingly, not a single river flows into Lake Aya, and not one flows from it. Water level remains constant only due to precipitation. That is why you can swim here all summer, from June to August.

In the very center of the lake there is a remarkable islet with a gazebo. According to legend, if two lovers can swim to him, then they will never part.

There are many hotels and tourist centers on the shores, almost for every taste and wallet size. Here you can ride a catamaran, fly a hang glider or explore local attractions. For example, climb the rock "Devil's Finger", which offers stunning views of the surroundings. Or see the Cheremshansky waterfall, located near the lake. The height of the water fall is about five meters, although it is difficult to call this water flow plentiful. A beautiful trail leads to it, along which you can walk with children.

Winter lovers will also enjoy spending time at this resort. In winter, the lake freezes and a large natural ice rink appears on the site of the reservoir. In addition, the Gorynya ski resort is nearby. When deciding where it is better to go to the Altai Mountains in winter, do not forget about this place. Three slopes are equipped here, each about 800 meters long. The difference in height is small, so the slopes are well suited for beginner skiers.

Karakol lakes

Lower Karakol Lake

This complex of lakes is rightfully considered one of the pearls of the unique nature of Altai. The lakes are located quite high - 2000 meters above sea level. Strange, but the lowest is the largest, the higher, the smaller the size of the reservoirs. Between themselves they are connected by mountain streams and fast waterfalls.

The road to this reserved place is quite difficult, in fact, it does not exist. Therefore, to get to the Karakol lakes, you should contact the Altai Voyage travel company, whose office is located in the nearest village. They organize trips on all-terrain vehicles and will be able to comfortably deliver guests to these inaccessible lakes.

On the shore of the most picturesque, fifth lake, there is a tourist camp with houses made of local fragrant cedar. When deciding when it is better to go to Altai for a vacation, you should book a stay in one of such colorful houses.

Even on summer sunny days in the Altai mountains, the temperature can drop to 0 ° C, so be sure to take warm clothes.

Complex "Turquoise Katun"

The shore of the lake Turquoise Katun

In the left bank of the Katun River there is a large artificial lake Turquoise Katun. It was created in 2007 and since then has attracted lovers of a comfortable relaxing holiday from all over the country.

The maximum depth of the reservoir does not exceed 5 meters, therefore, by the beginning of June, the water here warms up well. Reflecting where and when it is better to go to Altai to relax with a child, you can safely stop at this complex.

There are many hotels and tourist centers near the lake, so there will be no problems with accommodation. For the youngest guests there is a separate shallow pond "paddling pool", fenced from the rest of the lake. Older children will love water slides, rides and a small rope park with a maze.

Very close are the famous Tavdinsky caves, in which primitive people once lived. The descent is simple, you can take a child older than five years with you. It’s worth only grabbing a flashlight and putting on comfortable shoes; it’s slippery in the caves.

This is a real underground labyrinth, consisting of thirty caves, interconnected. Several entrances to the largest cave, "Maiden Tears" are still visible from the road. The cave itself has a height of more than 23 meters, and the total length of its passages is approximately 200 meters. It is equipped for sightseers: electricity is provided, wooden stairs are installed on difficult sections.

There is an interesting local legend associated with one of the caves. It is called the "Dragon Nostrils" because of two symmetrical entrances. It is believed that if you go into one "nostril" and exit through another, you can truly find dragon health and longevity.

The surroundings of Chemal

Temple Bridge on Patmos Island

Once a small village, founded in the middle of the XIX century, due to its climate has become a famous hydrotherapy resort. During the Soviet Union, there was a closed recreation area only for members of the government. And today, this village has become one of the most popular places for those who decide where and when it is better to go to rest in Altai.

Not far from the village is the stopped Chemal hydroelectric station, where an interesting museum for tourists has been created. A water park has recently been built on the territory, from which the guys will be delighted, a rope park and many attractions.

Thrill-seekers will love the rope crossing through a turbulent mountain river and the ability to jump into the water from the dam of the hydroelectric power station.

Not far away is the old Church of St. John the Evangelist, famous for its frescoes, mosaics and icons. This wooden complex is also called the Temple on the island of Patmos. To go there very close, but there is a difficulty, sometimes frightening guests. A suspended wooden bridge leads to the island, which is often slippery from the spray of river water and sways eerily underfoot. However, the opportunity to see the beauty of the ancient temple is worth such an effort.

Choosing when it is better to go to Altai in autumn and winter, you need to know that only in the period from August to April you can see the unique Blue Lakes. They appeared more than 25,000 years ago, and the depth of the largest reaches seventeen meters. The water of these three lakes on sunny days seems unusually blue, not without reason the locals are confident in its healing properties.

Panorama of Shavlinsky lakes

Sunset on Lake Shavlinsky

Travelers who want to really feel the spirit and beauty of the Altai mountains should definitely visit these protected places.

It will not be easy to get there, the usual route is approximately 70 kilometers along mountain roads and passes. When deciding what places and when it is better to go to Altai in the summer with a tent, it is worth planning a route to the lakes. Moreover, it is not necessary to go the entire route, there is an option to stay on a lake of your choice, even the lowest one. By the way, according to the reviews of experienced tourists, this is where fishing is always excellent.

Beauty is simply unrealistic: mountains with shining glaciers, a turquoise lake with clear water and very few tourists. You can make a camp on the shores of the Lower Lake, and from there to make forays into interesting places.

Fans of unusual sensations can climb one of the nearest peaks. The height is more than 3500 meters, ice always lies and it is not worth going there without climbing equipment and an experienced local guide.

Resort Belokurikha

The good climate, beautiful nature and unique underground warm springs of radon water made the famous balneological resort out of a small town. In this reserved corner, it is good to relax both in winter and in summer. After all, here is a popular ski resort, the slopes of which descend from the mountain church (its height is 800 meters) directly to the village.

Choosing when it is better to go to the sanatorium in Altai, it is better to choose the warm season. Of course, in the summer it is quite crowded, but the special microclimate of this place and the influence of thermal springs will help to improve health and have a good rest.

Those who came to this place for the first time should climb the cable car to the top of the legendary Mount Tserkovka. It offers a beautiful panoramic view of the mountains and lakes of Altai.

Locals offer tourists a huge amount of entertainment. You can take a quiet walk to the amazing rocks of the Four Brothers. Or take a leisurely horse ride around the village. Or visit the Blooming Park unique arboretum in Siberia, walk along the well-groomed paths of the park and admire exotic plants.

For lovers of extreme sensations, there is the opportunity to make rafting on the Katun River. The journey will take about four hours and, after passing several thresholds, impressions will be provided. Experienced tourists advise that it is better to go to Altai in the spring when the mountain rivers are full and the rafting along one of them will be as difficult and memorable as possible.

When a lot of snow

Winter in Altai

Winter holidays in Altai are becoming increasingly popular. There are several modern ski resorts in this region, the slopes of which are suitable for both beginners and professional skiers.

For example, near a town called Belokurikha there are two winter resorts, very popular among fans of winter sports. The most famous of them, the Grace SLC, is equipped with six tracks of different categories of difficulty, from very easy to rather difficult descents. Accordingly, the tourist infrastructure is fully developed, there are many cafes, an equipment rental point and a school for beginners. Although for those who are still not very confident on skiing, the small Danilovka complex is more suitable. Here, too, there is its own slope and convenient lifts, but the tracks are not an example easier. Still, it’s better to go to Gorny Altai when there is a lot of snow and you can have a fun winter vacation.

And for those tourists who like difficult long descents, a trip to the recently opened Artybash complex is suitable. The resort, which opened in 2015, is rapidly gaining popularity among skiers and snowboarders. The slope is 2500 meters long with a height difference of 250 meters. In addition to the laid tracks, they can offer an individual program. For example, an athlete can be thrown to the top of the mountain to increase the duration of the descent and drive along the pristine slope.

Mud resort Yarovoye

Big Yarovoye Lake in Altai

Locals have long considered the Big Spring Lake a place to restore health. It is located in the Kulundinskaya steppe, the edge of many salt lakes. Spring among these reservoirs is the largest and most famous among tourists.

The water in this shallow lake is so salty that it supports a person on the surface, preventing him from drowning. It is established that water in its healing properties and composition is very similar to the water of the popular Dead Sea in Israel.

It is not surprising that many guests come to rest and improve their health in these places. Therefore, planning when it is better to go to Altai in the summer, it is worth pre-booking places in several hotels of the village. The village of the same name is located literally on the lake and in the warm season it is quite crowded.

For those who want to seriously engage in health, it is better to stay in the treatment center "Lake Yarovoye". Healing water with many dissolved salts and healing mud from the bottom of the lake effectively help with nervous disorders, respiratory diseases and many other problems.

The salt lake is literally lost in the center of the steppe, the shores here are sandy and there is always a lot of sun. And the steppe wind is constantly blowing, so it is very easy to sunbathe. The water is very salty, so you should not dive with your eyes open, this can lead to irritation. Although a wonderful vacation and a lot of impressions quickly distract from these small inconveniences.

In Altai by car

Mountain Altai Roads

Such an active type of recreation, such as a trip by car on the roads of the country, is gaining more and more popularity. And in Altai, with its vast distances and amazing natural beauties, it will be difficult to drive in places, but very interesting.

When deciding when it is better to go to Altai on your own, it is better to choose a warm season. There are many mountain roads and a pass, the movement of which in bad weather is almost impossible.

The most popular route is a trip along the famous Chuysky tract with a stop in interesting places and spending the night in campsites or in a tent on the banks of the Katun River.

It will not work to cover the whole Altai in one trip, but you will be able to enjoy the beauties in full. The road begins in the city of Biysk, it is considered a kind of gateway to the Altai Mountains. There will be no problems with parking; there are many tourist camps and campsites in roadside villages.

Views of the Altai Mountains are very beautiful, literally on each pass I want to stop and take a lot of photos.

The protected places of Altai

In a small article, it’s difficult even to simply list all the unique natural attractions of Altai that you need to see.

  • Barnaul ribbon boron. This is a huge, almost 400 kilometers, preserved from the time of glaciation pine forest located on the left bank of the Ob River. Many animals live freely in the dense forest: deer, roe deer, wild boars, foxes. And beavers settled in quiet backwaters. On the territory there are several secluded resorts and a summer camp.
  • Red mountain. This is an ancient extinct volcano with a height of 2500 meters. Of course, the mountain is not very high and you do not need special skills to climb it. But here it is very beautiful. This area is popular because of the cascade of several mountain lakes, with clear water and icy shores. And also the fact that here you can admire the beautiful clouds, "hooked" on the reddish peak.
  • Stone mushrooms of the Ak-Kurum tract. An amazing cluster of stone blocks due to the weathering of mushrooms that have taken the form. It seems that their "hats" are about to fall from a thin base. And all this against the backdrop of mountain peaks and a beautiful river valley.
  • Martian landscapes in Chagan-Uzun. Surprisingly unearthly views of colored mountains, as if painted with red, green and yellow stripes. It is best to come here at dawn when few people and the colorful mountains are well lit. The impression that this is not the surface of our planet, but of the neighboring lifeless Mars.
  • Aktru Glacier. One of the most beautiful, but also inaccessible places of Altai. The glaciers are very majestic and descend almost to the climbing center on Mount Aktru-Bashi, whose height is more than 4000 meters. By the way, from the center you can get to the beautiful Blue Lake, framed by icy cliffs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21660/

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