How to make a machine gun in Minecraft? Learning to create heavy weapons

Today we will talk with you about how to make a machine gun in Minecraft. The fact is that the portable version cannot be built. Only a big "bandura", which takes up a lot of space. Nevertheless, this type of weapon is perfect for defense. Let's see what needs to be collected for it.

how to make a machine gun in minecraft


So, the first resource that will be required during construction is blocks. Any, loose, solid blocks. The machine gun in Minecraft should stand on a stand from this resource. Remember that the stronger the blocks, the better your weapon will come out.

In order for the design to be even more stable and durable, it is better to use metal or stone blocks. They are obtained quite easily - by processing the appropriate raw materials. There are a lot of different resources in the game world, so choose the ones that seem more suitable for you, and then proceed to analyze the question: "How to make a machine gun in Minecraft?". Let's see what other components must be present for the building.

Lever arm

Another item that will be required when erecting your weapon is a lever. He does not meet in the world already ready. These items must first be created independently, and then used as directed.

machine gun in minecraft

How can I craft it? You will need a stick and a cobblestone. So look for wood! From it, in turn, you get boards, which are then combined into a stick. You can use absolutely any tree. It does not differ in properties, only in color.

Cobblestone is obtained after processing stone blocks. At what, he appears quite often. In addition, not only the Minecraft machine gun requires cobblestones and stone blocks to create. These materials are one of the fundamental topics for crafting. You can find them almost everywhere. Now that you have got a few cobblestones and strong blocks, made a lever and prepared for further creation, let's try to get more "interesting" materials.

Red stone

So now it's time to talk about how we can get our weapons to work. As with many mechanisms, you need energy. Where does it come from? Of course, from red dust. And she, in turn, is mined from special blocks.

If you are considering how to make a machine gun in Minecraft, you will have to look carefully for red stones. When you find a deposit of this material, use a diamond or iron pickaxe for mining. You will need to "dig out" 7 units of this resource. True, it is better to take it more. After all, we still need it!

how to make a machine gun in minecraft

Where is the best place to start your search? Deep underground! Approximately at a depth of 20-30 meters you can stumble upon deposits of red ore. From it you will receive the necessary material. True, you can crawl a bit through the caves - the necessary resources can also be found there. Now we have to study the last necessary subjects, and then proceed to construction.

Red torch and other "charms"

Remember we stocked up with red dust and blocks? Now it's time to talk with you about why we need a supply of this material. To create the so-called red torch.

Without it, you will not be able to activate your building. True, torches are the item that you have to craft yourself. Thus, use all resources to good use. To create a torch, combine the stick with one unit of red dust. Where to get both materials we have already said.

Now it remains to create an outstanding mechanism from the stone block and create arrows, which our machine gun will then shoot. After everything you need is in your inventory, you can finally answer how to make a machine gun in Minecraft.

Create a pedestal of 6 blocks. Place the outstanding mechanism on it. Put the red block on the back. Now it remains to attach the lever and fill the weapon with ammunition. When everything is ready - activate the lever. Now you know how to make a machine gun in Minecraft.


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