Dehumanization is ... Definition, examples

Dehumanization is one of the ways of waging an information war, the essence of which is to form a human image of an insignificant creature, a parasite unworthy to exist. The use of this method is based on human fears of the dangerous and unknown.

Dehumanization is one of the most cruel ways of a media war, as it is aimed at eradicating humanity, unity of people and provokes unlimited superiority, permissiveness of dehumanizers over those to whom it is directed.


A classic example where dehumanization was observed is the ideology of Nazi Germany, which spread ideas about the superiority of the Aryans over all other peoples.

Dehumanization is

A similar example is the racist policy of apartheid in South Africa or the mutual desire to “humanize” the Bolsheviks and supporters of the “white” movement during the civil war.

Often dehumanization becomes a weapon in the hands of the warring parties, as was the case during World War II or during the Cold War and the arms race.

There are a lot of examples of this phenomenon. It is still actively used in the media today.

Dehumanization of culture

This term was introduced by the world-famous Spanish culturologist and philosopher José Ortega y Gasset. According to the definition given by him in 1925, dehumanization is the elimination of everything “too human” from art, everything that has aesthetic beauty. Reproduction of life in "forms of life itself" is supposed.

dehumanization of culture

This method of information warfare is an extremely dangerous weapon that the "tops" of political power use to completely destroy the image of those who are objectionable, whether it be enemies or competitors. With the help of the media, the Internet and mass art, a negative image of people who have been dehumanized is created in the minds of people.


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