Power of attorney for the export of a child abroad. Passport for a child up to a year

A child may go abroad with one or both parents, adoptive parents or guardians, as well as with accompanying persons. Independent check out is also possible.


For departure, the child must have documents for crossing the border, one of the obligatory is a passport. You can issue both a new biometric and an old sample. According to the documents of the father or mother, the child cannot leave. If parents have old-style passports, then entering the data on a minor citizen in them serves only as confirmation of kinship, but the departure of minors is not possible. New passports with electronic media do not record children. The photograph must be present in the passport, regardless of the age of the minor citizen.

power of attorney for the export of a child abroad

When leaving the country, minor citizens must have documents confirming kinship (birth, guardianship, marriage certificates, etc.), among which the power of attorney for the export of a child abroad is also mandatory. If the surnames of the parents are different, then you need to provide a copy of the marriage certificate, notarized.

If the mother or father is abroad, then they should contact the consulate to draw up the necessary documents. They are then sent by mail so that the child receives permission to travel abroad and is able to travel outside the country.

Differences between old and new passports

The old and new passports are almost the same, except for a few differences. The first is a microchip built into the new sample, which contains a lot of personal data, the second is a two-dimensional photo, and the third is the validity period of passports. The old one is five years old, and the new one is ten.

border crossing documents

Registration of a passport

A passport for a minor child is issued only by parents or guardians, independent receipt of it by a minor is excluded. Documents are filed at the place of registration. The cost of the old passport and biometric varies greatly in value.

At the place of registration, a passport is issued within a month, if this happens in another city, then the terms are increased four times. Copies will be required: birth certificates, passports and passports of parents. Also needed are receipts of paid state duty, photographs, a questionnaire and a power of attorney for the export of a child abroad. Proof of citizenship is also needed.

Registration of a biometric passport

You can make a biometric passport, which is also suitable for children up to a year. To do this, you need: a completed application form, photocopies of passports and inserts about the citizenship of the parents, the birth certificate of the baby and 3 matte black and white photographs.

permission to travel abroad

Parental consent

Crossing the border by children is only possible with the consent of those responsible for the child. At the same time, the permission of both parents for the removal of the child from the country is not required - a positive decision of either the father or the mother is sufficient. True, sometimes there are exceptions (more on this below). If it is impossible to obtain the consent of the second parent for any reason, then a document is provided that confirms these circumstances. For instance:

  • Form No. 25 from the registry office, if the mother has a single certificate;
  • death certificate of the absent parent;
  • if it is impossible to determine its location - a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • the court's decision.

Departure is not possible if, with the consent of one parent, a protest is received from the second. In this case, the situation can only be resolved in court.

But keep in mind that not all countries can be entered without the consent of the second parent. And many will require the legal consent of those responsible for the minor. In some countries, they will still be asked at the entrance to present permits from two parents (it is possible without legal registration), sometimes even despite the fact that the child travels with both.

rules for the export of children abroad

Parent disagreement

The person in charge of the child (parent, guardian, guardian) may not give his consent to the export of a minor citizen abroad. To do this, he needs to submit a statement of disagreement to the territorial migration service, border control or the consulate.

Power of Attorney

If relatives or unauthorized persons take the minor out of the country, a power of attorney is required to take the child abroad. For example, if he is sent to rest with relatives abroad, to a children's camp, for treatment, an excursion, etc. A power of attorney is a document that is notarized and presented upon departure to the customs or border service.

A power of attorney is required from both parents or, if there is one, a guardian who is drawn up for a third party. In this case, the child must have a separate passport and a copy of the birth certificate. If there is no second parent, then you need to submit documents on the reasons for his absence. Everything except a passport is notarized. If, instead of a power of attorney, a simple consent was made to leave unaccompanied, then persons who travel with him will not be liable for the minor.

No power of attorney required

A power of attorney is not required if the minor is traveling with his mother or father, and there is no injunction to leave the country. And in the event that he travels for a short period, and outside the country does not provide for a permanent place of residence or his adoption (adoption). But at the same time, it is necessary to take a birth certificate anyway, since they can ask him at the customs.

removal of minor children abroad

Which countries will require a power of attorney

The rules for the export of children abroad provide for the execution of a power of attorney, which, however, is not needed in all countries. For example, it will be required in the Netherlands, Ireland, Croatia, Estonia, England, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Chile and Canada. If a minor travels with one of the parents, then a power of attorney is needed from the second, if without them, then from both.

When entering Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, it will also be required. In some states, it needs to be translated into the local language. In Egypt and Turkey, a power of attorney is not required from the second parent.

If the names of the parents and children do not match, then you must have documents with you confirming the relationship.

The timing

It is necessary to indicate the dates for visiting countries, and filling out a power of attorney for the child’s export abroad is better if they are “with a margin”, as unforeseen situations may arise. The law of the Russian Federation does not define the term for which it is issued, although according to general rules it generally amounts to 3 years. A document can be issued only before the child comes of age.

Notaries usually draw up a document for no more than three months, referring to the recommendations of the Notary Chamber. But for a long time it is pointless to draw up it, since the border service requires fresh documents for departure.

the procedure for the export of children abroad

Schengen visa for children

The export of minor children abroad often requires a Schengen visa, which is required for registration:

  • an application for its receipt (filled out in duplicate and signed by parents or guardians);
  • photos according to the established model;
  • copies of parental passports (or guardians);
  • a child’s travel document or a copy of the original passport of the parents where the information about the minor is entered;
  • birth certificate - it is possible both the original and a notarized copy;
  • certificate from a kindergarten or school;
  • certificate of work of parents;
  • child health insurance policy;
  • confirmation of the financial security of the minor. If the child travels separately from his parents, then a sponsorship letter is required , a document confirming kinship and an extract from the bank for the person who acts as a sponsor, which indicates the availability of funds in the account and indicates the salary.

Documents are translated before submission to English (or into the language of the country that is the final destination). Do not require a passport, bank information and insurance policy.

children crossing the border

In the absence of a mother or father, additional documents must be provided: deprivation by a court of parental rights, death certificate or a certificate of a mother (father) -one. For guardians, confirmation from the competent authority.

How to apply for a passport for a child up to a year

To travel abroad, even a child up to a year will need a passport. But there are a number of nuances. If his parents have old-style documents, then the minor can be written on a separate page by pasting a photograph there. But if the parents have biometric passports, then it is not possible to enter a child in them, so a separate one is drawn up. Ordinary passports are prepared in one month, but it also requires a visa, which is done separately for the child.

A child’s passport up to a year is issued only a new sample - a biometric. Its service life is 10 years. Despite the fact that an infant changes over the years, individual biometric data remains the same. You can get a document not only on time, but also in an accelerated mode, but its cost will be much higher.

For registration, the child is taken to the OVIR, where his biometric data is digitized. This procedure is not at all dangerous and simple.

For registration, there is a procedure for the export of children abroad, where you must first fill out a questionnaire. This is done by a person who represents the interests of the child. Together with the questionnaire, four photos of the baby, copies of documents of parents or guardians, two types of applications for the issuance of subsequently international passports are submitted. If before that the passport has already been issued, then a copy of it is required.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21673/

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