Glue for rubber boats: which is better? How to make glue for a rubber boat with your own hands?

Manufacturers of rubber boats today produce models with increased strength and reliability in operation. Nevertheless, tissue damage remains one of the most common reasons for contacting repair services. Specialists charge a lot of money for their services to restore the integrity of the craft, but in most cases repairs can be done on their own. It is enough to use glue for bonding a rubber boat, bought in a store or made by yourself. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right composition so that it not only provides a direct adhesive effect, but also can withstand further loads in the process of using the boat. To determine the best option for this tool, you should familiarize yourself with an overview of the most effective market offers.

glue for rubber boats

Rubber based compounds

Most adhesives recommended for boat repairs are made on a rubber basis. Such tools have many common advantages, which can be attributed to ease of use, and to the direct function of the adhesive mass. Inflatable boats are mostly produced from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). There are special models of adhesive products for such synthetic fabrics, but boat manufacturers also diversify the characteristics of PVC, which complicates the tasks of choice. So, the main advantage that glue for a rubber boat of this type has is versatility. Regardless of the density and texture of the coating, you can use such tools to seal holes and repair seams.

The glue is also convenient in working with large areas. If, for example, it is necessary to fix several holes or plan to work with oblong cuts, then the composition will be comfortable to use due to its long stickiness. Despite its synthetic origin, glue for rubber boats of this type is environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and harmless to humans. Regarding the preservation of viscosity and strength, the high performance of such an adhesive as a binder component confirms the successful experience with wood and plastic materials.

Rubber Crumb Adhesive

glue for rubber boat

This is a specific type of adhesive, designed for laying rubberized coatings and tracks. In particular, they are used in the arrangement of children's and sports grounds, which in itself indicates a high level of reliability. It is advisable to use such glue for rubber boats because of its ability to cushion. That is, if dynamic loads, as a rule, have a destructive effect on the hardened mass of conventional compositions, then the shock-absorbing structure allows them to withstand. In addition, the means for crumb rubber have an anti-slip effect.

However, among the disadvantages of this glue should be noted requirements for the conditions of application. First of all, it is important to observe the temperature regime. It is desirable to carry out repair work in warm time. By the way, when determining which glue is best to glue a rubber boat, you should pay attention to the level of humidity. This applies not only to compositions of this type, but also to all adhesive mixtures. Typically, a moisture level of not more than 70% is recommended.

One or two component adhesive?

Two-component compositions appeared not so long ago. They differ in the possibility of obtaining a better result, therefore their cost is higher. The final effect is due to the characteristics of the compositions. In the case of single-component products, the necessary ingredients are already included in the adhesive, including dispersion bases with hardeners and water. Two-component glue for rubber boats may include polyester hardeners and compounds, but mixing them must be done only before work. The setting period can reach 40 minutes, but complete solidification is possible in a day.

which glue is better for repairing a rubber boat

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that single-component compositions are more practical to use and cheaper, although their working qualities are inferior to two-component analogues. Accordingly, if it is planned to handle minor damage, it makes sense to use a simple glue for rubber boats with one functional ingredient. By the way, tools based on two components are more often used by professionals.

Will Moment glue be effective?

One of the most popular representatives of polyurethane compounds is Moment glue in a special version. By the way, this is not just a universal tool for gluing PVC fabrics, namely the composition for inflatable boats. A feature of this tool is the combination work with hard and soft layers of PVC. However, if the question is which glue is best for rubber boats with polypropylene or polyethylene, then Moment will have to be excluded. In other cases, the use of this composition allows for high bonding strength.

Compared to other polyurethane-based products, this option has increased protection against external influences, in particular from alkalis and acids. At the same time, such glue for a rubber boat is non-toxic and frost-resistant, which is suitable for fishermen using boats in cold weather.

What would be the best option?

glue for bonding a rubber boat

Among the large number of options, of course, there are those that better cope with the immediate task of clutch. However, high strength, as a rule, determines the corresponding cost, and cheap products often lose in terms of wear resistance. If we talk about the optimal solution, you should answer the question regarding what glue is used for rubber boats more often than others. It will be a one-component rubber-based compound designed to work with polyvinyl chloride.

Perhaps the most common representative of this group is glue "4508". With it, boat owners quickly and cost-effectively eliminate defects on the hull surface. The composition of this product includes rubber and resins, which during the hardening process gain elasticity and adapt to the structure of boat fabric.

DIY glue making

Even the purchase of a high-quality composition in some cases does not save the owner of the water transport from additional hassle. The fact is that the preparation of the composition often requires the use of auxiliary components already at the place of work. So, among experienced fishermen, the question of how to make glue for a rubber boat using gasoline is quite popular. Actually, gasoline in this case will act only as a component that supplements the rubber base of rubber. To begin with, the rubber is cut into small strips, after which it is poured with a fuel mixture. Further, rubber swelling should be expected. Thus, the rubber will dissolve as new portions of gasoline are added until a uniform mass is formed. In finished form, such glue can be used not only for PVC, but also for other rubber and synthetic materials.

Preparing the boat for repair

what glue is better to glue a rubber boat

The correct implementation of the gluing technique is no less crucial step than the choice of adhesive. But preparation portends this operation. Having decided which glue is best for repairing a rubber boat in a particular case, you can begin to analyze the upcoming work. At this stage, an inspection is carried out, and the parameters of cuts, holes, holes and other damages are revealed. If necessary, you can use a detergent that can detect subtle defects. Next, the problem areas are treated with a fine-grained skin. This procedure will increase the adhesion of polyvinyl chloride with an adhesive. After this, proceed to degreasing the damaged area and begin processing with glue.

Seam bonding

how to make glue for a rubber boat

Experienced users of inflatable boats know that seams are the weakest point. In this case, you have to deal with a tape that runs along the entire length of the seam. All places where it exfoliates must be treated with an abrasive and degreased. Then you can apply glue for rubber boats, distributing it evenly along the entire length of the seam. Two joined surfaces should be tightly brought together with each other, providing fixation with a press or fingers. Such areas are difficult precisely because of the problems of mixing, since they will have to maintain fit for several hours or even days.

Transom bonding features

There are some nuances in the repair of the transom. This is the place where the motor is fixed, so the loads on it are considerable. Consequently, the glue for a rubber boat should be selected the most reliable - in this case, two-component polyurethane compounds are just right. This choice will be optimal due to the high adhesion function, and due to its ability to stick foreign non-rubber elements. The procedure itself is performed in the usual way. The site is degreased, after which the composition is applied and, if necessary, auxiliary pressing is organized.


which glue is better for rubber boats

There are many ways and recipes that can cope with damage to the hull of an inflatable craft. However, glue for rubber boats remains the most reliable solution. Do-it-yourself repairs can be done in minutes. Another thing is that special products for PVC require a long drying period. If a suitable high-quality glue has been selected and all conditions in the organization of repair have been met, then the boat can be extended for several years. As experienced fishermen note, often places with patches glued in this way are the most reliable on the entire surface of the boat.


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