Cadastral valuation of land: procedure, methods and results

Peopleโ€™s life is connected with the earth. Various transactions can be conducted with it. Often you need to know its profitability and usefulness. That is why the cadastral valuation of land. The procedure is carried out according to generally accepted rules. The land by cadastral number can be found to request the necessary information.

About the event

Cadastral valuation of land is an applied economic analysis of supply and demand for use and determining the exact price of land. All valuation options, including cadastral, are necessary to establish the monetary value of the price of land.

cadastral valuation of land

The cadastral valuation of land differs from the rest in that it is considered the main indicator for taxation and is carried out by the mass method. As a result, the territory is divided into parts, the price, cadastral value and market value are established, which are considered suitable for sale in market conditions.

The principles for performing the assessment are established by law. Based on them, the cost of different lands is determined. The norms of this procedure are spelled out in article 66 of the RF Labor Code.

What is it for?

Cadastral valuation of land is performed for:

  • Possibilities for formalizing gift, rent, sale transactions;
  • obtaining loans in which land will be a pledge;
  • in case of property disputes;
  • collection of documentation by bailiffs;
  • privatization;
  • insurance;
  • investment valuation;
  • attraction of shareholders;
  • company valuations;
  • use of the facility as authorized capital;
  • damage assessment;
  • formation of taxation.

For these events, it is necessary. Cadastral valuation of land in all cases is standard.

Assessment Features

Lands have features that affect the assessment results:

  • they will not be the result of labor;
  • limited in space;
  • cannot be replaced by other means;
  • have a permanent location;
  • with proper use, do not become worthless;
  • have different quality in different areas;
  • have their own useful characteristics;
  • have the property of fertility;
  • are considered a spatial support in various fields of activity.

cadastral valuation of land

The concepts of "land" and "land" have several differences. Land is a territory that is not developed and has no improvements. And the site is the territory where improvements were made for the intended purpose.

Types of Improvements

Changes may be:

  1. External (construction of communications, roads, streets).
  2. Internal (landscaping, planning, construction work).

Valuation is used for all types of land. The standard property includes land and buildings. Cadastral valuation of land is performed for each object. An event is often held not with property, but with rented property. Then the lease rights are evaluated.

Mass and unit

In world practice, there are two assessment options:

  1. Bulk. Used for several sites over a large area.
  2. Single. It is applied systematically. The procedure requires a thorough analysis of the existing market.

Best Performance Analysis

During the assessment, an effective method of land use should be established. For this, many factors are taken into account:

  • location;
  • market situation;
  • financial expenses;
  • physical characteristics and the ability to make improvements;
  • physical feasibility of the project;
  • technological feasibility;
  • conformity of purpose and use;
  • establishment of profitability.

state cadastral valuation

State cadastral valuation of land can be performed in various ways. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Normative method

Sets the normative value of the plot. It is used for:

  • transfer to ownership or redemption;
  • donation or inheritance;
  • exemption by the state;
  • obtaining a loan.
  • setting share value.

When the state cadastral valuation of an object consisting of land with leasehold rights is carried out, the cost is determined on the basis of the costs established with its allotment for construction.

Sales Comparison Method

plot by cadastral number

It is considered an effective and convenient method. To set the price of land, you need to assess the market position. If the appraiser does not have examples of transactions, then current demand should be considered.

The following are taken into account:

  • property rights;
  • market situation;
  • terms of sale;
  • terms of financing;
  • location of the facility;
  • the presence of engineering structures;
  • physical characteristics;
  • zoning;
  • utilities;
  • effective use cases;
  • economic situation.

This approach provides the opportunity to get accurate results.

Land rental capitalization method

With this method, it will be possible to process information about rental rates for land and set their price as rental income. The fee is capitalized in the form of regular income. The indicators of the procedure are set according to sales and rental costs. There is a formula by which the price of land is fulfilled. The result is the amount of rental income divided by capitalization. The last rate is calculated by dividing the rental price of such sites by their price.

The rent is determined by:

  • location of the site;
  • form;
  • size
  • the presence of engineering structures;
  • transport links;
  • type of land use.

In Russia, land for lease is transferred from the state or municipality. The rate is set at the standard cost, which is not always equal to the market.

Distribution method

The object of cadastral valuation is analyzed using the ratio of the value of the plot and buildings. The method is more suitable for new buildings that must meet the best use of land. The area under the old objects will have a large share in the value of the object in comparison with the building.

cadastral valuation

For this method, you need to have information about the price ratio of buildings and land of a particular type. The results of the event will be indicative, unreliable.

Extraction method

The value of the plot on which the buildings are present is determined, and if there is information about the amounts of transactions with similar real estate. With this option, you must perform the procedure in the prescribed sequence:

  • comparative elements of objects are established;
  • differences from the evaluated territory are determined;
  • adjustment is in progress;
  • market value is approved;
  • the price of improvements is determined;
  • set the value of land.

This option is suitable for land where there are small buildings. It is used in the absence of normal activity on the market.

Residue method

There is an assessment of land that needs to be improved by buildings for profit. The work is carried out in the following stages:

  • income from the property is established;
  • income from buildings is determined;
  • income is capitalized.

Patching Method

The Federal Cadastral Service includes land information. For assessment, the method of dividing land into plots can be used. It is executed in the following sequence:

  • set the number and size of plots;
  • cost is determined;
  • expenses are calculated;
  • net profit is determined;
  • a discount rate is set in which risks will be reflected.

Land development will require the costs of clearing the territory, planning and dividing into plots, the construction of an engineering system, roads, salaries for employees, insurance, advertising.

Order of conduct

Such work can be done by appraisal institutions. The procedure can be divided into the following steps:

  1. The contract is drawn up. To compile it, you need to know the purpose of the work, standards, land category, type of use, ownership, restrictions, information from the cadastre, the presence of buildings.
  2. The date of the work is assigned.
  3. Information is collected and analyzed: documents, characteristics, description, land features.
  4. Economic indicators are taken into account.
  5. Organized inspection of the facility and territory.
  6. Documentation is being prepared.
  7. Real estate market analysis is being carried out.
  8. Estimation option is set.
  9. Consistent results.
  10. A report is being compiled.

land cadastral valuation results

The Federal Cadastre Agency contains information on real estate, including by land. When conducting various transactions, inquiries from this organization are necessary.


The results of the cadastral valuation of land are made out in the form of a written report. Its content should be as required by federal law. In practice, there is no single report form, so all organizations can provide documents that are different in appearance.

But the information, the form of the event and the results must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of cost data;
  • content and evaluation method;
  • verification of results;
  • reasonable information;
  • principle of uniqueness;
  • decoding of terms;
  • verifiability;
  • lack of intermediate optional information.

When writing a report, the contractor must deliver the results on time, indicate the date of implementation, standards. When determining the value, its criteria are fixed. The report will contain important data on the method used. The report is numbered and stitched, signed and stamped.

federal cadastral service
If the site is known by cadastral number, then it will be very simple to find the necessary information about it. The cost of the event is determined by the area of โ€‹โ€‹the site, its location and tasks. In all regions of the country, the price is different, but the average is 2 thousand rubles. The assessment is performed no more than 5 working days.

Determining the cadastral value will allow you to sell the land at the appropriate price. As it changes, the procedure must be performed before the transaction. The cost changes due to a change in destination. The procedure is necessary for the correct execution of various transactions with the land.


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