DIY Ekibana - The Art of Composing

The ancient art of composing floral arrangements (Ekibana) originated in Japan and conquered the whole world. It is akin to the poetry of the land of the Rising Sun: succinct, refined and filled with symbols. When creating an Ekibana, it is possible to use not only flowers, but also other plants, as well as objects: porcelain, stones, glass, clay. Compositions are designed to express the beauty of nature.

To find out how Ekibana is created with your own hands, it is worth getting to know it better. The name can be translated as "second life of flowers." According to legend, this art appeared thanks to a Buddhist monk. The main elements are three. The first two are Heaven and Earth, and the third is Man and simultaneously the Flower. Individual parts of the composition also carry a certain semantic load. So, for example, the pine tree represents the concentration of the soul, various fruits denote the body.

DIY Ekibana

Consider the further principles by which Ekibana is compiled - you can really create a real masterpiece with your own hands! It is always worth observing historical traditions. In view of the fact that art appeared as an objectification of prayer, it remains a symbol of the offering to the deity. As the basis of the composition, its central part is established as a symbol of truth. For this purpose, branches of trees serve. They are considered the homes of spirits.

DIY Ekibana photo

Since ancient times, in Japan, the Ekibana was made from pine branches, cypress with its own hands, bamboo and white chrysanthemums were also used . Arrangements changed over time, gradually solemn and naturalistic styles were replaced by the direction of the moriban. It reflected the influence of European civilization. It is this style that is most suitable for any modern interior. The composition is mounted on a metal stand. To get an expressive and beautiful Ekibana, do it yourself with your own hands to fix tree branches and flowers between the needle-rods of the support. The most important thing in the composition is the stem, symbolizing the Sky - syn. Since it is the basis of the future bouquet, it must be durable. A second flower is placed nearby. This soe is the personification of Man. As a rule, it is inclined. In height, this stem should be 2/3 of the height of syn. The shortest is tai - an element denoting the Earth. It is positioned in such a way as to be slightly to the side or in front of the main elements of the composition.

how to make Ekibana do it yourself

Even a short overview of how to make Ekibana with your own hands gives an idea of ​​this art and allows you to try your own forces in creating a masterpiece. The main principle in creating a composition is always considered its simplicity, the impression of incompleteness and asymmetry. It takes many years to fully master the techniques and subtleties of composing traditional Japanese bouquets. But you can independently create a small miracle, following the basic canons. The size of the bouquet depends on the vase you have chosen: its depth and diameter. All elements must be a single whole.

How simple and perfect the Ekibana can turn out with your own hands, the photo shows very clearly. She will bring positive energy to the house, decorate the interior.


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