Muzhegon - a flower with undeserved notoriety

Recently I learned that, it turns out, the reason for the divorces is ivy, which is growing peacefully on the windowsill. I laughed for a long time, but was surprised that many really believe in it. So I decided to conduct a mini-investigation on this topic.

Legends and superstitions are firmly entrenched in some domestic flowers. There are terrible rumors about many types of plants that they spread negative energy, and some even drive men out of the house.

muzhegon flower
Muzhegon is a flower to which such notoriety has stuck. Most often, ivy and creepers are classified as such. Is it true or are we just attributing our problems with men to โ€œpoorโ€ plants, we need to figure it out. Many housewives throw out their husbands. The flower, therefore, becomes a victim of myth. Let's try to understand this issue and find out what we should do.

How did it happen that the most popular indoor flowers gained such fame? All this is the influence of people who blame everything around for all their problems, excluding only themselves. If you conduct a survey among the female population, then you can hear completely different opinions. Many believe that the husband is a flower that affects the relationship between a man and a woman, while others think differently. Scientists are convinced that all these conclusions are just rumors and that it is ridiculous to believe in such a thing. Muzhegon - a flower, photos of which are given in this article, can be seen in many books of gardeners and on the corresponding sites. Let's take a closer look at which flowers have gained such fame.

mujegon flower photo

  • Ivy This flower is the most popular among climbing plants. Although he is a husband, a flower can be found in many apartments and gardens. The leaves of this plant are similar to maple. It propagates quite simply with the help of cuttings, takes root almost instantly and grows by the day and not by day.
  • Wax ivy (Hoya). This plant blooms very beautifully, and the aroma that the plant produces is simply beautiful. Growing, ivy can decorate not only the window or wall of your apartment, but also the fence on the street.
  • Scindapsus . Another husband is a flower that does not require a lot of effort to care for it. This plant is ideal for families who are constantly busy and do not have enough free time.

I can honestly say that I know a lot of couples, by the way, they are very happy in marriage, who love these plants and are not afraid of scary rumors about them. If you look at the divorce data, you can see that the statistics are quite contradictory. And blaming innocent flowers for increasing or decreasing the number of divorces is silly.

popular indoor flowers
I personally blame our mentality for all of this. The people, instead of looking for the real reasons for what is happening, changing something in themselves and trying to fix everything, blames the flowers that adorn their life for all troubles. Well, if that is the case, take everything to the trash and wait for the husband to return, and life will become sweet. Believe in different beliefs and fairy tales or not - the decision of each person individually.

If you still think that the plant is to blame for your troubles, then you do not need to throw it away, but simply take it to the office or to another public place where no one can blame the flower for their problems.


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