Details on how to get milk at Minecraft

Today we’ll talk about how to get milk at Minecraft. This product is useful both in the virtual world and in the real one. In the game, it helps to get rid of spells and recover from poisoning. Unfortunately, it also removes positive effects, along with unpleasant ones. To get this, the product needs to work hard.

Instruction manual

how to get milk in minecraft
The short answer to the question of where to get milk at Minecraft is similar to real life. It is given by cows. In this case we are talking about friendly and harmless creatures. We cannot meet vigorous cows in the game. We need to get a bucket of milk at Minecraft. Therefore, first of all, we will acquire this capacity. We will milk milk into it. You should try to find a bucket in chests or abandoned mines. With a probability of 80%, we can assume that we will meet him there. If the attempt is unsuccessful, create a bucket yourself. To do this, we need 3 iron ingots. In turn, we get them by remelting iron ore in a furnace. 1 unit of starting material gives one ingot. Note that iron ore is common, let's go look for it in the lower half of the world. We emphasize that we cannot get this material with a wooden pickaxe. It will require the use of diamond, gold, iron or stone. Having created the bucket, we set off in search of the cows we need. These friendly creatures live in all regions where there is grass and no snow. Most often, they wander aimlessly through a forest or meadow in a small herd of 4-12 individuals.

Product receipt

where to get milk in minecraft
To solve the problem of how to get milk at Minecraft, we approach the cow, take a bucket in our hand and right-click the mouse while holding the cursor on the animal. Wheat or a leash will help bring beneficial creatures closer to our home. In the absence of these items, remember or record the coordinates of their location. It is best to get at least one leash. This is difficult to do at first because mucus is needed. She is a rare item. However, with one leash, we can gradually acquire a significant herd of livestock.


a bucket of milk in minecraft
Now we know how to get milk at Minecraft, but it should be noted that this component, in addition to its usual properties, can also be part of various recipes. For example, it is easy to make a cake out of it. This sweetness performs both a useful and decorative function. The cake makes up for 6 units of satiety, while it is a block that is installed on a horizontal surface. Such a dessert is not very convenient as food, usually the recipe is used for interesting reasons or to decorate the home. In addition to three buckets of milk for the cake you need one egg, cane sugar (two units), wheat in an amount of 3 pieces. To eat dessert, you must first put it on a selected flat surface, then you can "break off" a piece. From now on, you know how to get milk at Minecraft and for what purposes it can be used. Good luck in exploring new opportunities.


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