Control of construction works is the key to ensuring the quality of construction products

The construction of buildings and structures is a long and complex process. Quality control of the work performed during the construction of facilities is carried out by state bodies, representatives of customers, contractors, designers.

Let's talk in more detail about the bodies that carry out technical control in construction.

There are two main forms of supervision work:

  • internal control;
  • external control.

Internal control of construction work

This type of technical supervision at the construction site is carried out by the construction contractors themselves involved in the process of building construction. They draw up a passport for manufactured products, which indicates its compliance with the necessary standards.

Construction control

The result of the input control is the confirmation of the conformity of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the materials, structures, products and documentation coming to the construction site.

Operational control is carried out during the production of certain types of work or immediately after their completion using measurements or technical inspection. All results are recorded in special statements and journals.

Acceptance control of certain types of construction work implies confirmation of the conformity of the final product to quality and a decision on the possibility of operation of the product. This type of control is carried out not only by contractors, but by the customer and designer, so it can be attributed to external control.

External control of construction and installation works is carried out by a number of bodies and units.

  • Technical supervision by the customer. It is carried out throughout the construction period of the facility. The customer checks the compliance of all hidden works at the construction site, accepts the main structures and elements, participates in the acceptance committee. In case of discrepancy in the quality of work, violation of construction technology and other discrepancies, technical supervision by the customer has the right to suspend work until all deficiencies are corrected.
    Control of construction works
  • The control of construction work by the designer is called field supervision. It is also maintained throughout the construction period. In the process of architectural supervision, control over the implementation of design decisions and the requirements of regulatory documents is carried out. Control by the designer is a paid service (by agreement between the customer and the project author).
  • On the part of state bodies, the control of construction works is carried out by the State Architectural and Construction Supervision (GosArkhStroyNadzor). This body is the main controlling link in the process of technical supervision in construction. It carries out its activities at the stages of engineering surveys, design and construction of the facility itself.
    Technical control in construction
    It is GASN that approves the project, issues a permit for the implementation of construction work, monitors the correctness of their conduct on the site. He has the right to stop the construction process, check the availability of any technical documents, be fined for non-compliance with standards and requirements, institute criminal proceedings and so on.
  • The Fire Inspectorate checks the compliance of the construction project with fire safety requirements.
  • The sanitary inspection carries out sanitary and epidemiological control and supervision at the construction site and monitors compliance with measures aimed at protecting the environment.
  • Labor safety control of participants in the construction process and compliance with labor laws is carried out by the technical inspection of trade unions.
  • Control of construction work is carried out using mandatory certification of services in construction and manufactured products.
  • Licensing of survey, design and construction activities is mandatory for organizations engaged in these types of activities.


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