Types of reproduction of the population of the USA and Canada - table

The distribution of population in the world is uneven, for example, there is a country where more than a billion people live (China), as well as the smallest state in the world - the Vatican City, whose area is only 44 kmยฒ and the population is 842 people.

What affects the number of people living in the country and can this be controlled in any way? It all depends on what affects the growth or decrease in their number, namely, what type of population reproduction is currently โ€œworkingโ€.

The USA and Canada will be presented in this article as an example, as highly developed countries with a high level of economic development and social protection of their inhabitants.

What does "reproduction of the population" mean?

According to statistics, more than 100 billion people were born on this planet for the entire time of the existence of mankind. If we trace the history of how the population has changed, then we can note an interesting trend. At first, the number of people on Earth grew extremely slowly until the Middle Ages, but then, already in the new and modern times, an incredible speed jump occurred, for example:

  • From the beginning of the first millennium to the beginning of the Middle Ages, it took humanity nearly six hundred years to double the population of the planet.
  • The subsequent doubling took 250 years.
  • The third time humanity has doubled in just a hundred years.
  • The last thing that has happened in our time, doubling occurred in just 40 years.

To understand how this could happen, all types of population reproduction should be considered. The United States, like no other country, is best suited as an example.

table of types of population reproduction

What are these types? In fact, this demographic concept means the process of the revival of the human generation and the methods that are used. The table below shows all the factors affecting the reproduction of the population.

Let us consider this question in more detail using the example of the USA, Canada and the world as a whole.

World population

To be more precise, then in demography the main part of society is considered to be people capable of work, although the population is the sum of all the inhabitants of the state (planet) that were taken into account during the last census.

The uniqueness of the United States is that for a long time in this country, the main population growth was provided by immigrants. For example, from 1790 (the beginning of the resettlement of people from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America) and until 1994, 64 million people moved to this country for permanent residence.

That is, in just 200 years, the number of people living in the territory that later became the United States of America, from 3.9 million (as of 01/08/1790) rose to 200 million by 1967.

Naturally, not only the migration of people replenished the ranks of Americans. Other types of US population reproduction have also affected such rapid growth and continue to impact. So, there is evidence that on 17.10.2006 at 7:46 a three hundred millionth resident was born in this country. By 2010, the figure increased to more than 308 million people, that is, in just 4 years, the population growth amounted to over 8 million inhabitants.

american nation

Such a picture looms not only in the USA. The types of reproduction of the population of Canada (table of population growth dynamics are given below) are very similar. This country was also initially replenished at the expense of immigrants, in parallel with this, other demographic factors were added, but the British dominion did not reach such proportions as the northern neighbor. According to 2017 data, the number of residents of Canada, occupying the second largest area in the world, is 36,621,288 (more than 300 million in the United States).

If we consider the growth of the population of the Earth as a whole, then its only source is natural movement, i.e., the difference between fertility and mortality. When the first is in the black, it can be said that the number of people on the planet is increasing.

I type

If we talk about this type of reproduction, then this is a demographic crisis. This is what they call low rates of population growth and mortality. That is, if the difference between fertility and mortality is small or even equal to zero (for example, in Italy, Poland and other countries), then this is a demographic crisis: the first type of population reproduction. The USA and Canada (the table below is a proof of that) are qualitatively different in this matter from many European countries.

For example, in January 2018, 328,021,945 live in the United States of America, of which 49.4% are male and 50.6% female. During 2017, 189,989 Americans were born in this country and 124,250 died. On average, more than 9,000 people are born in the United States per day and about 6,000 die, which indicates that the population growth is 0.5-1% .

birth of a child

Similar statistics are observed in Canada. As of January 2018, the country's population is 36 903 423 inhabitants, and the ratio of men and women is the same as in the United States. The type of population reproduction (table below) also coincides - the demographic crisis.

Type II replenishment

Spatial migration is the second type of population reproduction. The United States, like Canada, is a leader among countries with favorable conditions for immigration.

In general, in the demography, the second largest type of population reproduction is the population explosion, in which the birth rate is significantly higher than mortality rates. The countries of Africa (the tropical part) and South-West Asia are in the lead in these parameters, but in the world as a whole this trend has not been observed for a long time, so we will consider such a phenomenon as migration.

US immigration

Resettlement of a person, as a rule, is associated with economic (less often political) factors. It was thanks to people who were ready to abandon their homeland in search of happiness abroad, and the United States was formed. The USA (the size and type of reproduction of the population we are considering) due to immigrants became more and more populated after the first immigrants began to develop the territory of North America. This also applies to Canada.

In short, the type of reproduction of the US population at the expense of immigrants brought this country to the leading place among highly developed states, although in terms of population it is significantly inferior to China (1,387,658,000 people) and India (1,341,359,000).

III type of replenishment

Another way of population reproduction is social geographic mobility. It mainly involves the able-bodied part of people who, for economic reasons, are looking for places where they can find work, earn higher incomes or realize their potential.

The United States, like no other country in the world, is best suited for these purposes. Here they are able to value talents and pay them high. Perhaps that is why this country is also a leader in the field of innovative technologies, medicine and in many other industries.

first settlers in the USA

Canada is considered one of the most favorable countries for immigration, as it provides immigrants with a high level of social protection, as a result of which 34 ethnic groups peacefully coexist, having equal rights and obligations.

US population

As a rule, the starting date for studying the country's population growth is taken in 1950 or 1951, since it was with it that the so-called population explosion began, thanks to which the world population doubled (2.5 billion in the 50th year of the last century and 6, 5 billion for 2006). The USA is not an exception, the level of population growth for every 10 years since 1951 is shown in the table below.

newborns in the hospital
US Population Change



The growth of residents,%


158 846 898



184 677 436



208 542 558



228 499 906



251 594 303



281 313 271



308 554 066



327 908 413


The above figures clearly show a decline in population growth from the middle of the last century to the present day, which is caused by the rise of the country's economy and an improvement in the quality of life.

Canada population

Canada, as a country of immigrants, has also experienced a rise and fall in population, as can be seen in the table below.

immigration to canada
Change in Canada



The growth of residents,%


13 918 496



17 703 903



21 264 214



24 386 691



27 479 479



30 561 060



33 936 366



36 885 861


As can be seen from the data in the table, the population growth in Canada slightly exceeds 1%, which is characteristic of economically highly developed countries in the world.

Reproduction Management Policy

This policy is carried out by many countries in the world. The fact is that there are states whose territories can no longer accommodate a huge number of people without exposing the population to the risk of mass diseases, hunger, or other factors. Such countries include India and China, where birth control policies began in the 20th century.

In other countries, on the contrary, the first type of population reproduction is realized through stimulating economic processes, for example, financing families in which children are born, and each subsequent child can be paid by the state with a larger reward. As an extreme, countries can pass a law banning abortion.

birth control

Considering what type of reproduction of the US population (natural and migratory), the mentioned management policy for this process is not carried out here.


From the foregoing, it can be seen that in the United States and Canada there is a steady upward trend in population. It is determined both by natural causes (birth rate and mortality), and due to the immigration policy of these countries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21717/

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