How to make a crossbow with your own hands without problems?

If at least once in your life you thought about how to make a crossbow with your own hands with good characteristics, then this information is for you. Before describing the manufacturing process, I would like to talk about the device of homemade crossbows in more detail so that you understand the principle of their work.

Crossbow and its advantages

The crossbow is a kind of symbiosis of a bow and a gun. This is a very expensive pleasure if you buy it in a store. Chinese options are more suitable for shooting from a distance of not more than a dozen meters.

Therefore, the problem so urgent is how to make a crossbow with your own hands, so that it is powerful and at the same time accurate and heapy. To do this, you must follow some manufacturing rules.

Crossbow Instructions

Before you make a crossbow from a tree, you need to decide on all its parameters:

  • the height and length of the product should not exceed twenty centimeters;
  • the length of the bed is taken at about 675 millimeters;
  • the weight of the crossbow should not be more than 1.5 kilograms;
  • onions should be made about half a meter long;
  • the course of the bow should be 225 mm.

how to make a crossbow with your own hands
Compliance with all of the above sizes is very important when deciding how to make a crossbow with your own hands more accurate and heapy. After all, it depends on its balance and stability when shooting.

The onion spring plate is selected at least 2 mm. For example, you can apply for these purposes a spring bezel from the sofa. Springs from an old sofa are also suitable. Provided that you do not have anything suitable available, I will give you one piece of advice on how to make a crossbow with your own hands from those materials that lie right under your feet. Often mattresses are thrown into the landfill due to their obsolescence. Therefore, you need to walk around the landfill and look for the right springs.

A bow consisting of four springs is capable of pushing an arrow with a force of up to 25 kilograms. To shoot up to 15 meters, this is enough. For the first tests of the crossbow, you can take a simple packing rope. In the future, using a steel cable of two or three millimeter thickness, you can increase the reliability of the bowstring dozens of times.

how to make a crossbow from wood
The trigger mechanism is best made such as that of medieval crossbows. This circuit is time-tested and easy to manufacture. The stroke length of the trigger is taken 15 mm. In order not to strain too much with the manufacture of the trigger mechanism, you can use for this purpose the details of the fastener from the Rubin TV of the old modification.

We make a bracket for pulling a bowstring and a trigger from a wire of 5-6 mm. The arrow holder is even easier to make. It is enough to take simple paper clips and attach them in the right place to the crossbow.

After that, the plate bow is inserted into the groove, observing the angle of its installation with the groove of 72 degrees. Thus, with a relaxed bowstring, the distance of the latter to the gutter should be 5 mm.

how to make a crossbow for hunting
When shooting, you can use not only purchased arrows, but also made by yourself. For these purposes, boxes of fruit are well suited. A small piece cut from a plastic bottle can serve as a stabilizer for arrows.

If you are thinking about how to make a crossbow for hunting yourself, then you can’t do without increasing its strength. To do this, you just need to add the number of springs.

You also need to remember that the arrows must be the same anyway. Inaccuracy in manufacturing will lead to an increase in the accuracy of their hit in the target, and therefore to misses.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a crossbow. One has only to make an effort and a little perseverance, and you will become the owner of a real masterpiece!


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