"Troncil-K" for cats: method of use, dosage, contraindications, reviews

Helminthiasis affects not only homeless cats, but pets. This is due to the active fecundity of parasites. They sow a huge number of eggs, so even a pet who does not go outside has a chance to get helminths. Preparations from worms for cats will help protect your pet from infection. One of them is Troncil-K.

Description of the drug

tronzil k for cats use

Troncil-K has a detrimental effect on various types of parasites and nematodes (round and flat worms). The active components of the drug are praziquantel and pyrantel, and formative substances are also present. Troncil-K tablets are packed in blister foil plates. Each of them contains 10 tablets. Cardboard packaging contains two such blisters. On sale you can also find a novelty - tablets "Troncil-K" in plastic containers.

The drug has no special differences from conventional drugs. The pills should be a pure white color. A slight yellow tint is allowed. Extraneous inclusions are excluded.

How does the drug work?

Tronzil K tablets

The principle of action of the drug "Troncil-K" differs from other drugs with identical purpose. Its components block the connection and absorption of glucose in the tissues of helminths, as a result of which they die. Such substances contribute to the permeability of the cell membrane. This leads to impaired transmission of neuromuscular impulses. The parasite worm is paralyzed, and it does not have the ability to gain a foothold in the intestines. As a result, it is excreted from the body of the animal through feces. The advantage of the drug is that it is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract of the cat. This usually takes 3-4 hours. The maximum concentration lasts for 24 hours. The drug is excreted from the body through urine and feces. It takes no more than two days. The medicine is devoid of cumulative effect.

"Troncil-K" for cats: method of application and dosage

troncil for instructions for use
The method of administration of the drug should be agreed with the veterinarian. If the dosage is observed, the drug does not pose a threat to the pet. The tablet is given to the animal forcibly to the root of the tongue. You can use another way: put it in a piece of cheese or in another treat, which the cat will not refuse. Another option involves diluting the tablet in water. This liquid is necessary for the pet to drink completely.

The animal does not need preliminary starvation before taking a drug such as Troncil-K. For cats, the prophylactic use involves taking the pill once a quarter. If helminths were detected in the animal, the drug should be given in an amount oriented to the body weight of the animal. How to calculate the dose of the drug "Troncil K"? Instructions for use explain everything in detail.

Cat weight:Dosage

up to 1 kg

1/4 tablets
from 1 to 2 kg1/2 tablet
from 2 to 3 kg3/4 tablets
from 3 to 4 kg1 tablet
from 4 to 5 kg1 and 1/4 tablets


The drug "Troncil-K" has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to give anthelmintic tablets to pregnant and lactating animals. The effect on the embryos of kittens is still unknown, therefore veterinarians categorically prohibit its use in such cases. For the same reason, animals that have not reached a month and a half should not drive the worms with a medicine such as Troncil-K for cats. The method of using the drug is described above, however, it is important to note that it is not recommended to combine it with other anthelmintic drugs.

Side effects

As mentioned above, with a proper dosage, Troncil-K does not pose a danger to the life of the cat. It is important that the doses are prescribed by the veterinarian or calculated according to the instructions given above. If the dose has been exceeded, the following adverse reaction may occur: foam from the mouth, shortness of breath, wheezing, slow heartbeat. In a sick, depleted animal, a lethargic condition may occur.


Troncil-K is considered a moderately safe anthelmintic medicine, which means that it is advisable to keep it out of the reach of children. You need to store the tablets at a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees Celsius. Shelf life is 5 years.


worm preparations for cats

Pet owners note that the drug is enough for a long period. Side effects are rarely mentioned. Many of them mention that other preparations for worms for cats did not always cope with the task, but Troncil-K had a good anthelmintic effect in a short time. According to the owners of cats, adult animals can easily tolerate this medication. As a rule, cats refuse to take pills, so owners have to breed a tablet in water or give it along with food.

For most pet owners, the best solution in the fight against worms was the drug "Troncil-K" for cats. The method of application must be agreed with the veterinarian or follow the attached instructions. Only in this way can side effects be avoided and the pet rid of parasites.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21732/

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