Red flowers in landscaping

Red plants are quite common in wildlife, they are especially attractive both for humans and pollinating insects. According to psychologists, red flowers evoke incredible feelings and emotions associated with the urge to activity, energy, passion. They are presented as a sign of deep, ardent feelings. Red color will perfectly contrast with blue and violet, complement will be a combination of green and blue.

Red flowers
Shades of red in the perception of a person when combined with certain colors:

  • a red background is not able to change the shade of red;
  • the green background creates conditions under which red (including red flowers) seems to contain purple;
  • a blue background visually turns red into orange.

The impact of color in terms of psychology

Psychologists have long noted an excessively strong effect of red on human consciousness. The room, which is painted in scarlet, gives the impression of a warm space, and in some situations even hot. It can be used during a training or psychotherapy session for a person prone to melancholy. This color gives an impetus to the quick reaction of the brain, helps to accelerate movements, increases blood pressure, the heart rate accelerates somewhat, breathing becomes faster.

Red flower
Garden decoration

Scarlet, raspberry and other shades of red will completely decorate the garden and create a special festive atmosphere in it. At dusk, red flowers become almost invisible. It is recommended that they be planted mainly in sunny areas. At present, it is quite possible to acquire plants that have amazing beauty of red and purple flowers that will adorn the garden in both spring and autumn. Unlike the paler "brothers", the red flower is better visible at large distances, so it can be planted next to many other plants.

Attractive red shades are characteristic of azalea, Japanese quince, spirea, barberry. In early spring, the very first red flowers grow, in particular tulips, which have a bright color of their petals. Among the summer flowers gifted with this color, it should be noted dahlia, anemone, gladiolus. In total, in nature, there are hundreds of different types of plants of red color. Extraordinarily beautiful and striking in their sophistication - daylilies and lilies. The delicate lily flower (which also happens in red shades) is able to delight the human eye from the early spring until the most autumn colds. Perennial red plants can abundantly decorate a stylish garden. Most often, owners prefer to plant delicate carnations, geyhera or sage, as well as other equally beautiful flowers that differ from each other in shape, size of inflorescences and other signs.

flower with red flowers
Proud and austere asters are able to bloom forever in the frost against the backdrop of many other plants. They are especially unpretentious, therefore, are in great demand among gardeners. Astra most often occupies large spaces in modern gardens, her authoritative rival is a rose, a flower with red flowers of simply fantastic beauty, to which mankind has worthily presented the emblem of love and fidelity. Poppies are no less attractive for their special beauty and a certain charm inherent in such flowers. It would be unfair not to note the natural sophistication of zinnia and cosmea.


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