What is a federation? Russian Federation. The concept of "Federation"

In the world, scientists have about three thousand nationalities, while there are just over two hundred states on our planet. Based on this, we can conclude that most of them are multinational countries, so they form alliances. This is what federation is in the most general sense of the word.

what is federation

Search for ways of government

Over a long, full of the most tragic pages of history, many peoples and individuals tried to arrange the state order in a special way to satisfy those who form the country. This task is quite serious and difficult from a practical point of view. However, the laws of development demanded their own, so such attempts replaced one another.

In ancient times, basically all state formations were held at the expense of military force, however, this principle of construction is fraught with a very dangerous tendency. With the weakening of the military sphere for some reason, everything that was previously suppressed immediately sets in motion. Therefore, this type of government cannot be called long-term. The most striking examples of this destructive process for any country are the Persian Empire, the power of Alexander the Great. All of them went into oblivion with the weakening of military potential. Therefore, in the future, many rulers realized the need for a different building of internal relationships.

types of federations

Union of Peoples

So the concept of "federation". At present, this is a union of various territories into a single whole. At the same time, a certain independence of each part of the state is maintained. This form of union is most in demand, as it allows to take into account the interests of various national groups and lands as much as possible.

Of course, in order to develop the principles of dormitory, I had to go by trial and error. For the first time the aforementioned form of government began to take shape in the XVII-XVIII centuries. This was due to increased public consciousness, as well as a rather extensive chain of bourgeois revolutions. All this brought to life attempts to preserve a single state by transforming it into something fundamentally new. And so the limited sovereignty of the territories that make up a particular country arose. This is what federation is in a political sense.

Russian Federation

The formation of federal countries

Pioneers in this direction were young states, former colonies of European countries. Many of them had a vast territory inhabited by very diverse peoples and nationalities. In order to maintain the unity so necessary for effective resistance to the metropolitan countries, it was necessary to achieve real consolidation. Federalism corresponded to this very well. So the first states of such a plan arose. This is what a federation is for forming a strong independent state.

In the time that has passed since these events in the federal structure, much has changed. Now there are certain types of federations that correspond to both local traditions and general trends in state building. This is primarily due to the complexity of the world order and the determination of the place of each country in it. To maintain your identity, you need to change.

concept of federation

Typology and meaning of the concept

Now let's try to understand the diverse understanding of this way of combining. Types of federations exist as follows:

  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetric.
  • National Territorial.
  • Territorial.
  • Mixed.
  • Constitutional.
  • Negotiated.

Let's consider them in more detail.

So, a symmetric federation means that all the parts that make up the country have the same legal status. Such entities have almost disappeared, although the United States began its journey precisely with this method of unification.

An asymmetric federation is a union of entities with different regulatory statuses (metropolitan districts, republics, regions, etc.).

The territorial variety implies division into parts and does not take into account the national component. Territorial-national, on the contrary, is formed, taking into account only this principle (Belgium).

A mixed federation is created both at the expense of national units, and at the expense of those that are not marked by a specific ethnicity (Russian Federation).

The constitutional association that arose as a result of the aspirations of those in power is, as a rule, a reaction to the political situation. The treaty federation mainly arises as a result of the joint efforts of the peoples living in it.

state federation

Domestic principles of state building

Our country - the Russian Federation - emerged in its modern form in 1991. Given the multinational composition, the leadership went to the creation of a mixed type of association. Moreover, each of the entities has its own emblem, anthem and flag, that is, all signs of statehood, regardless of whether it is a national or territorial region.

The power system, as in any other state of this type, consists of two interconnected levels: federal and regional. At the same time, there is still a local one, but it is not part of the state structure. There is also a bicameral parliament, one of the chambers of which represents regional interests. In our case, this is the Federal Assembly and the Federation Council, respectively.

Until March 2014, 83 entities were part of the Russian Federation. With the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, their number increased to 85. In addition, the city of Baikonur, leased from Kazakhstan until 2050, is also endowed with the status of a city ​​of federal significance. That is what a federation is in our country.

The legal system of our country

On the territory of Russia there is a huge complex of legal acts. All of them are clearly structured and subordinate. The Constitution has absolute legal force in the Russian Federation, not a single adopted law can not comply with it. The next step is the Federal Constitutional Laws, which specify and expand the articles of the basic law of the state. Even lower are the General Federal Laws that govern all types of public relations.

laws of the Russian Federation

Lawmaking and its scope in the Russian Federation

In addition, each entity is also entitled to conduct legislative activity, which applies only to its territory. The laws of the Russian Federation very clearly delineate the scope of regulations. There is such a thing as a subject of reference. So, according to this principle, there are three degrees of separation of the scope of laws adopted in Russia.

  • The subject of reference of the Russian Federation. According to this criterion, laws adopted in the regions of the country on a similar issue should be repealed in the event of a contradiction to the federal one.
  • The subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Subject of the Russian Federation. Based on this principle, regulatory acts of the regions are also repealed if they object to federal law.
  • Outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Subject of the Russian Federation In this case, if the law of an integral part of the country contradicts federal law, a regional regulatory act shall apply.

Prospects for Interethnic Integration

Thus, the state’s federation allows strengthening international cooperation, directing it towards peaceful and productive relations, and in case of danger from the outside it can provide very effective support in the victory over the aggressor. Modern political science suggests that in the future, the basis of the world order will be supranational international cooperation, although separate foci of separatism will always be present. They can be combated in a combination way. Thus, this is what a federation is in perspective, according to scientists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2175/

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