Who is stronger - a wolf or a lynx? Interesting facts about lynxes and wolves

Who is stronger - a wolf or a lynx? This question is not easy to answer. That one, that the other - predators. And quite serious. Their habitats intersect often, so there are chances for a meeting. But even if animals meet, they try to avoid each other. However, anything happens in nature, and sometimes these two harsh predators converge. So who is stronger - a wolf or a lynx? Each user will be able to answer himself, having studied the information about animals.


interesting facts about the wolf

The wolf is the ancestor of the beloved domestic dog, belongs to the wolf family and is its largest representative. The length of his powerful muscular body is from one and a half to two and a half meters, the height can reach 110 centimeters, usually an average wolf with a height of 80-85 centimeters. The mass of the same average wolf, depending on the diet, is from 40 to 70 kilograms. There are specimens weighing more than a hundred kilograms, but a lynx will easily run away from such a heavy enemy. The wolf is a beast living everywhere - and near the Mediterranean Sea, and in Asia, and in the Middle East. Unless it is in South America. In general, the range of this predator, about which there are a myriad of tales and fairy tales, takes an honorable second place after a person.

Before you figure out who will win - a wolf or a lynx, it is important to note that how much a civilized person remembers himself - he always fought with wolves. These clever, cautious animals have long been a big problem for residents of villages and villages. These flocking animals very skillfully drag out domestic cattle, crush chickens and geese. Even alone, the wolf is dangerous, and what can we say, when several of them gather, and they attack the village. Two medium-sized wolves can quite easily lift up a large trained wolfhound.


interesting facts about lynx

Before finding out who is stronger - a wolf or a lynx, we will talk about the second predator. Lynx is a cat breed, that is - a cat. True, the largest in the forests of Russia. And the size of a good big dog. Weight is an average of about 20 kilograms, a body about 100 centimeters long. And although he lives and hunts alone, he is extremely careful, very fast and damn dexterous. Although she is a cat, she differs from domestic purrs not only externally (with a short tail and tassels on her sharp ears). In contrast to the pampered city cats, the lynx is not afraid to attack an adversary (more often prey), which is three, and sometimes even four times larger in size. And this cat easily moves through the trees.

Whose strength is greater?

Lynx also lives in many places around the globe. True, unlike wolves, the number of which due to constant shooting has not decreased very much, the number of lynx has become noticeably less. Many species are even listed in the Red Book.

To complete the story, consider some interesting facts about animals (lynx and wolf).

wolf and lynx

Interesting facts about lynx

Let's look at some interesting information about the first predator:

  1. Lynx really does not like foxes, has a great dislike for them and, as soon as the opportunity arises, tries to destroy these owners of fluffy red fur. This behavior is explained simply: foxes - lovers of stealing someone else's prey and feast on it. Moreover, it was noticed: a lynx does not kill a fox in order to dine with the corpse of an enemy, but simply out of revenge.
  2. Lynx has amazing hearing and can hear a walking person for 3-4 kilometers. Therefore, hunting for this animal is difficult.
  3. By the way, about the man. These forest inhabitants have developed quite peaceful relations with people. Lynx can easily curl the neck of an adult male, but similar facts have not been noted - wild cats in every possible way avoid people. There is a belief: a person who sees a lynx will always be lucky.
  4. In ancient Greece, the animal was given mystical properties - it was believed that they can see through objects. And amber was considered hardened trot urine.
    who will defeat the wolf or the lynx
  5. Even if someone has never seen a lynx, you can easily recognize it by the tassels decorating the ears. This gives some originality to the animal. And itโ€™s noticed: it is worth depriving the lynx of this decoration - and her hearing will noticeably decrease.
  6. A lynx cub is born blind, his eyes open only after two weeks.
  7. Lynx is omnivorous, but loves voles most of all. For normal life, the animal requires at least 2 kilograms of meat per day.
  8. Lynx is very jumping. Her giant jumps can be up to four meters.
  9. The sharpness of the claws is comparable to a razor blade. However, like teeth.
  10. Lynx does not torment the victim, but kills instantly.

For a more detailed comparison of the lynx and the wolf, you should read the facts about the second predator.

interesting facts about the animal

Interesting facts about the wolf

So, consider interesting information about the second beast:

  1. The wolfโ€™s brain is one third more than the canineโ€™s, which means that the gray predator, in theory, should be easier to train. And indeed - they are very well trained animals, but in the whole history of man has not yet been able to tame a single wolf. Yes, and hardly ever tamed.
  2. The more confident the wolf is in himself, the higher his position in the pack. The main factor is not the size of the animal, but the nature.
  3. The mass of the largest wolf that fell under the bullets of hunters was 86 kilograms.
  4. Wolfs are born with sky-blue eyes, but after 3-4 months the blue color is replaced by a golden-red.
  5. Many users are interested in who is faster - a wolf or a lynx. The maximum speed of the wolf is 65 kilometers per hour. Against the lynx 40-45 kilometers - a lot.
  6. Wolves are territorial animals, each family has its own plot. It can be small - 30 square kilometers, and large - up to 60. Sometimes disputes over the territory end in fierce fights, ending in the death of the leader.
  7. Wolves do not see well in the dark, relying more on their sense of smell. Their scent is excellent - animals can distinguish 200 million different shades at a distance of one and a half kilometers.
  8. The wolf moves with an unhurried jog at a speed of about 8-9 kilometers per hour. But if he runs away, saving the skin, then he is able to run quite quickly - up to 56 kilometers per hour.
  9. Cases of wolf attacks on humans are rare. This gray predator is careful and smart, it will attack a person only by defending or protecting the family. Or if you are sick with rabies.
who is faster lynx or wolf

Who is stronger and why?

Who is stronger - a wolf or a lynx? Now we will understand this issue. Facts about both animals are provided to the reader. So, there is an opportunity to decide on your own. I just want to note that cats are so careful that they are unlikely to fight wolves. Lynxes are much easier to turn around and run away. Well, if it still comes to grips, then no speed and agility of the lynx will save from sharp teeth and the wrath of the wolf. Yes, and it is unlikely that the lynx cops with the dog. The bones and hairline of a lynx were found many times in wolf stomachs. And in the stomachs of the killed lynx the wolf pieces never came across. So the answer to the question: โ€œWho is stronger - a wolf or a lynx?โ€ obvious.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21752/

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