Grape transplant in the fall after leaf fall

Grapes are a generous gift of nature, delicious and, due to their antioxidant properties, extremely useful. Zoned varieties of this southern plant are adapted to various conditions and ripen even in a temperate climate, so many summer residents grow vines in their own plots without any problems.

Grape transplant
However, some questions in the practice of amateur viticulture still arise, and the first of them is the transplantation of adult grapes.

Experienced growers argue that replanting adult bushes does not make any sense because of the poor survival rate and the danger of bringing phylloxera. The vine is so balanced by nature that any interference in its development is perceived painfully. After transplanting, the balance between the aboveground part of the bush and the root system is restored for a considerable time, while fruiting is disturbed for a long time. If, in view of the circumstances, it became necessary to relocate the vine to a new place, then the time for grape transplantation should be correctly selected.

Grape transplant time

Some gardeners transplant a plant in spring when it is still in a dormant state. But today we will talk about how the transplant is done in the fall so that the process of moving to another place does not become a shock for the plant and does not turn into death for it.

Grape transplant in autumn

The plant should be moved to a new place in late autumn at the end of the leaf fall. At this time, the terrestrial part of the plant is at rest. Grape transplantation in autumn is advisable for bushes up to 7 years old, since the root system of older plants is difficult to dig out without noticeable damage, their roots regenerate more slowly, the bushes restore damaged fruiting for a long time.

To maximize the preservation of the root system and thereby accelerate the fruiting of the transplanted plant, you should dig it with a lump of earth. Planting pits need to be prepared in advance, about a month before the intended transplant, otherwise strong soil shrinkage can provoke excessive root deepening. Survival in a new place is highly dependent on preliminary soil preparation. Grape transplantation in autumn involves the creation of nutrient horizons that will feed the new root processes of the transplanted plant. This is done by deep cultivation, abundant watering and fertilizing at the bottom of the pit. At a dug grape bush, it is necessary to trim the roots by about 25 cm, and cut off the damaged roots above the damage site. To ensure deep rooting of the root system, you need to remove the dewy roots. After a visual assessment of the dug grapes, the shoots should be cut to balance the volumes of the underground and aboveground parts.

Grape transplant in spring
If the root system is in good condition, 2-3 sleeves with knots of substitution with two buds on each are left on the bush, and if it is significantly impaired, then the aboveground shoots are trimmed β€œto the black head”.

At the bottom of the landing pit an earthen mound is poured, on which the bush is placed in such a way that the heel roots completely encircle it on all sides. Then the pit is covered with earth to the next root tier, the soil is compacted and watered with water with sodium humate, after which it is covered with earth to the top, again watered abundantly and mulching. Grape transplantation in autumn ends after the transplanted plant is sheltered for the winter.

Transplanted grape bushes need frequent watering and foliar top dressing with microelements. If the transplant is done correctly, then root dressing in the first year is not required for the plant. When the shoots appear to grow to 25 cm, they should be sprayed with a 0.75% solution of Bordeaux mixture for the purpose of prevention, and during the summer after rains, spray the entire green mass with a one percent solution of the same mixture.


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