Rules of etiquette. Refined manners for the real lady

Previously, the term โ€œladyโ€ was applied to the spouses of noble lords, who were aristocrats by origin and often resided in secular society. Refined manners were instilled in them from the very childhood.

Everybody can become a lady

Nowadays, when the class division is no longer there, any lady wants to be like an English noblewoman. It is extremely important for each person to find their own style, learn the rules of etiquette.

Looking at the thoughtful behavior of this or that lady, we can say that she is endowed with natural charm, knows how to present herself. Sometimes this is really an inborn quality, but often in order to develop exquisite manners, you have to work long and fruitfully, collect information and put it into practice.

exquisite manners

Nowadays, noble origin does not play the most important role. A real lady may be a city girl. The ability to behave with dignity has absolutely nothing to do with money and status. You can be beautiful, take care of yourself, but there is a lot to do with the ability to keep yourself.

Appearance is only part of the story

A charming cover is nothing without interesting content. Refined manners, etiquette rules help to find a balance between deliberate pretentiousness, pretense and excessive simplicity and frankness, which others sometimes do not deserve. You need to be able to keep the distance or reduce it when necessary, moreover, do it very softly, tactfully and gracefully.

Every girl has an inner charm, you just need to learn how to bring it to the surface. Refined manners are by no means subject to study at school or institute. We are presented with a lot of useful knowledge, but some of them do not help us in communicating with people. So you also need to engage in self-education in this area, since no matter how talented and pure a soul a person is, it is very difficult for those around him to see it in him if he does not know how to show it himself.

exquisite manners it

This is necessary first of all to you

Ridiculous and small details can knock the soil out from under the feet of a girl who does not have enough experience in proper communication. Exquisite manners do not arise out of the blue, as well as knowledge of mathematics or foreign languages. This is the same science that requires solid practice in order to achieve mastery. You can, of course, go on a rake, make mistakes and receive weighty blows of fate. Such lessons are usually best remembered. But there is an opportunity to do smarter by going around, taking advantage of the experience accumulated by people before that.

In human society, in essence, nothing changes, so special action algorithms have been formed. In fact, beauty is only half the battle. Men, and indeed all people like confident girls that emit energy and charm. Refined manners, rules of conduct help to show oneself in the most favorable light.

exquisite manners rules

Do not hide your advantages

A lot depends on how you say, move, even your look means a lot. A huge number of girls are shy. This is somewhat sweet, but sometimes it hinders to show how much beauty is in one person or another.

Your hidden abilities are very good, but sometimes itโ€™s hard for people to solve the puzzle, look for your well-hidden talents, they want to communicate, get vivid emotions. And you, in turn, of course, have nothing to be ashamed of. Each person has something for which he is worthy of love and respect.

Refined manners help to show this very accurately and beautifully. If we take the example of the ladies who lived in England in past centuries, then it is worth paying attention to those features that distinguished them from the rest of the population. Each such lady had an exceptional style and was incredibly elegant. Refined manners for the real lady were extremely important. They develop through art classes, knowledge of true beauty. Around these ladies were beautiful things that developed sophistication in their own souls.

exquisite manners etiquette

Develop your mind

In a secular lady, beautiful external data is always gracefully intertwined with a high education, developed intelligence. Such a woman can charm with an elegant wave of eyelashes and amaze with the enlightenment of her interlocutor's views. Even without a scientific degree, you can constantly expand your horizons, learn foreign languages, learn what is happening in the world. This is enough to start a fruitful conversation.

The refined manners of secular ladies are organically complemented by curiosity, love of life and the desire to be in the center of events. The most important thing is to love the world and strive to constantly improve yourself. This applies to conversations, and movements, and the ability to stay with dignity in any situation.

exquisite manners of secular ladies

Make a good tone with your second nature

You need to learn the basics of behavior so well that they become absorbed in habits. This happened earlier, because from childhood, the girls were instilled with the correct behaviors, rather early on, they learned to play musical instruments, dance and sing beautifully, due to which grace and a sense of rhythm appeared. Young ladies also received home economics lessons, learned the secrets of cooking, gardening, sewing. It is hard to be an ideal woman, because she must be able to practically everything.

However, it is worth constantly striving for this, since there is no limit to perfection. You need to be able to show your strengths, as well as eliminate or, in extreme cases, hide weaknesses. Significantly expand erudition trips to museums and theaters. Dance groups, which are huge in every city, will help a lot. The most important thing is to love yourself and believe in yourself. As soon as you begin to make such changes in your life, new ideas will sprinkle in a cascade, the implementation of each of which will make you more beautiful, more perfect and freer.

Seek balance and harmony

We need to learn to be confident in ourselves, but not sharp, to find a middle ground that will allow us to establish favorable communication. The energy of positive and charm should come from you. Do not rush to the extremes between a shy girl and a rough bitch. These roles can be played very rarely in a given situation, but do not abuse them.

A woman who feels good in contact with others is usually not shy and not harsh, she is calm, but at the same time mysterious. If there is guile in it, it is not evil, but good, charming and sweet. It is very important to distinguish sincerity from innocence. You need to understand when it is appropriate to trust people, and when not. Sometimes it is better to keep emotions to yourself, and sometimes excessive silence can only hurt. It is quite difficult to deduce one universal formula here. Human relationships are corrected intuitively. To understand them, you need to have some experience.

exquisite manners for a real lady
It seems that all this is rather difficult, but itโ€™s worthwhile to understand this, because in reality your attitude depends on how you feel about yourself. When you start to be proud of yourself, admire, enjoy the interaction with the environment, the world will sparkle with completely different colors, brighter and more saturated.


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