Manual listogib industrial production. How to make a do-it-yourself listogib

In the mass production of products from galvanized sheet, automatic machines with high productivity, rolling mills, edge bending machines, devices for rolling seams of drainpipes are used. For the manufacture of metal products and galvanized sheet in small batches, intended, for example, for private construction or a small industrial workshop, it is economical to use a manual bending machine.

What is a plate bending machine?

The new equipment was created to facilitate manual production in the manufacture of metal gutters , galvanized aprons, gutters, and other small roof elements. The sheet bending machine is a metal rolling machine used for bending brass, steel, aluminum, corrugated board, and other flat sheets. Manual roller bending machine is able to bend metal at the required angle, while not violating the plane of the material.

manual bending machine

For work on the courtyard of a private house, you should not purchase an expensive bending machine, it is much more profitable to make manual bending machines with your own hands. Reviews say that a home-made device works with metal up to 2 mm thick, the length of the passing workpiece is 4 m, the profile can be bent at an angle of up to 180ยบ. Of the structural parts, a crimping device with a lever, a base and a clamping mechanism can be called.

Where are industrial sheet bending machines used?

Machine tools are used for the manufacture of bent parts in the national economy:

  • flat metal structures of complex configuration are used in construction as wire elements of water supply communications, roofing, drainage, window openings;
  • in furniture production for the manufacture of boxes, drawers, cones;
  • in the engineering industry, sheets are bent for spare parts, car bodies, trailers;
  • for the production of electronic equipment;
  • in the structure of ships, planes and missiles.

Varieties of bending machines for flat metal

The bending machine is distinguished by the same principle of working moment, the difference is in the drive, with the help of which the force is carried out:

  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • manual listogib.

The sheets are fed into the work area in the manual or automatic mode, the setting of sizes also differs in these two parameters.

Mechanical bending machine

The operation of the equipment is carried out from the flywheel, which provides energy for turning the lever. When pressed, the part is bent at a given angle, an increase in the lever arm leads to a change in the required force.

manual sheet bending machine

Electromechanical equipment for bending sheets

It is an improved version of the mechanical version. Energy is supplied to the lever by an electric motor. These machines are the most common among professionals due to their convenient use and universal operation. All bending processes occur in automatic mode, the operator only presses a button, pre-setting parameters.

Many machines can withstand the efforts of hundreds of kilograms, there are powerful ones that work with a load of up to a ton. Electromechanical units are small, work with a low noise level, bend a large number of parts in a short time, approximately several hundred elements per minute.

Manual bending machine design

The manual roller bending machine contains in its design many elements that ensure its operation. The tin sheet, corrugated board or metal is fixed in the working position by means of a clamping beam. Giving the desired shape to the part is made by a special beam. The bending angle is set by the worker and is different in different machine models.

The goniometer is made in the form of a disc with applied divisions, allowing you to set the desired size of curvature. The placement and movement of the material takes place on the back table with the feed limiter installed. The clamping beam is brought into working position using the handle. The shape of a quality bend is set by the tension device of the main and bending beams. As an option, brakes are installed on the rotary unit with wheels, LGS moves on it. Manual listogib is fixed in working position before starting work.

manual roller bending machine

Segment machine

In machines with a manual drive, bending of metal occurs due to the physical strength of the worker by pressing the swing beam. Some models are made with a pedal. With the help of a manual machine, it is possible to process not too thick sheets at small angles. A fixture of this type is often found in a private compound for the manufacture of bent parts intended for household needs. The fact that the manual bending machine does not contain rubbing and sliding elements makes the machine strong and durable. Craftsmen use a machine with brackets mounted on support beams and a selected angular radius to create complex parts.

Manual sheet bending machine

It carries out the contour bending of piece products from sheet steel, this procedure becomes possible due to the use of a set of standard segments. For effective work, a clamping mechanism is placed in it. It has a place to install segments and a rotary bending device. Using a hand lever, the beam is rotated by a predetermined angle size, if the machine power is large, then a foot drive is provided for transmitting force.

The production of manual bending machines provides for the attachment of all structural units to the frame according to the type of frame assembled from rolled metal. So that the movement is straightforward and does not move to the side, guides are fastened. As clamps, mechanical or magnetic devices are used. The uniform movement of the workpiece and mechanical parts is due to the springs to compensate for vibration.

manual bending machines reviews

Segment Bending Material

The best is considered to be tool alloy steel of the HVG or 9XC brand, from which a high-quality machine is made. Manual bending machine has a set of working segments for planting and bending products. The seat is designed for mounting, and the working part is made taking into account the most common bending options. In manual machines, the height of the segment tool remains unchanged and is the same for all types of equipment.


do-it-yourself manual bending machines

The operating parameters of approximately all types of manual bending machines are the same and look like this:

  • bending thin sheets of metal up to one and a half meters long;
  • bending non-ferrous metals and alloys up to 3 mm thick, up to 4 m long;
  • the angle that can be expected when bending, for different models ranges from 140ยบ to 180ยบ;
  • manual roller bending machine allows for accurate bending of the installed semi-finished product with existing curved edges and edges.

DIY bending machine for sheet steel

For processing by bending metal sheets in a private household, it is quite enough to make manual bending machines with your own hands. Drawings before cutting metal and assembling the bed should be done. Dimensional sketches will allow the machine to be constructed in such a way that the most hardy parts of the machine will serve to absorb the main load.

Purpose of home-made bending machines

The choice of bending equipment scheme depends on its purpose:

  1. In the first case, the bending of the sheets occurs at 90ยบ. Almost all home-made machines provide more pressure on the beam in its lower part, while slightly moving it forward.

manual sheet bending machine

  1. The second option is a professional press for bending a metal sheet. This equipment works on industrial sites, requires large cash costs and the work of a qualified specialist.
  2. In the third embodiment, a lingering version of the machine is made, in which the radius is set by changing the position of the feed rolls. These elements are multifunctional and are used for the manufacture of casings, connecting sections of wide pipelines, shells. Manual sheet bending machine from corrugated board is made with profiled rollers for broaching roofing materials, skates, valleys, gutters.

The first option is most suitable for a standard bending device at home.

manual corrugated sheet bending machine

To determine the power and type of machine should study its technical description:

  • the machine works effectively with metal with a thickness of galvanized sheet up to 0.6 mm, copper - up to 1 mm, aluminum bends up to a thickness of 0.7 mm;
  • the sheet should have a width of not more than 1 m;
  • the inclination of the bent wall is not less than 120ยบ;
  • the maximum number of duty cycles without interruption reaches 1200;
  • it is difficult to tolerate work with non-standard parts and workpieces, they require restructuring.

Necessary materials

For the device of the bed, a channel with a height of 12. is used. The underlay cushion is made of a wooden beam of a certain size, depending on the design. For the manufacture of the right cheek, sheet metal 6-9 mm is suitable. For the design of the clamping beam, take angle No. 60-80, reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is prepared on the axis of the punch. Drawings of a manual sheet bending machine include a corner number 80-100 or channel number 10 for the punch of the second variant. The lever is made of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm.

For the design of the punch, it is better to use not a corner, but a channel, since the load on this element is distributed so that the corner will bend in the middle part, which will lead to its premature wear. An additional shelf of the channel will take on tensile force during operation. Equipment with a channel punch can withstand about 1200 bends, and a machine with an applied angle will go wrong after 250 cycles.

Assembly sequence of bending equipment

Manual bending machine is assembled in the sequence provided in the description of the drawings. One after another, a clamp consisting of a winch, heel and screw is assembled based on angle No. 60, then a cheek is constructed. Next, make a base with a bracket from corner number 110, on which a clamping beam is arranged. All parts, together with the punch on the axis, are mounted on the bed.

manual bending machine

The pressure beam is milled from the bottom after assembly by welding the entire structural unit. It is not recommended to use grinding with a grinder or file boring to give a flat surface. The clamping beam should be further strengthened with rolled metal, and the length should be provided 5 cm shorter than the base.

At the ends of the clamp, stoppers are made from scraps of the corner. Clamp details relating to the workpiece material are milled. The center of the shelf on the brackets is equipped with a hole with a diameter of 8 mm. Drawings of a manual sheet bending machine provide that the punch is made shorter than the clamp by 100 mm. The lever is made of reinforcement and welded to the punch. To make the cheeks, they take a steel sheet and drill holes in it 1 cm to install the axles. A chamfer 0.6 cm deep is removed from the ends on the edge, its length is 3.2 cm. When connecting the axles by welding, it should be taken into account that the direction of them and the ribs must coincide.

Safety precautions

The machine belongs to equipment with a high degree of danger, therefore, compliance with the rules should be in the first place. Before starting work, study the instructions, determine the technological sequence of manufacturing the product and clearly follow it. Home-made machine or production, work should begin with the necessary actions:

  • put on work clothes and check for hanging and protruding parts, there should not be torn buttons, non-working zippers, cuffs are fastened;
  • check the condition of working constructs and their fastening on the bed; all malfunctions are eliminated before starting the machine;
  • for work, provide for a distance from the machine by 1 meter, the passage to the equipment can not be cluttered with foreign objects;
  • there should be sufficient lighting at the workplace, it is forbidden to work in the twilight;
  • for each machine there are permissible parameters for the thickness of the metal, it is impossible to bend workpieces more than the specified sizes and standards;
  • It is strictly forbidden to leave the workplace and not be on it when the machine is turned on.


With the mass production of bent products in the production process, there is a lot of waste that economic owners of private houses use to equip the site and the structure itself. A self-made bending machine will be a real help for craftsmen and their neighbors. To design and assemble such a machine is not difficult, the main thing is that it will become a real find for home construction.


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