Rose of Jericho: care and cultivation (photo)

The Rose of Jericho, or Anastatika of Jericho, got its name from the ancient Greek words, which translate as "resurrected" or "again animated." This plant was first discovered in the Middle Ages by the Crusader knights, who drew attention to the amazing ability of the plant to regenerate. Returning from a military campaign, they consecrated their find and gave it the name "Resurrection Flower".

Flower legends

The biblical version of the appearance of this flower claims that an unusual plant was discovered by Mary, following to Egypt. She blessed him with immortality. Therefore, sometimes it is called the "hand of Mary."

jericho rose

The second legend is described in the famous story "The Rose of Jericho" by Ivan Bunin. It says that the name was given to the herbaceous plant by the Monk Savva, settling in the Judean desert.

Plant description

Rosa Jericho (spike moss) is a species of herbaceous annuals of the Kapustny family, a representative of the Anastatica genus ("single").

This is a small plant, no more than fifteen centimeters long. Small leaves of a grayish tint. The flowers of the plant are very small, white. The rose of Jericho, the photo of which you see in our article, grows in the desert in early spring, and flowering and fruit setting very quickly begin. At this time in the desert there is still enough moisture for the plant. Like other herbaceous annuals that grow under drought conditions, the Jericho rose belongs to the ephemeroids.

Jericho rose care

With the onset of drought, the tiny stems dry out and begin to bend inward. A kind of tangle forms. Strong gusts of wind easily tear off the upper part of the plant, and it rolls along the sand. On the way, she collects the same balls and forms a very large tumbleweed. They move until they get stuck in some wetter place. From moisture, the stems swell and begin to straighten, the seeds spill out of them.

It should be noted that the seeds of this amazing plant remain viable for several years, but, getting into a fairly humid environment, germinate in just a few hours.

You need to know that there is another representative of the flora with similar properties - squamous selaginella. The Jericho rose is a completely different, unrelated plant, although the Hawaiian plaque is very reminiscent of the features of the life cycle and appearance of the anastatic.


Rose of Jericho - a plant that is better known as tumbleweed, "lives" in the deserts of Western Asia, from Syria to Arabia and from Egypt to Morocco. It is found in Central Asia.

jericho rose plant


The rose of Jericho can be of several types, therefore it is important to know their differences before deciding what care a particular plant needs.

The most common species is the Martens rose. It has erect stems, which can reach a length of thirty centimeters, but gradually they become lodged. Its branches are slightly reminiscent of fern, but the tips of the leaves are silver-white in color.

Selaginella scaly has stems that do not grow more than ten centimeters in length. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, they curl into a ball, but if the plant is watered, it immediately comes to life and leaves the leaves.


Rosa of Jericho needs high humidity (at least 60%), therefore, in room conditions, she does not feel very comfortable. If you want to settle this plant not in the florarium, but in an ordinary container, then you should know that with high humidity good ventilation should be provided. Place the pot in a pan with peat, sphagnum or expanded clay, which should be regularly moistened.

jericho rose photo

It should be noted that the Jericho rose belongs to shade-tolerant plants, so you can create a mini-garden placed in a bottle. He will feel fine even on the north side, and if your windows face south, then the plant should be placed away from the window or slightly shaded with gauze or tracing paper.

Another important argument in favor of placing the plant in a bottle is the need to constantly maintain a certain moisture content of the substrate (overdrying is unacceptable). And in an open container, constantly moist soil will be harmful to the plant and may even destroy it.

Water the composition in a vessel (as well as in the container) with settled and soft water. Her temperature should be room temperature. The soil for growing roses should be slightly acidic, do not forget to put good drainage on the bottom of the bottle or aquarium.

Selaginella rose of Jericho

For better growth, a green pet should be fed from time to time. This is usually done in spring and summer. Use diluted nutrient fertilizer (in a ratio of 1: 3). Using a long wire, loosen the ground so that the air penetrates better into the soil.

Rose of Jericho: Care

This is a rather whimsical plant, so certain recommendations must be followed.

Temperature mode

The optimum temperature can be considered +18 degrees. The flower loves warmth, but these figures should not be exceeded, that is, the room should not be warmer than + 20 ° C.


Rose Jericho does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, much preferable to light partial shade.

rose jericho spike moss

Watering conditions

Since the plant "arrived" to us from the tropics, we must not forget that it needs moist air, as in the homeland. To achieve this, it is necessary to spray the rose with water several times a day. Moreover, you can not use cold liquid for this purpose. It should be a little warm. The flower needs abundant watering, it is better to do it through a pallet. In this case, the soil absorbs as much moisture as required.

Feeding and transplanting

Soil should be fed monthly. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used. Once every two years (spring), the Jericho rose requires a transplant to improve growth.

I must say that the plant is resistant to various diseases and pests. Its only enemy is dry air, which can provoke the development of a spider mite. An ordinary soap solution will help get rid of it.

Selaginella rose of Jericho

Propagate the plant with green cuttings. To do this, in the early spring, plant them in a small greenhouse and put it in the shade. Cuttings take root in two weeks.

Beneficial features

The rose of Jericho humidifies the air in the room, serves as a natural freshener, because it exudes the aroma of steppe herbs. The plant has bactericidal properties, disinfects air. In addition, it absorbs tobacco smoke. If you put the flower in the bedroom, it will contribute to a better sleep. When dried, annuals can be used to control moths in a cupboard.

Rose of Jericho is a very interesting and spectacular plant. With proper care, she will delight you with her exotic beauty.


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