What is the best way to make a hedge? Fast growing hedge

In our area, it is not so often possible to meet a hedge, but in recent years this gardening method has begun to be actively used by our summer residents. And this is not at all surprising. Hedgerows not only play the role of a traditional fence, but are also extremely beautiful. Using thickets of bushes, you can create a great place to relax. But just what is better to make a hedge?

what is better to make a hedge


First you need to figure out what they are. Only then can you think about which shrubs are best used in your particular case. Firstly, they are divided into formed and freely growing (only occasionally trimmed). Of course, in the household plots the first category is most often found. An exception can be made if you need the original fence of a pasture or garden.

By height, all hedges can be divided into the following varieties:

  • Tall, over two meters.
  • Srednerosly, from 50 cm to a couple of meters.
  • Low, whose height does not exceed half a meter.

Other characteristics are closely related to the biological characteristics of those species that were used to create them:

  • Evergreen and deciduous.
  • With and without thorns.

Main assortment

So what better way to make a hedge? Considering that in the same England, such plantations are already one of the sides of the national culture, over many centuries the main recommendations have been developed, which all gardeners should be aware of.

fast growing hedge
We will list the main types that can be used without any special restrictions in the climatic conditions of our country. We will not give a detailed biological characterization, since data do not play a special role for such purposes. In general, based on the classification that we gave above, we can recommend a huge number of trees and shrubs. Consider what it is better to make a hedge of a tall category.

Tall deciduous trees

  • Limes are small-leaved and large-leaved. In nature, these are trees, the height of which in certain cases can exceed the mark of 20 meters. They form a fairly dense and compact crown, perfectly tolerate long-term shading, and are also very durable. This allows you to recommend them to create a kind of "living walls". However, their use is limited to those cases when you need a fast-growing hedge with a height of more than three meters.
  • Common hornbeam. Also excellent for creating high hedges, but in the southern regions. It is perfectly formed, forms a dense crown, resistant to shading. In the USSR for these purposes it was widely used in Ukraine. Note that both of the species described by us urgently need loose and nutritious soil, do not tolerate its salinization, and low pH values.
    hedge photo

And what better way to make a hedge if these trees are not at hand? Mulberry, as well as ordinary maple, are perfect. We strongly do not recommend confusing the latter species with American maple, which with its “impellers” is able to turn hectares of land into thickets of its seedlings. If you need a prickly fence, you will have to find an ordinary hawthorn.

Common gledichia can be used (again, only for the southern regions). Barberry is also suitable. The hedge from it will fill the air with a wonderful aroma of flowers, and will also give the owner fruits that make delicious jam.


In the case when the creation of evergreen stands is required, we recommend paying attention to ordinary spruce. It tolerates the most severe winter frosts, can grow in conditions of constant shading, but at the same time it needs to be planted on fertile moist soil.

Yew is also good, but suitable for the western and southern regions. In addition, planting material of this culture is rather difficult to get from us. Note that yew berries are poisonous, so if young children live in the house, it is not worth planting it. For normal growth, he needs a fairly fertile soil.

Finally, do not ignore the junipers. They grow for a long time, require light and relatively dry soils. As a bonus - the ability to disinfect the air, which makes them invaluable for people with respiratory diseases.

Medium-sized hedges

hedge plants
In this case, the range of possible crops is extremely wide. In our area, privet ordinary is not very well known, but this species is perfectly suitable for such purposes. It is perfectly formed, and the bushes for a long time retain their desired shape. In addition, privet is very decorative.

Well established as a cotoneaster hedge . It is very beautiful, forms dense and dense thickets, not too demanding on the quality of the soil. Meadowsweet Wangutta is ideal for creating large and unsupported fences, as it needs a sunny, open area. With its help, even a large pasture can be fenced, and the density of growth will be such that cattle will not crawl through it. In addition, various species of euonymus have established themselves as good breeds for hedges. They are low, have unusual leaves, bloom beautifully.

For aesthetic hedges, you can plant lilac, honeysuckle (delicious fruits), currants and meadowsweet, as well as acacia, cirrus and mountain ash. As for the irgi (a beautiful fast-growing hedge), it will have to be thinned constantly, getting rid of young shoots growing in all directions. In addition, during the fruiting season, a huge number of sparrows will be collected on these trees, which is not desirable in all cases.

Prickly hedges

cotoneaster hedge
For these purposes, widely used pyracantha scarlet. It is not too common, as it is suitable exclusively for the southern regions. It forms very dense hedges decorated with orange-yellow berries that remain on the bush for a very long time. A plant with the curious name of narrow-leaved sucker has proven itself in arid conditions, since it is practically not demanding on soil quality and irrigation.

This also includes the same juniper and thuja, hawthorn and even the hornbeam that we mentioned. Of course, in this case, you will have to make more efforts for its constant molding and cutting.

Making stunted hedges

In another way they are also called borders. The assortment of species in this case is not so wide, so there is nothing to choose from.

First, boxwood can be evergreen. Very shade-tolerant, growing extremely slowly. In addition, in most of our regions it has a tendency to freeze during cold winters. Magonia holly has proved to be quite good. The hedge from it turns out to be pretty “loose”, but it blooms very beautifully, and its berries are very decorative. In addition, this shrub belongs to the category of shade-tolerant.

Landing tips

It is extremely important to adhere to the timing of planting in open ground, as well as to choose the right soil and the type of fertilizer used. The earlier you plant the tree, the easier it will be in the future. Deciduous crops best tolerate transplant in 2-3 years, and conifers - a maximum of five years. The fact is that it is from this age that it is best to start forming plants.

hedge bushes
Secondly, be sure to mark the landing site by pulling a twine for this purpose. Do not engage in eye-to-eye landing, as you are unlikely to be able to achieve a truly direct landing, focusing solely on your eye. A beautiful hedge, the photo of which is in the article, always differs in regular geometric shapes.

How to plant?

We dig a trench of the required width depending on the number of rows. Note that between the plants should be left at least 60 centimeters (if the fence is free, then from 1.5 meters), and between the rows should be breaks of 25-50 cm. If you plant in two or more rows, use a checkerboard pattern.

Be sure to attend to the fertility and moisture of the soil. If there is such a need, it is advisable to introduce the necessary types of mineral and / or organic fertilizers, and then properly water the planting holes. If we are talking about hardwoods, then the root system of trees should be kept in water for a couple of hours before planting, and then dip into liquid clay (creamy consistency) mixed with humus.

The landing itself is also highly desirable to do in terms of level. Near each planted plant, you need to carefully compact the soil. Each bush needs to be watered in two or three runs, so that the water has time to absorb and reach the roots of the plants. As for conifers, they should generally be planted along with the lump of land with which they were acquired. In this case, a hedge, for which plants you sometimes have to buy, has a better chance of survival.

Trimming and forming

After planting, the plants should never be pruned. This event is postponed for at least one year. An exception may be some species of conifers. Subsequently, plants are pruned at the moment when their young shoots begin to slightly lignify. On each branch you need to leave at least two living buds.

barberry hedge
As for the annual growth, in the first two or three seasons it is necessary to leave a minimum of 15-20 cm, subsequently reducing this value to a couple of centimeters. It is best to shorten the plants in the early spring, as well as three times throughout the summer. Attention! The last pruning should be done at least one month before the onset of persistent cold weather.


It should not be forgotten that not by trimming the hedge whose bushes adorn your site is maintained in order. She needs watering, weeding from weeds and fertilizing with fertilizers. As a rule, throughout the growing season, you need to make 50-100 grams of fertilizer per linear meter. Top dressing is performed three times. At the beginning of summer, nitrogen fertilizers are used, by autumn switching to phosphorus fertilizers.

In the early years, weed control is very time-consuming. At a distance of about 10-15 centimeters from the edge of the hedge, you need to mow all weed grass, as it takes away from the plants the moisture and nutrients they need. Only in this way can the best hedge be obtained.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21772/

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