What is membrane clothing?

The modern world is ready to offer consumers a huge selection of the latest developments and technologies, and these innovations often find application in various fields. A membrane is one such example. Previously, this material was used only when creating equipment and clothing for sports, tourism and other types of outdoor activities. Membrane clothing has certain properties that are necessary just in such conditions. At the moment, this type of fabric is widely used in industry for sewing outerwear, including for children.

Membrane clothes
What is membrane clothing? It is sewn from high-tech material, which has a significant degree of water resistance, but is also able to "breathe". Membranes are hydrophilic and hydroporic.

Hydrophilic are a special type of fabric that is thermally coated with a film that does not allow water to pass through. At the same time, the tissue remains breathable, since free chemical bonds allow the transfer of molecules of evaporating moisture from the inner side of the film to the outer. In such a membrane, foreign substances and dirt do not have any effect on its vapor permeability, as well as on its waterproofing properties.

Hydroporic membrane clothing has many microscopic holes, that is, pores. They are much smaller in size than a drop of water, which prevents moisture from getting inside. In this case, water molecules in the form of steam can freely go outside through it. For membranes of this type, dirt will be destructive, as it simply clogs the pores, which leads to deterioration of the properties of clothes over time. Such membrane clothing can only breathe in its purest form.

membrane clothes for children
You can consider how all this works in practice. It is very important that the clothes are comfortable, especially for children. If we talk about comfort, then we have in mind the microclimate, that is, that thin layer of air that remains between clothes and a person. The microclimate is influenced by various factors: the properties of clothes, weather conditions, physical activity. It is worth saying that children's membrane clothing is impervious to wind, so it gives a feeling of comfort, which the child so needs. So he will be able to stay in the street for a long time in cold weather, completely freezing.

baby membrane clothes
During physical exertion, the human body releases moisture, that is, sweats, and if you do not remove such moisture in time, it covers the skin with a film, cooling at rest and heating up with active movement, which leads to severe discomfort. Membrane clothing for children and adults does not allow moisture to linger inside, removing evaporation to the outside, which allows for proper microcirculation, and also maintains the necessary level of humidity and temperature. It turns out that in such clothes it is possible to keep the usual microclimate as unchanged as possible, while the temperature “overboard” and the level of physical activity do not have any effect on him. That is why membrane clothing is comfortable both in cold and in hot weather.

As you can see, membrane clothing has very interesting properties that allow it to be used for sports and just active movement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21773/

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