Biography of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. Interesting facts from life

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna (years of life - 1892-1941) - a famous Russian poetess. She was the daughter of Tsvetaev Ivan Vladimirovich (1847-1913), a scientist. Her work is characterized by romantic maximalism, rejection of everyday life, doom of love, motives of loneliness. The main collections of the poetess are Versts (1921), published in 1923, Craft, After Russia (1928). She also created in 1925 a satirical poem called "Pied Piper", and the next - "The Poem of the End". Biography of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva will be considered in this article.

biography of marina ivanovna tseveva

Family Tsvetaeva

Marina Tsvetaeva was born on September 26 (according to the old style - October 8) in 1892 in the city of Moscow. Her father, as we already mentioned, was a scientist specializing in ancient history, art and epigraphy. He was the creator, as well as the first director (from 1911 to 1913) of the Museum of Fine Arts. The professor’s first marriage was very successful, but after the birth of two children, the young wife died, and Ivan Tsvetaev re-married Maria Maine. In 1892, September 26, this couple had a girl who received the name Marina (that is, "sea"). So begins the biography of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

Mom, Maine Maria Alexandrovna, died in 1906. She was a pianist, student of A. Rubinstein. This woman had a huge impact on Marina. She dreamed that her daughter would also become a pianist. However, the world of poetry beckoned young Tsvetaeva more than the performance of scales. Even at the age of six, the girl wrote the first poems. And not only in Russian Marina, but also in French and German. Rather strictly raised her daughters (Marina and her sister Anastasia) mother. They received an excellent education. The grandfather of the half-brother and sister is the historian and publicist Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich.

The childhood of the future poetess

Marina Tsvetaeva short biography in English

The biography of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva in her youth was noted by the fact that she lived for a long time in Germany, Switzerland, Italy as a child due to her mother’s illness. Breaks in training at the gymnasium were supplemented by classes in boarding houses in Freiburg and Lausanne. Marina was fluent in German and French. She in Sorbonne listened in 1909 to a course in French literature.

Early independence

After the death of the mother, the care of the children fell on the shoulders of the father. He was busy in the service, so he could not devote all his time to them. That is why, perhaps, the girls grew up independent by years, began to become interested quite early in the political situation in the state, in relations with the opposite sex.

Education of Marina Tsvetaeva

At the insistence of her mother at a young age, Marina Tsvetaeva went to a music school, and also took music lessons at home. But these studies after the death of Mary did not have further development. Marina and her sister received primary education at home, under the guidance of their mother. At the age of 8-9 years, the future poetess attended classes in the gymnasium of Bryukhonenko M.T., and then in Switzerland, in Lausanne. She studied in a Catholic boarding house in 1903, and then went after the next move of her family to a French boarding school. Continued training Tsvetaeva in Germany, in the guesthouse of Freiburg. She was easily given languages, and subsequently she often earned translations, since her work did not bring large incomes to such a poetess as Marina Tsvetaeva. Her biography and poems only after death began to cause interest in many.

Marina went to Paris in 1908, where she entered the Sorbonne. Here she attended a course of lectures on Old French literature.

The beginning of literary activity

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna short biography what century

The creative biography of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva begins as follows. The first literary experiments were connected with the circle of symbolists from Moscow. Marina Ivanovna met Bryusov, who had a great influence on her early poetry, as well as with such a poet as Ellios (Lev Lvovich Kobylinsky). She participated in the activities of studios and circles, located at the publishing house "Musaget". The artistic and poetic world of the house (in the Crimea) of art critic and poet Maximilian Voloshin also had a great impact. She has visited Koktebel many times.

First collections

In his two poetry collections “The Evening Album” (1910) and “The Magic Lantern” (1912), as well as in the poem “The Wizard” written in 1914, with a thorough description of household items (portraits, mirrors, a hall, a nursery), reading, walking on the boulevard, music lessons, relations with my sister and mother, a diary of a young schoolgirl was imitated. The "Evening Album" was dedicated to the memory of Bashkirtseva Maria Konstantinovna, an artist who emphasizes a diary, confessional orientation. In the poem "On a Red Horse" written in 1921, the story of the formation of the poet took on the form of a fabulous romantic ballad.

Further creativity

Marina Tsvetaeva biography and poems

Dedicated to relations with Sophia Parnok (which we will talk about later), a series of poems "Girlfriend" appeared in 1916. During the Civil War, a cycle entitled "Swan Song" was released, which was dedicated to the feat of white officers. There are poems and romantic plays in her work, for example, On the Red Horse, Egorushka, Tsar Maiden.

The romance with Rodzevich inspired the creation of the collections "Poem of the End" and "Poem of the Mountain." The last lifetime collection of Marina was published in Paris. The family moved here from the Czech Republic in 1928. However, most of her poems remained unpublished. Marina earned a living mainly by translations and creative evenings.


The biggest mystery of the Efron family (husband of the poetess) and Tsvetaeva: what prompted them to move to the USSR in 1939? A former white officer, Efron, who fought stubbornly against the Bolsheviks, suddenly believed in the triumph of communism. He contacted in Paris with the NKVD-controlled society, which was engaged in the return of emigrants to their homeland. In 1937, Marina Tsvetaeva’s daughter, Ariadne (who was arrested before anyone else) was the first to return to Moscow. After that, Sergei Efron fled, as he was compromised by his connections in Paris with the NKVD. Marina and her son followed her husband, having completely fulfilled the duty of a loving wife.

The last years of the life of Marina Ivanovna

The following events conclude her biography. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva survived the arrest of her husband and daughter in 1939, this crippled the poetess. She was left alone with her son George. Moreover, relations with him, spoiled by too enthusiastic attention, were ambiguous. I was very worried about all this in recent years, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. A brief biography on the dates of the last years of her life ends with the following fateful event. On August 31, 1941, after being evacuated to Yelabuga in connection with the outbreak of World War II, Tsvetaeva hanged herself on the Kama River, in the entrance hall of the house that was allocated for them with her son. The grave of Marina Tsvetaeva was never found, despite the efforts made by her sister Anastasia, who was rehabilitated in 1959, as well as her daughter Ariadna (rehabilitated in 1955). In August 1941, Sergei Efron was shot in Moscow.

biography of marina ivanovna tsvetaeva

This is a brief biography of Marina Tsvetaeva.

The value of the poetess

The poetess we are interested in, unfortunately, did not wait for recognition during her lifetime. She had to starve, and creative evenings and collections were not appreciated by contemporaries. Currently, however, Tsvetaeva is rightfully considered one of the most prominent representatives of Russian poetry of the Silver Age. A brief biography of Marina Tsvetaeva, as well as her poems, are included in the compulsory school curriculum. Her poems are very popular today, many of which have become well-known romances based on music. Now, not only in Russia, but also abroad, Marina Tsvetaeva enjoys love and recognition. A brief biography in English of Marina Ivanovna, for example, was created by many authors. In the Netherlands, in Leiden, there is a house on the wall of which are written poems by Tsvetaeva (photo is presented below).

Marina Tsvetaeva biography interesting facts

Interesting facts from the life of Tsvetaeva

The personal life of this poetess (she herself did not like this word, called herself a poet) is inseparable from her work. Therefore, we should talk about a few interesting facts that marked her biography. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva wrote her best works in a state of love, at the time of strong emotional experiences.

There were many stormy novels in Marina’s life, however, the only love passed through the poet’s whole life was Sergey Efron, who became her husband and father of her children.

short biography of color marina ivanovna

Their acquaintance happened romantically, in the Crimea, in 1911. Marina, a novice poet at the time, was here at the invitation of Maximilian Voloshin, her close friend.

Sergei Efron came to Crimea in order to heal after consumption, and also to recover from the suicide of his mother. Already in 1912, in January, they got married. At the same time, Tsvetaeva had a daughter, Ariadne. However, despite the fact that Marina valued her husband very much, 2 years after the birth of Ali (the so-called home Ariadne), she plunges headlong into a new novel. And this time, the woman, poetess and translator Sophia Parnok, fell in love with Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva. A brief biography for children, of course, does not mention this. Efron very painfully survived the hobby of his wife, but forgave. In 1916, after many quarrels and reconciliations, Tsvetaeva finally parted with Parnok and returned to the family.

After reconciliation with her husband in 1917, Marina gave birth to Irina, who became a disappointment for Tsvetaeva, who wanted a son. Efron participated in the White movement, fought with the Bolsheviks, so he left Moscow after the revolution and drove south, where he participated in the defense of the Crimea. He only emigrated after Denikin’s army was finally defeated.

Marina Tsvetaeva remained in Moscow with two children. Without a livelihood, there was a family and was forced to sell things in order to feed themselves. However, to save the youngest daughter, despite all efforts, the mother failed. Ira died in a shelter from hunger, where Tsvetaeva gave her, hoping that the girl would eat better here.

Marina during the breakup with her husband survived several more novels, but decided in 1922 to go to Sergei Efron abroad. Already connected with her husband, Marina during the period of emigration in the Czech Republic met Rodzevich, whom some historians consider the real father of George, the long-awaited son, who was born in 1925. But officially it is Efron. Marina Tsvetaeva herself repeatedly emphasized (a biography, interesting facts from the life of which we considered), which finally gave birth to a son to her husband. Thus, she partially atoned for her guilt, which she felt after her daughter died in post-revolutionary Moscow.

Such is the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. Biography, interesting facts from her life, we hope, aroused the desire of the reader to continue acquaintance with this bright representative of poetry of the Silver Age. We recommend reading her poems. Truly talented works were created by Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna. A brief biography (which century is called Silver, we hope you remember) was created in order to arouse interest in her work.


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