Inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Dogs, like other domestic and farm animals, are susceptible to various diseases of the oral cavity. A feature of this variety of diseases is that for a long time the owner may not notice the problem in the pet. In particular, this applies to aggressive breeds of dogs and elderly individuals. In this article, we will talk more about inflammation of the salivary glands, symptoms and treatment of this pathology. This disease is not as common as, for example, dental problems. However, this does not become less serious.

Anatomical structure of the salivary glands in dogs

Dog salivation is an important stage in digestion. Enzymes secreted by the salivary glands facilitate swallowing and prepare food for digestion. In a healthy dog, about a liter of saliva is excreted per day (the average figure can vary depending on the size of the dog, lifestyle and breed).

Three pairs of the main large salivary glands are distinguished: parotid, submandibular, sublingual. The submandibular gland is located in the back of the jaw, between two veins. This is a rather large oval yellowish organ. The parotid glands are located in the area of ​​the auricle. They are relatively small in size, and their ducts extend across the masticatory muscles. The hyoid gland, as the name implies, is located under the tongue. More precisely, on the sides of the body of the tongue. The secret secreted by each gland is different in its composition and functions. Therefore, inflammation of any of them leads not only to unpleasant sensations in the dog, but also to problems with the entire cycle of the digestion process.

Etiology of the disease

Most often, problems with the salivary glands occur in young individuals, as well as in representatives of some breeds: poodles, boxers, German shepherds, dachshunds. Disruption of the salivary glands most often manifests itself in increased salivation. The dog often swallows interfering fluid. Excreted saliva may have an unpleasant odor.

The inflammatory process is quite intense. It can move to neighboring areas and cause problems with swallowing and breathing dogs. The animal appears short of breath, even during periods of rest. In addition, constant irritation in the oral cavity and pharynx can cause the animal to gag.

Inflamed glands increase in size. Sometimes pus can accumulate in them. Inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs is divided into two types: mumps, sialadenitis.


Sialadenitis in dogs is usually called inflammation of the sublingual or submandibular gland. The cause of inflammation can be injuries, obstruction of the salivary ducts by foreign bodies, past illnesses, etc. It manifests itself in the form of severe swelling of the affected area. In case of damage to the hyoid area of ​​the dog, difficulties arise with the mobility of the tongue. With damage to the submandibular gland, the tumor is palpated in the intermaxillary space. Treatment will depend on the stage and complexity of the disease. If there is a purulent formation in the gland, it is necessary to open and clean the affected area. In other cases, you can do without surgical intervention.

Inflammation of the hyoid salivary gland


Mumps is the most common form of inflammation. Mumps affect the parotid glands. The cause, as a rule, is viral and bacterial infections. This type of inflammation is characterized by swelling of the glands in the parotid regions. Fortunately, mumps is a simple inflammation. In most cases, considering mumps, symptoms and treatment of this disease, we see that they are very similar to inflammation of other salivary glands.

Inflammation of the parotid gland

Causes of the disease

Consider the main causes of salivary gland inflammation in dogs.

  1. Viral and bacterial infections. This is the most common cause of the disease. Especially often, it provokes inflammation of the parotid glands (mumps).
  2. Injuries and injuries. Even the most minor injuries can cause problems. As a rule, the dog receives damage to the salivary glands during chewing hard foods (dry food, bones, etc.), as well as during active games. Especially if it is on a chain or on a leash. There are a number of situations where the salivary glands can be injured during medical procedures.
  3. Foreign bodies in the salivary ducts. It can be food leftovers, hard blades of grass that the dog likes to chew, etc.
  4. Neoplasms (tumors and cysts). This is more common for adult dogs. As a rule, tumors and other neoplasms form under the mucous membranes. They provoke severe swelling and inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs. Solving the problem requires surgical intervention.
  5. Some diseases previously transmitted by the dog: secondary form of plague, pharyngitis, stomatitis, etc.

Symptoms of the disease

In order to determine the inflammation of the salivary glands in a dog in time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the pet. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms that should alert the owner of the dog.

Increased salivation
  1. Excessive salivation in dogs. The amount of saliva during an illness increases several times. The dog often swallows excess. Sometimes an animal cannot cope with such an amount of excreted fluid, and it flows abundantly from the mouth. In the case when there is pus in the inflamed gland, the discharge acquires a specific unpleasant odor.
  2. The appearance of shortness of breath. Excessive salivation irritates the dog's throat. This process provokes severe shortness of breath even when the animal is at rest. Also, this process can provoke a gag reflex.
  3. This type of inflammation can also spread to the soft tissues of neighboring areas. This makes swallowing difficult and causes pain. Because of the pain, the dog does not eat or drink anything .
  4. Elevated body temperature. As with any other form of inflammation, the dog's body temperature rises. Mild fever is possible.
  5. Long refusal of food leads to dehydration of the animal and severe weight loss. Against this background, nervous disorders can also manifest themselves and aggressive behavior may intensify.
Dog refusal to eat

Diagnosis of the disease

Any inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs requires a thorough diagnosis. This is necessary not only to select the right treatment, but also to exclude the presence of malignant tumors in the mouth. During the diagnosis, the doctor must collect all the information about the animal: past illnesses, ongoing medical procedures, the animal’s love for eating grass and garbage, etc.

Since during the examination the animal experiences pain and often behaves aggressively, safe anesthesia is used. This gives the doctor the opportunity not only to conduct a thorough examination, but also to freely collect all the necessary tests.

Inspection at the veterinary clinic

Treatment of inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs

Fortunately, this ailment is relatively easy to treat. Note that there are many alternative methods of treating mumps and sialadenitis in dogs. For example, various compresses with celandine, cottage cheese and even urea are very popular. However, do not get carried away with it all. Moreover, modern methods are much more effective and affordable.

First aid

First aid to a dog is as follows: transfer of a pet to a liquid diet. Food should be easy to swallow and not require thorough chewing. Meat broths, chatterboxes, milk, minced meat are perfect. Before contacting a veterinarian, you can give your pet an anesthetic. And do not allow hypothermia. If the dog lives in an aviary on the street, then it is better to pick it up for the duration of treatment in the house.

Medical assistance

Treatment of any inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs is prescribed only after the doctor has the results of all tests on hand. Therapy can be medical and surgical. Drug treatment includes the use of antibiotics (the course lasts for 10-14 days), as well as the use of pain medications. In some cases, steroid drugs work well. This group of medicines most often raises questions from pet owners. In particular, the use of the prednisolone preparation is alarming. Let's see what Prednisone is and what it helps. It is an anti-inflammatory drug. It is used in case of detection of non-specific inflammation and with some complications. It contributes to the rapid reduction of the size of the tumor and the inflammatory process. Thus, having understood what Prednisone is and what it helps, we see that you should not be afraid to give this drug to your pet.

Also, in the case of an abscess, it is necessary to regularly apply anti-inflammatory ointments (Vishnevsky ointment)

Surgical intervention is prescribed in cases where the cause of inflammation is neoplasms (tumors, cysts, etc.), abnormalities in the anatomical structure of the mouth or gland, the formation of stones, penetrating wounds of the salivary gland. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the intervention, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Medication for Dog Salivary Gland Inflammation

Additional treatments

In order to speed up the healing process, the doctor may additionally prescribe physiotherapy. These include warming compresses based on vodka or alcohol and heating the damaged area with a Minin lamp.

Disease prevention

Like any disease, inflammation of the salivary glands in dogs is easier to prevent than to treat. In order to protect the pet, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Try to prevent head injuries.
  2. Check your mouth regularly to prevent the formation of tartar.
  3. It is good to treat any inflammatory processes in the dog.
Poodle puppy

And in conclusion of this article, we recall that we are responsible for our pets. And their health directly depends on our attention and care.


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