Battlefield 4: Walkthrough Battlefield 4: the passage of parts 1, 3, 4 in Russian

Battlefield 4 can safely be called the main shooter of 2013. An improved engine, excellent graphics and a dynamic storyline will make you immerse yourself in the game with the head of not only the fans of the series, but also all the shooters who first discovered this world of warfare. Despite the linearity, this game will bring many puzzles that can be solved, knowing the secrets of Battlefield 4.

battlefield 4 walkthrough

The walkthrough, presented in Russian and presented below, will be useful for everyone. Some missions can be completed in different ways. The gamer has the right to choose how dear to him to get to the end of the game. You can use not only a familiar PC, and another device on which you can successfully play Battlefield 4 - PS4. Passing in this case does not differ from the PC version, and the instructions below can be used for any consoles.

Battlefield 4. Walkthrough

Part 1, presented in Russian below, begins rather tragically: you, along with other members of the detachment called "Gravedigger", find themselves in a sinking car. And the only option to save will be a shot at the glass from a pistol. But Sgt. Dunne was squeezed with a seat and he couldn’t be saved, so the rest of the crew would have to be pulled. After the car window is smashed to pieces, we are transported 14 minutes ago. The main character is in an abandoned house, a little flooded with water. Now we have to learn the skills of the game Battlefield 4 (passing this introductory part will not take much time). Well, at the end of it we go to meet with the members of our squad: Pak, Irish and Sergeant Dunn.


Now we have to fight a bit, because for this we are playing Battlefield 4. The passage, part 1 of which is presented here, will begin with replenishing the ammunition from the weapons drawer, because we have to support a fellow who has jumped out of the building from the window. When the Irishman returns, we begin to move along the corridor as part of the whole group. In the open area, which we met along the way, we give orders to attack and break through the battle to the basement, in which an explosive box awaits us. You can choose any, most importantly, to undermine the wall with a window and get out. The player is waiting for a large selection of weapons and explosives in the game Battlefield 4. Passage, part 1 of which is only an orientation, is impossible if you do not study all available weapons.

passing game battlefield 4

Having reached the bridge, we get binoculars from Sergeant Dunn with the possibility of studying the tactical situation on the map. Now things will go even more dynamic, because teammates will begin to attack the marked enemies, and we can find hidden ammunition or explosives. In the distance, we mark the evacuation point and begin moving towards it. Here you must not forget about the shelters and try to move as quietly as possible. It’s not worth it to get involved in the battle on trifles, but sitting out in shelters for a long time is also not an option. Helping us to overcome especially difficult places will be our helicopter insurance. It is enough to mark a goal for him - and everything will be torn to shreds. Also found on a fairly extensive map will accelerate the movement of a car. But this does not end the passage of the game Battlefield 4. Part 1 still has a sequel.

Mission to Baku

Having reached the abandoned factory, we find a drain pipe where new weapons await us. Taking grenade launchers and explosives, we clean the area from trucks with enemy infantry. Now you need to find the lift and go to the roof of the building. Halfway through the road, a helicopter blocks, and you have to get to the point in small dashes from one shelter to another. And now, when it seems that the mission has been completed, a new misfortune awaits us. The building begins to crumble, and we fall down, miraculously without breaking our legs. But Sergeant Dunn was not so lucky, his limb was clamped with a stone slab, so you have to deal with amputation right on the spot. We get into the car and begin moving to the emergency escape point. Pulling out a grenade launcher, we make an accurate shot using the enemy’s technique, but, having lost control, we fall from the bridge and begin to sink. Only Sergeant Dunn will not be able to escape, after which we will find a video, which is enough in the game Battlefield 4. The passage of the 1st part is over.

Second Mission - Shanghai

In the next task, our hero will participate in a mess in China. The head of state is murdered, and Admiral Chan claims to take his place, eager to start a war with America. Shanghai is surrounded by panic and riots, and our task will be to evacuate important people from the Zhi Yu tower building, which we will reach by car. The operation will be coordinated by an agent of secret services Laszlo Kovik, well, and our hero will take the place of the deceased sergeant Dunn and become the squad leader.

battlefield 4 walkthrough part 1

Having almost reached the goal, we go into the alley and wait until Pak expertly breaks the gate lock. Now you need to get to the yellow stairs leading to the roof. We go upstairs and find the red staircase. We get down and go around the fountain without bloodshed, following the Irish. Then we have to get to important people, and for this we are heading to the elevator. An unsuccessfully opened door will lead towards the enemy. You can fight, but this is not necessary. It is enough to close the doors and press the button of the floor we need. Right in front of the elevator, a weapon box awaits us, so we stock up on ammunition. Now you need to inspect the premises and destroy the special forces encountered along the way. While Sergeant Pak will open the next door, we cover his back, firing from enemy attack aircraft. We find a room with a girl, an old man and a wounded man and take them to the roof of the waiting helicopter, clearing the way along the way. But the mission in Shanghai is not over in the game Battlefield 4. The passage of the next part will be no less dynamic.

Escape from shanghai

Now we have to evacuate ourselves, and to do this will be quite difficult. Having reached the elevator, we get a new point - port areas, and with battle we get out of the building. The route of movement is almost no different from the initial one, only it will be necessary to move, firing back from special forces groups. We find a married couple near the door, which will help us in the further passage. After a dialogue with a woman, we get a new goal - a tank. We stockpile C-4 explosives and mine the target. After retreating to a safe distance, we destroy the equipment, but another tank appears, which also needs to be blown up. Now you can go to the pier on the river. We sit in the boat as a group, along with civilians. We set sail and watch the video - the task is completed.

Mission in the South China Sea

Next, play the game Battlefield 4. Passage (part 3 is described later) continues on the cabin of the ship, and we need to find the Irladz and Pak. Help with this mini-map. We go to Harrison, who will appoint us a new commander - Kovik, and also give a task. Now we need to get to the sinking ship "Titan" and extract valuable information. We take equipment, a breathing apparatus, board the boat and go to the aircraft carrier. We make our way through the hole and find the G-46 hatch, through which you can reach the middle deck. In the server room, we remove the hard drive from the left cell. On the way back we meet an enemy with whom a fierce battle is ahead. As soon as the group rises to the deck, the Titan will split in half, and here you need to quickly run to the edge of the ship, hiding behind shelters and firing from enemies.

Salvation of the Valkyrie

We are sailing to the boat, on which a machine gun is waiting for us. With it, we destroy enemy boats, helicopters and motor boats. After the shooting we get back to the Valkyrie and get inside through the well deck. But the enemy does not lose time and goes on board our ship. Now we have to break through to the goal with battle. We get to the bridge and, picking up the Stinger, destroy the helicopters that threaten the ship. Then you need to get to the deck through the medical compartment and clear the territory from the enemy. We help Kovik clear the way and quickly move behind ammunition to the RPG - there will be enough enemy helicopters. Kovik will die, but manages to transfer a disk with important information. The command of the detachment rests on our shoulders again. We release Harrison from captivity and watch the video - the mission is completed.

Mission in Singapore

We can say that we got to the middle of the game. But then we will have many more surprises from the creators of Battlefield 4. Passage (mission 4 is described later) will begin with a replenishment in the squad. We will get a new fighter - Hannah.

battlefield 4 walkthrough part 4

Together with her and other members of the detachment, after an encouraging speech by Harrison, we set off to arrange sabotage at the enemy's airfield. On land, we mark the enemy with tactical binoculars, but visibility is very poor, so we try to quickly get ahead. The tank can be used as a shelter - this will save a lot of time. Having reached the fence, we stun the crew of the tank with a grenade and take its place. Well, then we will learn how to control the heavy equipment that they themselves destroyed so much in the game Battlefield 4. Walkthrough, part 4 of it is presented in this block, will not allow us to enjoy a quiet ride - everything will be exactly the opposite. We leave for the allies, but they will be destroyed almost immediately. Now you need to go around the buildings, and it is better to do this on the right side, and then turn left and drive into the parking lot. If there is no large-caliber equipment nearby, we get out of the tank, go around the fence and turn off the barriers using the control panel located on the left side of the aisle. Now the main thing is not to forget to take anti-tank guns, which will be very useful in the future.


We continue the journey on the tank, protecting it from enemy equipment, which will be a lot. To reduce damage, it is better to move at an accelerated pace - holding down the Shift key. We get to the complex, enter and help remove the boards from the door. Now we need to run across to the bridge and destroy the enemy in the bus. After that, the hero will be clamped by a car, and while they will pull it out, the ship will ram the bridge, and we will find ourselves in the water. After the ascent, we destroy the patrolmen, we are heading to the storm sewer. We climb the stairs and take the grenade launchers from the box. We destroy the enemy and go to the main hangar. In this part of the mission, it’s not necessary to kill everyone, it’s enough to run to the opposite door of the huge room. We get into the transport, after the flare, a truck with the enemy appears. While we were clearing the territory, the Allies began a bombardment, under which the detachment would fall. Hannah is a traitor, Pak is unconscious, everyone is taken prisoner. This mission of the game Battlefield 4 ends here. The walkthrough, part 4 of which was described above, will become even more interesting later on.

battlefield 4 walkthrough part 3

Kunlun Mountains

The main character is in the torture room with the Irish. After lengthy executions, Sergeant Recker faints and wakes up in a prison cell, where he meets a cellmate named Dima. Our new friend has prepared an escape plan for a long time, and we go after him. We jump into the breach and climb up the wall, jumping from one point to the next. After Dima removes the guard, we take away his weapon. Now you can choose any passage of the game Battlefield 4: either in stealth mode, or breaking through a battle, killing all the enemies you meet on the way.

We find the Irishman and help him get rid of the guard, and already together we begin to make our way towards the elevator. Here you need to be careful, because many opponents are seated in the side rooms. And in order to find them faster, we give the order to the team to attack. We go up on the elevator, find a box with remote weapons and stock up on supplies. We find the gate control panel, and while Dima breaks into the device, we pick up the mines and landmines lying on the table. Now they need to be placed in the aisles. This will help restrain the crowds of enemies. The gates will only open halfway and we will be attacked.

An unexpected turn prepared for us the passage of the game Battlefield 4: Hannah comes to our aid. Having got out through the gate, we mark the enemy with tactical binoculars and move forward. Near the bridge we take RPGs from the container hidden in the left building and destroy the armored vehicles. It is worth thinking about saving ammunition, because you will still need to destroy the tower and the helicopter. But if there are no missiles left, then you can always return for them. We note several snipers who have settled on the tower - they should be destroyed first. Now you need to get to the funicular and start the descent, but the helicopter has crossed the cable, and we will fall. It is unfortunate that Dima will not be able to survive, although this would be a great addition to the detachment. We watch the final video - the mission is completed.

Task Six - Tashgar

After a couple of days, we are in a warm company of Hannah and Irish in a jeep on a country road. Having reached the village, we find the garage and go inside, where we find Molina and his soldiers. We will talk with him and find out that the enemy captured the air base. We decide on the purpose, calculate the route and hit the road. When leaving the garage, do not forget to replenish the ammunition from the container hidden near the fallen helicopter. We take the C-4 and destroy the tank, imperceptibly sneaking up behind him. And it's better not to make noise until it's done. Also, do not forget about the tactical binoculars and mark the infantry - this will simplify the cleaning of the territory. In the next zone, grenade launchers and snipers who are seated on the roofs are of great danger. Climbing up, we destroy enemy armored vehicles from RPGs - this is how Battlefield 4 continues. We will get the weapon as a trophy from the enemy, and there will be no shortage of missiles. Before leaving the roof, you must definitely mark the enemy in the open. Now we are going to the right building.

battlefield 4 walkthrough mission 4

Sneaking up to the goal, using shelters for this, we go inside and, moving from one floor to another, we clean the premises from enemies. Next, you need to focus on the tank, which is located in front of the bridge. Before attacking him, it is worth marking with the help of tactical binoculars all the forces of the enemy that are seated in the base. The tank will be quite easy to defuse, because it will notice us when a few shots have already reached the goal. We begin to make our way to the bridge, firing off from the massive waves of enemies, not forgetting to glance at the minimap. On the base of the ally, the “Gravedigger” detachment will receive all the necessary equipment from Major Maryland, which will return the soldiers to the “Valkyrie”, but one condition will have to be met - to deliver the explosives to the dam and produce an explosion. This is necessary in order to wash away the enemy anti-aircraft systems, which impede the delivery of equipment and food to the allies who are seated in the Old Town. And only the “Gravedigger” squad will be able to cope with this task, however, the Battlefield 4 game is built on this.

Walkthrough Dam

The jump that we have to make in this part of the game is the most epochal moment in the whole passage, but about everything in order. Having agreed to the deal, we get into the truck and set off for the goal. Climbing the hill, we mark all the forces of the enemy and destroy the clusters of enemies with the help of a multiply-charged grenade launcher. Having broken through to the dam, we leave for the gate, find the stairs on the left and go up. Without ceasing to shoot back from the enemy, we move to the other side. Now we have to go downhill. While Hannah sets the first charge, we cover her back. Then we move to the next goal and already independently install the second charge. We should go out carefully - the enemy regrouped and was waiting for us outside. Having fought off, we set off along the scaffolds to the place of installation of the last charge. Now you do not need to wait for the members of the squad, but you should rise higher as quickly as possible. After installing the explosives, we run to the stairs and climb up. Before the failure, we wait for the rest of the team members, after which we activate the devices and jump, without fear, forward - everything will cost. The major will be waiting for us on the roof, where he will give the necessary equipment necessary to continue the game Battlefield 4. The passage of the dam is completed, and you can proceed to the last chapter of our game.

Final Mission - Suez

And so we got to the last mission that the Battlefield 4 game had prepared. The next mission will begin from the cockpit. When approaching the aircraft carrier, we get the task to free the Valkyrie from enemy forces. , , . – . . . . . , , . .

battlefield 4

In the room with the armored door we find the living Pak, which cannot but rejoice, despite the fact that he almost shot us. We go in search of Harrison in the medical compartment, but he is not alone there, but with Jin Jie. We clean the dining room from the enemy and go to the kitchen. Ruler Jin Jie offers a risky plan: perhaps the Chinese soldiers lay down their arms when they saw him alive. This is what is happening, and now everyone knows about General Chan's insidious plans. But this is not the end of the “Suez” mission of the game Battlefield 4. Passage at this stage has three possible endings. We need to go aboard an enemy ship that threatens the Valkyrie. We sail there in a motor boat and attach explosive charges to the ship. Now we have a difficult choice who will return to the failed charges. We give Si-4 to Khan or Irish - one of them will die. Or we don’t explode the charges, but then the Valkyrie aircraft carrier will be destroyed along with the entire crew and civilians on board. After that, we watch the final video - the game is over.


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