Mounted police in Moscow: functions and responsibilities, structure, conditions of employment

Mounted police units appeared in Russia in the 16th century. Such squadrons were formed in large cities. In other countries, such servants of the law began to appear only in the middle of the XIX century. Today, the mounted police in Moscow is the largest cavalry unit in all of Europe. It employs 400 police officers and serves 223 horses.

Modern realities

The main function of the unit is to protect public order in forest park areas and at public events, for example, at a concert or at a football match.

The effectiveness of mounted police in Moscow is higher compared to foot patrols. Police on horseback are much more mobile, can quickly overcome forest debris. At the same concert or sporting event, the rider has more visibility, so everything that happens is much easier to control.

To date, not every district has horse patrol service. Without fail there are small units of mounted police in Moscow at all forest parks. At these units there are stables where they contain from 15 to 30 animals. The main unit is located near the metro station "Airport", where the maintenance has about 90 horses.

Not only men work here, but also women. The main criterion for the selection of employees is love for animals.

Mounted Police Girls

Historical reference

The first mention of the equestrian regiment of the Moscow police is found in the annals of 1505. In 1686, the first charter of the metropolitan police appeared, which describes the functions of "head-rounds", in those days the so-called mounted police.

Their responsibilities included not only law enforcement in the streets. Riders had to monitor the cleanliness of the streets, the poor and the elderly. They were required to prevent fistfights, shooting and monitored fire safety.

In 1711, a garrison was formed, which operates to this day. At the beginning of the 19th century, the mounted police in Moscow consisted of 184 police officers and 150 horses.

With the advent of Soviet power, the equestrian division continued to work. During the war, riders monitored, captured deserters.

Russian cavalryman

Requirements for Applicants

Today, about 90% of the staff used to do horseback riding, and now they are mounted police officers in Moscow. Training is provided for those who have not previously been involved in equestrian sports. These are three-month courses that teach not only how to ride, but also how to handle weapons and communicate with people. Future police are also introduced to the basics of veterinary medicine. The training program even includes mastery of the checker, but one can show oneโ€™s skills only at performances.

For each newcomer, a mentor is assigned, who first patrols with a new member of the team, transfers his experience.

Despite all the difficulties and the need for good physical fitness, girls work in the mounted police in Moscow. They account for about 40% of the total cavalry.

The main condition for hiring is a love of horses. After all, in fact, these animals are very shy, and a person needs to work with a horse in pairs.

Cavalry horses

Working day

The cavalry service is not so easy. The day begins with horse care. It is necessary to clean the stall, tidy up the horse, saddle and yourself. The entire procedure takes 1.5 hours. The same thing after a working day, the horse must be cleaned, removed the saddle and so on.

On ordinary days, patrols go in pairs. If we are talking about a social event, then the number of patrolmen in one place can reach 50 people.

Before leaving briefing. If someone is wanted, then orientation is given and a specific task can be posed regarding the search for the offender. At mass events, the main task of the cavalry is to prevent violations of law and order.

Cavalrymen in the service

How to prepare horses

At the age of 3 years, horses get into the horse detachment from stud farms. Most often these are animals from Rostov, Krasnodar Territory and Voronezh, where the country's largest stud farms are located.

Training of horses begins with the fact that they are taught not to be afraid of external stimuli, because they will have to be in a crowd of people. Animals should not be afraid of knocks, shots and other loud sounds. Training lasts about a year and a half. Then a special commission gathers and checks the readiness of the animals for service. After the first year of training, the smartest horses are selected and trained to work at public events. It is no secret that not all horses can be trained, and not because they are dumber than others. These are just features of the character of the animal.

The average life in the cavalry is 10 years. At the age of 18, the horse is decommissioned. Trained horses are in demand, usually they are bought by people living in private houses, for domestic needs and for the entertainment of children. Such horses are also in demand among the Cossacks.

Horses in winter

How to get a job

Jobs mounted Moscow police can be found on specialized job sites. To date, several vacancies are presented, with wages from 45 to 65 thousand rubles. Police are required in offices in Miloslavskoye, Sasovo, Novomichurinsk, Pitelino and so on.

Work experience is not needed, but there are age restrictions - up to 35 years. For men, a mandatory requirement is to serve in the ranks of the Russian army.

What promise

Each employee is offered free uniforms and paid holidays of a duration of 40 days or more. For long service, cavalrymen are entitled to additional leave - from 5 to 15 days. The employer promises to pay for study leave and periods on sick leave.

In addition, all employees will be entitled to free use of public transport. Free medical care is offered not only for cavalrymen, but also for members of their families. During the holidays, you can improve your health in the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And employees who serve 10 or more years are entitled to rely on a one-time allowance, which is issued for the purchase of their own housing.

Law enforcement at a holiday


Work in the mounted police in Moscow is perhaps one of the most interesting and unique activities. The main task of the cavalry is to protect public order and patrol forest parks. Even women who manage no worse than men are taken to work in the regiment. The main thing is to go through the medical commission in all respects and love animals, because they will have to not only ride, but also look after them.

Cavalry patrol routes are coordinated with local police departments. Usually two people go to patrol. Naturally, in the very center of the park you cannot see cavalrymen, they usually patrol in the depths of park zones, where offenses most often occur. Riders are much easier to clean up if a fight has begun. A patrolman on a horse can simply become between the sides of a fight, that is, to lead people in different directions. As a rule, in a crowd, people also calm down much faster if they see a horse next to them. After all, this is a large animal weighing about 400 kilograms.


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