Cucumber Ekol F1: reviews, growing technology, description (photo)

The most popular vegetable grown in Russian gardens is cucumber. It is impossible to imagine the absence of this national product, therefore, the selection thought does not stop, developing new varieties with improved properties. Positioned by the Semko agricultural firm, the Ekol f1 cucumber, the photo of which is attached, refers to mid-ripening, short-fruited hybrids with a surprisingly short growing season, which fit into the 48-day period. Let's talk about other advantages of this vegetable.

Cucumber Ekol f1: description

The self-pollinated, white-thorn cucumber is characterized by a compact bush, flowering type of bouquet and subsequent intensive formation of ovaries (up to 4-5 pieces in the bosom). Fruiting begins 42-46 days after seed germination.

cucumber ecol f1 reviews

The rich green color and pronounced "tuberosity" of the fruits are distinctive features of the hybrid - mini gherkin. The yield is impressive - with good care, plants give 18-20 kg per 1 m 2 , and when picking pickles - 7-8 kg. This is achieved due to short internodes and a long fruiting period. The high yield of the hybrid makes it possible to remove pickles 4-5 cm long from the bush and use them for pickling or pickling. The assurances of gardeners that the Ekol f1 cucumber is a good variety of cucumbers is confirmed by the dense structure of the hybrid, which prevents voids from forming during heat treatment. This is a very valuable quality, and since fresh fruits have an excellent taste, we can talk about their universal purpose.

In addition to the listed characteristics, the cucumber Ekol f1 (reviews of gardeners confirm this) has the following properties:

  • equally successfully grows and bears fruit both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions;
  • high commercial quality, provided by the classic ratio of the length and width of the gherkin - 3/1;
  • lack of bitterness in the fruits;
  • good resistance to viral and bacterial infections: cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic.
    cucumber ecol f1 description

Harvest should be as soon as the gherkins reach a length of 5-7 cm, as the overgrown fruits lose their taste, like any overripe vegetable.

Cucumber Ekol f1: cultivation and sowing dates

This variety gives the best yields on medium loam, providing good breathability. In heavy clay soils, for access of air to the roots, add rotted sawdust that cuts the dense soil structure. Areas where solanaceous, onion, potato or cabbage were previously cultivated are preferred.

Cucumber Ekol f1 (Semko col.) Is grown with seeds or seedlings, which allows to accelerate the timing of the harvest.

Sow seeds in the ground warmed up to 15˚. This is the temperature minimum below which the plant will inhibit development, since it is initially heat-loving. In temperate climatic zones, cucumbers are planted in an open garden in the last decade of May. Necessary for good growth daytime temperatures should be not lower than 22-24 ° C, and nighttime - 18 ° C.

cucumber ecol f1 photo
Seedlings are sown in April. Since many Russian regions have rather severe climatic conditions, the application of the seedling method for growing crops in greenhouses is most rational.

Seed preparation

Hybrids, according to experienced gardeners, do not need presowing preparation, nevertheless, the practice of stimulating growth exists for a plant such as cucumber Ekol f1. The description of the procedure is as follows: having decided on the planting dates, it is necessary to prepare the seeds, soaking them in a stimulant solution (Epin, Zircon), which not only activates the development of the plant, simultaneously strengthening its immunity and increasing stress resistance, but also protects against common diseases. The solution is prepared in accordance with the recommended proportions in the attached instructions. After stimulation, the seeds are placed for 2-3 days in a humid environment, for example, a napkin, and left to swell, taking care that the paper does not dry out. Swollen or hatching seeds germinate literally on the second day after sowing.

Planting seedlings

Cucumber Ekol f1, whose cultivation technology is simple, sprouts with tall, but fragile seedlings. Therefore, it is better to sow it for seedlings immediately in separate pots.

cucumber ecol f1 cultivation
In addition, the cucumber does not tolerate diving, is sick for a long time and is delayed in development. Planting in separate cups guarantees high-quality seedlings, the main indicators of which are as follows:

  • strong stalk (not higher than 0.3 m in height) with short internodes;
  • dark green color of leaves without any inclusions;
  • developed roots.

Lack of nutrients or light is detrimental to the development of the plant - seedlings are stretched. To avoid this, you must follow the rules:

  • withstand air temperature within 20-25 20;
  • provide good lighting, and if necessary, you can organize additional illumination.

Seedling Care

Particular attention is paid to watering. It is not recommended to water barely sprouted seedlings, since there is still enough moisture inside the container, and immature shoots do not tolerate its excess, which can cause fungal or bacterial lesions.

cucumber ecol f1 semko tsv
To avoid such problems, watering the growing seedlings should be minimized. It should be remembered that the optimal seedling period for a cucumber does not exceed a month. Overexposed seedlings take root poorly.

Planting seedlings

Timing depends on the weather, soil temperature and the state of seedlings. All conditions listed in the article must be met when planting the Ekol f1 cucumber . This is especially true when planting in open ground, since even light spring return frosts will nullify all efforts. Usually on cold days, ridges with plants are covered with garden wrap or non-woven material stretched over arcs. Choosing a seat is also very important. Cucumber Ekol f1 reviews are extremely positive. It grows well and yields crops in areas open to the sun and protected from the north winds. But a more convenient way is to grow plants in greenhouses, where the crop will be guaranteed.

cucumber ecol f1 producer

Gardeners note that when planting, it is necessary to deepen the stems of cucumbers in order to increase their root system. This is justified exclusively in the southern regions of the country. Since the accumulation of a large number of roots stops the growth of the aerial parts, in temperate latitudes with a short and cool summer, the cucumber does not have time to give the crop in full. Therefore, when planting seedlings in a bed or a greenhouse, the seedling should be buried at the level at which it was in the pot.

Cucumber seedlings should be prepared for planting. A week before planting, they begin to harden it - to take it out into the open air, controlling the temperature.

Soil preparation and greenhouses

To avoid any infectious adversity, in the autumn the soil and all elements of the greenhouse (frame and fixed cover) are treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Before planting, well-rotted manure or high-quality compost of 15-20 kg per square meter is introduced into the soil and digged. Since the cucumber Ekol f1 (reviews of gardeners confirm this) is a tall plant, the planting holes are placed on the greenhouse in two rows, the distance between which is 0.5 m.The interval between the holes varies from 35 to 40 cm, they are staggered. Planting according to this scheme facilitates the care of plants and provides access to the second row. Based on the varietal characteristics of the hybrid, the density of planting seedlings should not exceed 4-5 plants per square meter.

cucumber ecol f1 growing technology
Landings should not be thickened. This leads to the emergence of diseases, the loss of presentation of the fruit and the death of the bush. The depth of the hole is 12-15 cm. Before planting, produce good watering. Pots with seedlings are completely immersed in a container of water, after which, taking out the seedling together with a lump of earth, arrange it in the hole. Gently close the seedling with soil, compact and water it again.

The need for supports and garters

Greenhouse hybrid cultivation involves the use of supports that hold the bush upright, which allows you to maximize the number of plants and get high yields of strong and healthy fruits that are not susceptible to diseases that often arise from contact with the soil. In addition, well-fixed bushes make maintenance easier. As supports, experienced gardeners recommended simple garters on cords or a device such as trellis - a lattice of wooden or plastic battens with different cell sizes (from 20 to 50 cm). Tie shoots as they grow

Crop care

Cucumber Ekol f1 (producer "Semko") refers to hybrids with medium branching of the side shoots. Their occurrence should be regulated necessarily, since the plant, being distracted by the formation of green mass, significantly reduces fruiting. After the formation of 6-7 leaves, pinch the central stem of the hybrid, stimulating branching and increasing yield. For fruiting, 1-2 strong stems are left, the remaining lateral shoots growing from the leaf sinuses are cut off, leaving small stumps. Do not forget about the timely collection of fruits.

Cucumber beds should be kept clean and tidy. Shallow, careful loosening and regular weeding are necessary. There are rules for watering cucumbers :

  • use only warm water, feeding it under the root;
  • you can not water the plant from a hose, dousing it whole.

Top dressing

The hybrid is fed several times a season with organic and mineral fertilizers.

cucumber ecol f1 good variety of cucumbers
At the beginning of flowering, add 15 grams of a solution of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and infusion of manure, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. The remaining dressings are carried out with a solution of infusion of manure or green fertilizer (1/10) with a frequency of once every 2-3 weeks.

These are the main stages of growing such a crop as Ekol f1 cucumber. The reviews of gardeners are unanimous: the plant is very promising and meets the expectations for high yields. With a little effort, you can surprise your loved ones with delicious, juicy and crispy cucumbers.


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