"Spartan" - a variety of apples with a Canadian character

spartan apple variety
Despite the fact that most of the varieties of apples for cultivation in our climatic conditions were bred by domestic breeders, do not forget about the achievements of their foreign colleagues. They also did a lot in the field of breeding new varieties of apple trees.

Confirmation of this is "Spartan." A variety of apples with this name was developed by Canadian scientists. It is considered one of the oldest, since the first tree was obtained back in 1926, and soon it was zoned for cultivation in the USSR.

Variety "Spartan". Description

These apple trees are characterized by sufficient compactness and a characteristic rounded crown. Most fruits focus on the glove.

Young shoots are notable for their characteristic dark cherry color and strong pubescence. In addition, small, dark green leathery leaves stand out, the tip of which is wrapped with a “pig’s tail”. So “Spartan” is an original apple variety, it is impossible to mix it up with our breeds.

variety of apples spartan
The fruits themselves are small, conical-rounded in shape, somewhat ribbed at the apex. Most often they are painted in a light yellow color, but on the entire surface of the apple a raspberry-red “blush” is strongly distinguished. In addition, a large amount of dense wax coating is concentrated on the skin, which gives the fruit an almost purple hue.

Since “Spartan” is an apple variety intended for long-term storage, one cannot but dwell on the characteristic of the pulp of the fruit. They have white, very dense and extremely sweet. There is no sour taste at all, apples are characterized by a strong and pleasant aroma. Sugar in them is in the range of 10.6% (depending on the locality and growing conditions), acids are not more than 0.32%, the content of ascorbic acid is in the range of 4.6 mg / 100g.

Especially a lot of pectin substances - 11.1%, which gives reason to recommend "Spartan" for the industry. A variety of apples with this composition, which is also suitable for long-term storage, will in any case be extremely beneficial for cultivation.

As a rule, fruits reach removable maturity at the end of September. What is characteristic, they are very tightly held on branches, not crumbling even after complete ripening. If you store them in a domestic refrigerator or a specially equipped basement, then they may well "survive" even until April.

Spartan apple variety photo
Recommendations for the cultivation and care of apple varieties "Spartan"

Among other things, the Spartan apple variety is characterized by a rapid onset of fruiting and excellent yield. Unfortunately, in the conditions of our harsh winters, it does not always withstand particularly extreme temperatures, but it is practically not affected by scab.

To improve the survival of these trees in especially cold winters, you need to use their compactness, forming dense groups in the center of the garden. Along the edges, in this case, you need to plant domestic tall varieties that tolerate low temperatures and protect the "Canadians" from the wind.

Of course, when forming such plantations, one must take care of high-quality fertilizer and irrigation of the soil, to which "Spartan" is very demanding. The apple variety, photos of which you see in the article, is an excellent choice not only for industrial production, but also for ordinary gardeners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21785/

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