The furnace is "Swedish". Swedish furnace: ordering. Do-it-yourself Swedish heating and cooking stove

If you are building your house or a country cottage, think before drawing up a construction plan about the type of heating in the future building. Firstly, it is not always possible to build central heating, especially if the house is far from heating communications, for example, in a village. Secondly, a separate boiler room with its boiler is not a cheap pleasure, and the most successful boiler options work from gas, that is, the gas pipeline should be in the nearest access. Thirdly, if you are not going to live in a new house all the time, heating that does not need to be preserved for the period of absence will be most suitable for you, and if you arrive, you can quickly start it. The oven becomes the ideal solution.

Swedish oven

Wide selection: focus on your needs

First decide what kind of oven you need: “Swedish”, “Dutch” or some other. They rarely stop at the Russian stove now: it is too bulky for modern small buildings, and its main purpose (baking bread) has long been out of date. If you need a clean heating design, stop at the "Dutch". It takes up very little space, and it can warm a room of considerable size (30 squares is not the limit), and it cools down very slowly, which saves on fuel, since the Dutch woman heats even after the flame goes out. The firebox of such a furnace is very low, not higher than 30 cm from the floor. Thanks to this, the room warms up evenly throughout the volume. In addition, Dutch-based craftsmen equip water heating, and some manage to mount gas burners in it as well.

And cook and drown

If the hostess is also going to cook in a heating device, the Swede oven is more suitable for you. It is also cumbersome, it holds heat very well, consumes a little firewood or coal, and it is also equipped with a surface for cooking. And, as everyone knows, food prepared on a natural fire is much tastier and more aromatic than it is made on gas or electricity. So it turns out that the best option for your suburban mansion is a heating and cooking stove. "Swedish" is an ideal type of such equipment for a country house. At the same time, you can save on a gas stove and bottled gas.

oven swedish order

Design features

The main part, nevertheless, is probably the cooking component. A three-channel heating shield has been added to it (the simplest, one-turn). The latter consists of a simple heat exchanger connected to a heat accumulator. It, in turn, can be made in thin-walled or thick-walled variations. The dimensions of the “Swede” furnace range from a minimum of 875 mm to a maximum of 1250. There are many options, why sometimes this design is called differently (usually by the name of the modernizer - the furnace Potapov, Kuznetsov, etc.). Improvements usually aim either to reduce size or increase heat transfer. But it’s not difficult to make any “Swedish” ovens with your own hands, and they have the same foundation.

do-it-yourself Swedish furnaces

Additional advantages

Note that this version of the heating device, of course, is not the only one. There are other types of heating stoves. However, the "Swedish" furnace wins in comparison with them not only in relatively small sizes. Even if the dimensions are the same, the Swede is equipped with a more advanced smoke circulation system. Unlike most designs, the "Swede" chimneys are located not only on the sides and at the base; they are also provided above the niche where the hob is located . This contributes to a significant increase in heat transfer, heat conservation and efficiency.

Another nuance. There are analog designs made by factory methods and most often from light metal. Do not be mistaken! Of course, the Swedish brick kiln will require considerable effort, time and raw materials to create. But not a single modern version can be compared in quality with a stove laid out in a "grandfather" way from natural materials.

List of necessary

heating stoves swedish

Naturally, the consumption of materials cardinally depends on the dimensions of the future furnace. However, counting the right amount is easy. Based on the fact that you have conceived not a small size, but a medium-sized stove (for example, 102 x 88 x 217), then you will have to buy the following.

Brick will be needed in two varieties: red, brand M-200 - it will need 550 pieces. Fireclay (aka refractory) will go in the amount of 60. One door for the furnace; figure it out yourself - suddenly you want to make the furnace hole larger or smaller. The standard is 21 x 26 cm, and then your ideas about the ideal stove in the house. There are 4 more doors in the kit: one blower (for the specified furnace size it should be 13 x 25 cm) and three cleaners (their dimensions are 14 x 14). The cast-iron plate is taken 41 x 71 cm, the oven - 45 x 36 x 30, the grate-grate and the damper will still be needed. For a complete set, you will have to buy steel (angular, 4 mm, 4 x 4 - two meters and the same sheet) and a sheet that will be placed in front of the furnace. A solution for bonding bricks - how much will it cost.

Brick preparation

When the Swede oven is laid out, the ordering is followed very precisely: the quality of work of an already finished construction depends on it. However, before laying the next row, the brick must be correctly processed. Before each row, the bricks are thoroughly washed and soaked for 15 seconds. Why is this done shortly before laying out? So that they do not have time to dry. That is, after soaking, the brick is laid no later than a quarter of an hour. Dry bricks draw water out of the solution, so that lasting adhesion can not be expected. And the layer of dust that exists on them prevents their adhesion to each other and to the solution.

brick oven swedish

However, they cannot be overexposed in water: they are porous and absorb moisture well. After being saturated with it, the bricks become loose and are no longer suitable for masonry.

Laying out the stove

The beginning is always the same: you should make sure that the chosen site is flat, clearly horizontal and matches the floor level. In order to get a functioning “Swedish” oven that justifies all expectations, the order is observed as follows: 1st and 2nd rows are placed on the steps; the inner space in the perimeter can be filled even with broken bricks, if only it were solid. The 3rd row outlines the size and shape of the chimney sweeps; The turning bricks in it are rounded to ensure smoother smoke movement. In the same row, the laying of the blower begins; here his door is fastened. A jumper of steel is placed on it. 4th row: securing the cleaning doors. On the 6th, laying a grate is necessary (the gaps from the brick should be 5-6 mm, they are necessary to take into account the expansion of the metal when heated). From the 6th to the 9th row, an oven is built in. A furnace door is mounted in the opening from the 8th to the 10th row.

On the 12th row, the hob is attached. So that she lay flat and was firmly fixed, the 11th is placed without a solution. Then the contour of the future slab is outlined, quarters are cut out on the bricks, which are already placed on the mortar. The plate is placed in these quarters in a dense solution and driven into place with a rubber mallet.

oven swedish photo

This is where the difficulties and nuances end: the main "tricky" places and devices are laid out and installed. Further laying is simple, it remains only to observe its evenness and verticality.

Final stage

So, your “Swedish” oven (the photo was taken as a souvenir and proudly presented to friends) is uploaded. It remains only to start operation correctly. And for this the oven must be dried. If it’s summer outside and there was no rain the other day, just open all the doors and dampers and open the door to the house. If the window is cool or damp, the chimneys are dried with a conventional fan heater. Then you have to spend a couple of weeks on fire drying - to heat twice a day with a small amount of dry small firewood. Please note that birch is not suitable for this - a mass of soot is formed from it. Inspect the smoke dampers to check. If there is no condensation on them - "Swedish" can be used.

Have nice evenings in a warm house and delicious dishes cooked in the oven!


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