Great gifts for young children.

Today's article, we open the topic of great gifts. Someone will ask: what are still great gifts at such a difficult time, when normal people spend all their money on the resort? We answer: great gifts for that and great ones that you need to prepare for them in advance. A serious purchase is rarely spontaneous. It requires a thorough study of the issue. Yes, and what can I say, preliminary financial training, although here the possibilities for people differ.

Children are the flowers of life (and adolescents are berries at all), we will begin with gifts for them.

For objectivity, we evaluate gift options according to general criteria: joy and unusualness, usefulness, useful life, potential use by family members (and we don’t need hypocrisy, we know dads who bought radio-controlled airplanes, lego railways and other wonderful things under the guise of gifts to a child).

After research and brainstorming, the shortlist of welcome teenage gifts included: a bicycle, a gyro scooter, a moped, a tablet, and, of course, an ATV.


Of the above, great is the true patriarch with more than fifty years of history. A good bike does not lose its relevance, and with proper care will serve for many years.
A bicycle is appropriate both in the city and in the country. You can go camping on it. And there are no extra bicycles in the family. Provided that there is where to store them. Perhaps the offspring is engaged in or dreaming of a specific type of cycling. Then you need a bike of a certain design - for example, derth, street or bmx. If this is so - most likely, you already know everything about them, as the child buzzed his ears.

Hoverboard or monowheel

These, on the contrary, are completely new, rapidly developing means of transport. What do the pros and cons come from. On the one hand - an unambiguous wow effect and interesting development. On the other hand, the rapid obsolescence of structures and the imperfection of technical solutions. There are known cases of spontaneous combustion, breakdowns and other things. On the other hand, this is a way to join the new and an occasion to learn how to master modern technologies in a child. Yes, they heard right. Children also have something to teach us.

If you choose between, the gyro scooter is easier to learn and looks like a toy. It’s more difficult to learn how to ride a monowheel, but as a means of transport, it is considered more practical and promising.

Scooter or moped

The dream of almost any self-respecting kid, and other girls too. Scooter is a full-fledged mechanical means of transport that requires a driver's license. Like a bicycle, a scooter is always useful in the country and everywhere where small regular trips are made. Of the clear bonuses - increasing the credibility of the owner of a moped among peers. Gaining experience in communicating with the equipment and its maintenance. And the reason, finally, to send the child to learn traffic rules and pass on the right. Summarizing - a scooter requires educational work. Although, looking at how individual children drive them, it seems that their parents gave them mopeds in the hope of getting rid of young ghouls. If this is relevant for you, we recommend looking also towards motorcycles.

Tablet or smartphone

Where without it. This is the most necessary thing in a modern economy. Need for study! And everyone already has, and your beloved offspring still has some junk. And who does not understand this - a retrograde and an old dinosaur, preparing to slowly crawl to the sidelines of history.

We believe a gadget as a gift will be suitable as a means of pedagogical influence - as a bonus for specific achievements in studies, sports, home help, or whatever else your family has flaws. Again convenient. You can give a new smartphone every year, and take the old one to yourself or give it to your grandmother.


For his sake, a review was written. But, compare and see for yourself how many advantages it brings, it would seem, is not the most obvious gift. The ATV is an active rest with physical activity, like a bicycle. Mastering the technology and the steepness of the owner - like a scooter. And this is still a fashionable novelty. The undeniable advantage of the ATV is in its all-weather season, which puts it on a par with a tablet or smartphone.

Children's ATVs from 100 cubic meters - for children conditionally. For example, the Yakota Kids Lux 8 ATV, in fact, is a universal family car, adapted for children and equipped with a parental control keychain. The all-terrain vehicle is comfortable for an adult, and can be registered with the traffic police.

To summarize, we say that any of these great gifts will give the child a lot of pleasure and joy, but vehicles are still more useful than electronic toys!


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