Internal troops of Russia. Institutes of Internal Troops. The structure of internal troops

The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are a special military formation that ensures the internal and public security of the state, protects the rights and freedom of citizens from illegal and other criminal encroachments. In other words, it is an integral element of the country's defensive chain. Internal troops are a structural unit of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. This will be discussed in more detail in this article.


At the moment, the internal troops of the Russian Federation are considered a powerful paramilitary formation. The current indicated units are entirely motorized operational (motorized rifle) units with armored vehicles. Internal troops have their own personal aviation, artillery, engineering and naval units. In general, these units have excellent combat effectiveness. The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia do not stop in their development and improvement, regularly recruit in their ranks experienced officers of the indicated forces of the Russian Federation and special services (FSB, SVR and GRU). This allowed the creation of a personal Intelligence Directorate, part of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The specified special training service is not inferior to foreign counterparts. Personal intelligence units have been established since 1990.

Internal troops of Russia: structure

This formation includes:

  • Governing bodies. Command of the internal troops.
  • Special motorized units.
  • Operational paramilitary units of the internal troops.
  • Maritime units.
  • Militarized formations and units guarding the most important state facilities and special cargoes.
  • Military aviation units.
  • Military educational institutions of professional higher education.
  • Intelligence units.
  • Militarized special forces.
  • Medical, scientific institutions, as well as military units providing activities carried out by internal troops.


The main tasks of this power structure are multifaceted. Their definition is indicated by the law of the Russian Federation “On Internal Troops”:

  • Ensuring the protection of important state facilities and special cargoes.
  • Joint activities with other various internal affairs bodies to implement the protection of social order, as well as maintaining the state of emergency and public safety.
  • Taking part in the defense of the state.
  • Assistance to border units reporting to the Federal Security Service for the implementation of border protection in Russia.
  • Suppression of manifestations of terrorism and ensuring the regime of counter-terrorism operations.

Internal troops are in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. They support the constitutional system and public order within the country. However, in the event of an attempt on state sovereignty from outside, the internal troops of the Russian Federation participate in repelling aggression with the army and border guards in the Armed Forces. The specified power structure submits to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

Management of this formation

The internal forces are led by the President of Russia. He approves their structure, composition, strength, decides on the place of their deployment and movement of units, on the joint participation of the specified formation with the Department of Internal Affairs to ensure the state of emergency. He also approves the post of Commander-in-Chief of this structure and, if necessary, relieves him from his post. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation directly directs such a formation. He is fully responsible for the legality of the activities of this formation. Also, his responsibilities include the approval of regulations on organizational activities and so on. The commander in chief of the said power structure and the direct chief of all relevant units is the deputy. Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. He is engaged in the management of this formation, and is also personally responsible for his mobilization and combat readiness, the positive execution of various tasks assigned to him.

The structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is the Main Command of this formation. Military units and formations are included in the district. They are an operational-territorial association. In turn, they are headed by the commanders of the district of this formation. Deputies of the Minister of Internal Affairs and heads of the main relevant departments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where these units and formations are deployed, can manage military units and special motorized units of the indicated power structure, as well as be senior operational commanders. They are authorized to use these units of the indicated formation to carry out the protection of social order together with other various bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and to deal with the elimination of mass riots. However, units and formations of this structure are prohibited from stopping unauthorized rallies and demonstrations of a peaceful nature.

Monitoring and oversight

This task is assigned to the prosecutor's office. She also monitors the fair execution of laws by these units. She controls all types of lawful activities of these bodies: operational-search, administrative and criminal procedure. The prosecutor’s office also monitors the enforcement of laws by internal troops, the lawfulness of the detention of arrested and detained persons in temporary detention facilities and distribution centers. This supervision is carried out in accordance with applicable law. The legitimacy of the activities carried out by the brigade of internal troops and other units of the police department is controlled by various bodies. Basically, this is departmental supervision. It is carried out by the control and methodological departments of the internal affairs bodies, standing above.

A unit has also been formed, called its own security service, which detects among employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who commit malfeasance. The activities of law enforcement public safety structures are subordinate to local authorities. The President exercises state control over the work carried out by the Ministry of Internal Troops of Russia. The government of the Russian Federation also takes part in this supervision. Courts control during the consideration of paperwork - criminal and administrative offenses that come from units of the specified structure, complaints about the lawfulness of detention and detention, the legality of decisions taken by said units that limit civil rights.

Higher educational institutions of this power structure

  • Novosibirsk Militarized Institute of Internal Troops.
  • Perm paramilitary institute of internal troops.
  • St. Petersburg Institute of Internal Troops.
  • Saratov specialized institution.
  • There is also a faculty of internal troops at the militarized university of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Consider the above educational institutions in more detail.

St. Petersburg Militarized Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The specified specialized educational institution is the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education. At this institute, personnel are trained to appoint them to officer posts in the indicated power structure of Russia with the assignment of the military rank “lieutenant”. Graduates are awarded a diploma of professional higher education in the specialty "Jurisprudence" with the qualification of a lawyer. The term of study is five years.

The indicated militarized institute of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has the following advantage:

  • state absolute security;
  • obtaining a state standard diploma;
  • good scholarship;
  • the availability of free access to the resting place in both directions;
  • employment at the end of the educational process;
  • training and obtaining driver’s licenses in accordance with the requirements of the international standard of category “B” and training in the management of military equipment.

This military institute has 110 classrooms. Of these, 88 are located at the place of permanent deployment, and 17 at the Molosovitsy training center, and 4 more at the educational institution of the North-West Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is used in the interests of training professional personnel for the specified power structure.

Institute of Internal Troops

The Institute has 14 departments:

  • On the tactics of the internal troops.
  • Department of fire training.
  • By tactics of general importance.
  • Department of ABV and T.
  • Physical fitness and sports.
  • Department of OSBD VV.
  • For the study of social and human sciences.
  • Department of military pedagogy and psychology.
  • On the study of history and theory of state and law.
  • Department of Civil and Criminal Law.
  • On the study of administrative and constitutional law.
  • Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics.
  • For the study of natural sciences and mathematical disciplines.
  • Department of Foreign Languages.

Citizens of the Russian Federation (youth) are enrolled in this institute who have a certificate of completion of an educational institution (full) of general or secondary vocational training, as well as those who are fit for health due to their studies, who have passed specialized selection and who have passed the entrance exams positively. The following persons are entitled to admission:

  • Not serving in the army of the Russian Federation from the age of 16 to 22 years.
  • Past the specified service and those on it at the call. Age - up to 24 years.
  • Passing contracted military service, but only at the end of half the period specified in the first contract. The age limit is up to 24 years.

Perm Militarized Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

This institution provides training for future officers. Upon completion, they will receive professional higher education with the right to subsequent service in the indicated troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

This institution has the following organizational structure:

  • institute command;
  • control;
  • 4 faculties, which include 12 departments;
  • training courses for officers;
  • 10 support units;
  • seven departments of direct subordination;
  • 1 battalion providing training process.

The training of officers with professional higher education for the specified formation is carried out by four faculties:

  • Technical support, producing specialists of "multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles."
  • The faculty graduating specialists in the testing and operation of artillery weapons.
  • Preparing computer professionals for various purposes.
  • Dog training, graduating biologists. The institute accepts men with the citizenship of the Russian Federation who voluntarily expressed a desire to undergo training. They should have a secondary (complete) general or vocational education. They must also undergo a peculiar check in the bodies of the FSB of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, be fit for health, psychologically stable and physically prepared for training. The selection is carried out from:
    - Citizens who have not previously served in the armed forces. They must be between the ages of 16-22.
    - Citizens who have already completed the specified service or are on it by conscription (under the age of 24 years).
    - Citizens currently in contract military service, but subject to the end of half the period specified in the contract. Their age is also limited to 24 years.

The institute has been studying for five years. A person who graduates from this institution receives the rank of “lieutenant”.

Candidates for admission to this militarized institute pass:

1. Determining the degree of preparedness for admission to the specified health institution (military medical commission).

2. Entrance tests, which determine the level of professional suitability (psychological examination), as well as an assessment of the level of educational preparation:

  • Faculty of Technical Support. In the Russian language and literature (writing writing); in mathematics and physics (in writing).
  • Faculty of artillery weapons. In literature and Russian language (presentation); in mathematics and physics (in writing).
  • Department of Cynologists. In literature and the Russian language (presentation), in chemistry and biology (in writing).
  • Faculty of automated control systems. In Russian language and literature (presentation); in mathematics and physics (in writing).

3. Assessment of physical fitness (pulling up on the crossbar, running 100 and 3000 meters).

Novosibirsk Militarized Institute of Internal Troops named after General I.K. Yakovlev, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

This government agency is also important. The Novosibirsk Militarized Institute is training future officers to serve in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Full-time study is carried out the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or vocational education. As in previous educational institutions, recruitment is carried out from among the following categories of citizens:

  • Those who did not serve in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces (ages 16 to 22).
  • Already past the specified service or being on it at the call.
  • Currently undergoing contract military service, but provided that half the period specified in the contract has already been completed. In this and the previous case, the age of applicants is limited to 24 years.

Persons who graduate from the institute are given a special military rank “lieutenant” and a state diploma is issued. In the third year of study, students who successfully pass the exam receive a driver’s license with category “B”. This is an important fact. Students are accommodated in special dormitories. They are also fully supported by the state throughout the training. Students are provided with summer holidays (vacations), the duration of which is 30 days and winter - 15. From the second year, a contract is concluded with students, after which they are given a monetary allowance of 10,000 rubles.

This institute prepares specialists in the following specialties:

  • "Legal support of national security." Graduates perform military service in the initial position of platoon commander or his deputy operational units special motorized and guarding important state special cargoes and unit facilities, followed by promotion to a higher vacancy. This is a powerful argument. They can also hold the position of deputy company commander to work with existing personnel.
  • "Translation Studies". Graduates of this specialty will serve in the initial position of commander of a special-purpose platoon (intelligence).

Saratov Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

This institution also plays an important role in this structure. The Saratov Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is considered one of the oldest military training formations of internal troops that specialize in training officers to work in the specified structure by qualification: "Law". This is an important area of ​​study. Those who graduate from the institute are given a diploma with the qualification of “lawyer” and the assignment of the main officer rank “lieutenant”. The cadets of this institution are trained in the impeccable possession of whole varieties of small arms, self-defense and hand-to-hand combat techniques , driving vehicles with military equipment and machinery, and working on information and computing equipment.

The university is preparing officer staff for the internal forces. As a result, military qualifications and disciplines are important here. The military and special strategy of the units and units of the specified formation is taught at this institute; general and combat psychology and pedagogy; higher mathematics; foreign languages; other military and special disciplines. ( 5 ) . .


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