Picturesque bridge in Moscow

Moscow is a city that can constantly surprise. Despite her seemingly thorough study, from time to time a new pearl appears in her necklace. It turns out, contrary to popular belief, that the main attractions of Moscow were built long ago, and our contemporaries are able to surprise us with objects with amazing architecture and original technical solutions. One of them is the Picturesque bridge.

History of creation

This cable-stayed bridge was designed to connect Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Novorizhskoye Shosse.

There are no analogues to it either in Russia or in the world. Its opening took place on December 27, 2007. It became a kind of New Year's gift for Muscovites and guests of the capital. The main architect of the bridge is Nikolai Ivanovich Shumakov.

For its time, the design of the bridge was so original that it won a gold medal at the Brussels exhibition Brussels Innova Energy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Picturesque Bridge in Moscow is not only one of its symbols, but also an indicator of the technical and scientific potential of Russia.

Bridge construction

The biggest difficulty in the construction of the bridge was the fact that on both sides of the Moscow River, in the planned construction site, there are nature protection zones. Economic activity is limited on their territory, and construction is completely prohibited. And since the construction of the bridge was to provide for the movement of cars at speeds of up to 100 km / h, sharp turns when entering the bridge had to be excluded. Consequently, the standard projects of bridge crossings that are erected across the river had to be abandoned. The search began for a technical solution that would satisfy both motorists and environmentalists. And it was found.

At the first glance, a paradoxical idea was taken to minimize damage, the idea was to build a bridge along the river. The fact is that in this place the Moscow River has a long bend, over which it was decided to build the Picturesque Bridge. A tender was announced for the design of such an unusual structure, the winner of which was a unique project that was implemented as a result.

A huge arch erected across the river is used as the pylon of this bridge. The load is fully distributed on the arch and the cables - steel ropes that support the entire bridge structure. In addition to the original project, the technical indicators of the Picturesque Bridge are also impressive:

  • length - 1460 meters;
  • width - 37 meters;
  • arch span - 182 meters;
  • arch height - 105 meters;
  • height above the water surface - 30 meters.

It should be noted that with the exception of cables, the construction of the bridge is of domestic production. The arch of the bridge is painted in bright red color. When the arch is reflected in the water, it forms a beautiful figure in the form of a circle.

"Circle" of the bridge


The highlight of the Picturesque Bridge in Moscow is a large glass capsule. Initially, it was conceived as a restaurant, but today it plays the role of an observation deck, from the side somewhat resembling a flying saucer. Its weight is slightly less than 1000 tons. Height is thirteen meters, length is thirty-three meters, and width is twenty-four. It offers scenic views of the surroundings. In order to avoid icing and to clear the surface of the glass of snow, the design includes heating glazing.

There was an idea to place a registry office in this glass capsule, but to date it has not been implemented. If we take as a whole, then the whole complex consists of three parts:

  • ellipsoid on the arch;
  • gallery bridge on the right arch support;
  • evacuation bridge.

Picturesque bridge: how to get

The bridge is part of Marshal Zhukov Avenue, located near Zhivopisnaya Street. You can get to it from the nearest metro station:

  • Krylatskoye;
  • "October Field".

Take bus number 850 from the Krylatskoye metro station to the General Glagolev stop. Go to the other side of the street and take the T86 bus or trolleybuses 20, 21, 65, 20K. Drive to the Serebryany Bor stop. This route just passes through the Picturesque bridge, it will be possible to evaluate its architecture directly from the inside.

From the metro station "October Field" walk to the stop "People's Militia" (about 300 meters). Take bus 253 or 253 to the stop “Marshal Zhukov Avenue”. Go to the stop “Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity” and from there take the T86 bus or trolleybus 20, 65, 20K to the stop “Serebryany Bor”.

From far away, the bridge attracts attention with its bright, futuristic silhouette. Due to the fact that the central part of the Picturesque bridge is suspended from the arch pylon by means of an elegant cable-stayed system, the bridge seems to soar above the water. Thanks to the same cable-stayed system, there was no need to erect supports in the center of the river, which could interfere with shipping.

Elegant bridge guys

Due to the design of the bridge, when approaching it, it seems that somewhere in the distance you can see part of the Ferris wheel.

Like a ferris wheel

The roadbed of the bridge was made equal to the width of the carriageway of Marshal Zhukov Avenue, without narrowing. Therefore, the traffic flow moves along the bridge at a sufficiently high speed. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway, through which you can get to the Zhivopisny bridge in Moscow. As a means of safety for pedestrians, special chippers are used here that separate the sidewalks from the roadway.

Views from the bridge

Moving over the bridge, you can admire not only its architecture, but also the picturesque surroundings. From the height of the bridge an excellent overview of the famous Serebryany Bor and the North Krylatsky park. No less enjoy the walk around the bridge.

Photos of the Picturesque Bridge do not occupy the last place in the collection of both guests and residents of the capital. Depending on the time of day, weather and lighting in photographs, even taken from one angle, each time you can see something new, consider some nuances that have not been noticed before.

To reduce noise from passing cars, bridge structures are fenced with special sound-absorbing screens that are painted in the colors of the bridge. Only the cable-stayed span remains open.

Noise-damping partitions of the bridge

A little about extremals

Despite the fact that the Picturesque Bridge in Moscow is under guard, from time to time there are people who, in search of rare shots and unforgettable sensations, climb onto the upper part of its structure, which is undoubtedly a very dangerous occupation.

View from above

Thanks to its exclusive design, the bridge has become another highlight of the capital and is able to surprise even very experienced travelers. It is included in several sightseeing tours of Moscow, and, it must be said, not in vain. Having visited this interesting building, believe me, you will not waste time in vain.


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