"Kuban Comet" - cherry plum. Reviews, description and care

What is cherry plum? More recently, it was called wild plum and was rather dismissive of it. Indeed, this is the ancestor of all modern plum varieties, but the attention of breeders was attracted not so much by this as by the endless possibilities for crossbreeding and obtaining new varieties. One of the results of this work was the variety “Kuban comet” - cherry plum, reviews of which spread far beyond the Caucasus, its historical homeland. However, let's try to trace all the way - as an unknown plant in such a short period has become universally loved.

kuban comet cherry plum reviews

The story of cherry plum

Around the 20s, it was a wild plant, widely distributed in the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia. More recently, cherry plum began to be used as a garden culture, and breeders began to breed new varieties. But their first species did not differ too much from their wild relatives in taste. However, in a short time the plant gained immense popularity. This is due to the unpretentiousness of the culture, as well as the highest productivity. One year after planting, you can get the first berry, and after three years - a stable crop of 40 kg. By ten years, the tree will produce 300 or more kg per year. However, those first varieties did not differ too much from the wild ones, from them it was possible to make homemade preparations and specific Caucasian dishes, but they were not suitable for food. This can not be said about the variety "Kuban comet". Cherry plum, reviews of which are replete with laudatory epithets, has juicy large berries that are great for food and preparations. A peculiar sourness gives some piquancy, due to which cherry plum has been used in traditional cuisine. However, we have not yet told how this variety appeared.

Crossbreeding Species

A new stage in the history of cherry plum was the identification of its most valuable properties, namely, the ability to interbreed with a variety of fruit crops. Among them are not only different varieties of plums, but also cherries, cherries, apricots and peaches, that is, almost all stone fruits. Of course, this gave impetus to the emergence of a variety of hybrids. Varieties appeared, giving a huge harvest of large and tasty berries. One of these was the “Kuban comet” - cherry plum, reviews of which call it the most delicious and unpretentious plum. The variety calmly tolerates the harshest winters, and the fruits do not crumble when overripe, resistant to cracking and tolerate transportation. Let's take a closer look at what this variety is.

cherry plum Kuban comet description


Today it is a favorite plum in the whole of Russia. In stores, the “Kuban comet” is in great demand - cherry plum, reviews of experienced gardeners about which are beyond praise. This is a medium early ripening plum variety. That is, the crop is in time in any climatic zone of our huge country. The variety was bred back in 1980 and has not lost its popularity ever since.

cherry plum Kuban comet photo

The adult tree is rather small, with a rare crown. This small worker gives such a rich harvest that the trunks often break under the weight of the fruit. The stamp is smooth, gray in color, rare lentils. Shoots horizontal, medium thickness, gray with a pale tan on the sunny side. Leaves grow vertically, flower buds are small, scales when blooming pale pink. It blooms in early July, the yield of the variety is very high. The plant is resistant to most diseases, winter frosts, for some time it can survive in a drought. Such is the cherry plum "Kuban comet." The description would not be complete without a description of the conditions of detention and care.

Seat selection

The sunniest and brightest place in the garden will be just in time. Any shadow greatly affects the quality and quantity of fruits. First of all, the shadow affects the sweetness of the berry: the sunny the summer, the tastier the fruits will be. Despite the resistance to frost, this is still southern cherry plum - the “Kuban comet”. The description offers, as an alternative to the mild climate of the Caucasus, a landing next to country houses, which will serve as a natural protection from the wind. For example, between a house and a fence. An ideal place is a sunny area, covered on the north side with a brick wall. Be sure to check the future landing site for wetland. If there is a possibility of stagnation of water, then it is better to choose another site for planting or build a hill. Groundwater level must be at least 2 meters. Keep in mind that the cherry plum variety “Kuban Comet” loves light sandy soil. It is not particularly picky, but does not tolerate heavy clay and loamy soils.

variety cherry plum Kuban comet


In the spring, among other seedlings, cherry plum is also for sale. The Kuban Comet (photo is in the review) involuntarily attracts attention - a small tree, completely covered with huge berries. At the same time, growing it is not at all difficult. You only need to choose the right time for landing. In early spring, you can buy a seedling with a bare root system. If in the store you met a container plant, then it is better to postpone its purchase until the fall.

cherry plum Kuban comet pollinators

So, your choice is the cherry plum “Kuban comet”. Landing and care are not complicated, as already mentioned, but several rules must be observed. First: the seedling must not be buried when planting in the ground. The root neck should be 5-7 cm above ground level. The roots should only be straightened out before planting, but they cannot be injured. The larger the number will remain viable, the faster the plant will grow. But pruning branches can be done immediately, even before planting.

Care Features

This variety, like many others, is partially self-fertile. What does it mean? That is, in order for the fruits to start, the pollen of another plant is necessary. If there is no second tree in the neighborhood, then the yield will be at least worse. That is, you need to purchase and land a neighbor. It can be a plum or the same plum “Kuban comet”. At the same time, pollinators best come out of the plums. But they should not be planted too close, the area of ​​nutrition of one tree is about 9 square meters. m

Top dressing

When planting plums, organic fertilizer is put in the planting pit, most often it is rotted horse manure. Humus, potassium sulfate and superphosphate also give good results. But nitrogen only worsens the result. Further dressing is done before flowering in the spring. Once the tree has bred, it is necessary to feed it with potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Late autumn, before winter, and also in early spring, organic fertilizers should be applied every year.

cherry plum Kuban comet photo description

First flowering and harvest

What do we pay attention to first when choosing a seedling, be it an apple tree, a pear or a cherry plum "Kuban comet"? The photo on the advertising booklet primarily reflects branches bending under the weight of the fruit. In order for you to grow the same tree, you must cut off all the flowers in the first year of his life. This will allow the plant to grow stronger, winter well and give a lot of fruit for the next year. However, the flowering of such a productive variety as cherry plum "Kuban comet" should be further regulated. The description of the variety suggests that half of the crop must be cut off at the greenhouse stage, that is, only formed fruits. This will allow them to grow large and tasty, and also give the tree a good prepare for winter. If you do not thin out the crop in this way, then a tree that has lost all strength will bear fruit only after a year.


Like everyone else, the cherry plum "Kuban comet" is very hygrophilous. Description (photo shows a well-groomed tree) recommends watering 4-5 times a month, at the rate of 2-3 buckets per tree twice a day. Lack of water can cause crop loss, especially during the period from early June to late July. But in August it needs to be completely canceled. Rains at this time are extremely undesirable, since they lead to a strong growth of shoots, which means that the tree risks freezing in severe cold.

cherry plum Kuban comet grade description


Very large, weighing up to 50 g each. The shape of the berry is round-ovate. Their color is from red to dark purple. The skin is thin, strong, with a slight waxy coating. The flesh is usually to everyone's taste. It is yellow, dense, juicy, aromatic, sweet and sour taste. Not sugary. The fruits are consumed fresh, and they also make excellent jam, compotes and jellies. The fruits ripen at the end of July, while they do not crumble for a long time, and due to the dense skin they tolerate transportation well. When picked from a tree in green, they ripen perfectly and acquire the color of a ripe fruit.

Plant formation

Cutting cherry plum “Kuban comet” is an important care technique. The plant forms bunches of flower buds along the entire length of the annual growth. It is not small at all, about 1-1.5 mm. That is, without proper pruning shoots of cherry plum next year will touch the ground. Of course, the longer they are, the greater the yield, but still, in order for the crown to be stronger, you need to trim the annual growth to flower buds. When trimming stone fruit varieties, it is very important to cover the slices with oil paint after 15 minutes.


Like any gardener, each of us may have an interest in a new variety. It is not necessary to immediately buy a seedling, just ask for a small cut for vaccination. It is carried out easily: just a pointed branch is inserted into a tree branch, fixed with electrical tape, and the cut is processed by a garden var. Usually after a year you can see the results of your work. Fruits will appear on the grafted branch. Thus, it is possible to grow branches of apricots or peaches, which on their roots will not grow in most of the territory of Russia.

Grade Advantages

First of all, it is noted for its amazing productivity. A small adult tree can produce a hundred kilograms of fruit per season. The second undoubted plus is early ripening. Among similar varieties, it gives fruit almost a month earlier. And finally, an important fact. The variety is characterized by outstanding adaptability. Almost all of Russia already grows it on their personal plots, and this is the distance from the Caucasus to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok. This gives a guarantee that the purchased seedling will take root on your site and will not freeze in the coming winter.

Most gardeners note the absolute unpretentiousness of this variety. It grows under various conditions, forgiving even significant errors and shortcomings. The only thing to observe is the regime of watering and feeding the tree, otherwise you can be left completely without a crop.

Variety disadvantages

As already mentioned, the "Kuban comet" tends to give a huge harvest. This is both a plus and a minus. Overloading leads not only to mechanical damage (branches and tree trunks break), but the quality of the fruit suffers greatly. They become small, acidic and dense, the tree does not have enough strength for everyone to pour juice and mature. In addition, lovers of fresh fruits note such a disadvantage as poor separability of the pulp from the bone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21806/

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