Grandorf food for cats and dogs: description and reviews

With the appearance of a pet in the house, whether it be a kitten or a puppy, additional worries are noticeably added. And the question of how to feed a pet becomes very relevant.

grandorf feed

One of the excellent solutions to this problem is the Belgian food "Grandorf". At the same time, the manufacturer took care of both cats and dogs.

Grandorf cat food

Dry food "Grandorf" for cats contains only useful and necessary animal substances. 70% of it consists of meat, the remaining 30% is occupied by fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, brewer's yeast, taurine and other components.

grandorf feed reviews

In addition, there are certain types of food for cats "Grandorf". They are distinguished by a specially developed composition for small kittens (with lamb and rice), cats that are always indoors (with turkey and lamb), sterilized animals (with rice and turkey), as well as for pets with a sensitive digestive system (with fish )

Grandorf feed, due to its balanced composition, brings significant benefits to the animal’s body:

  • supports beneficial intestinal microflora, improves digestion and metabolism;
  • cares for the oral cavity;
  • prevents tooth problems;
  • heals the skin of the animal and wool;
  • strengthens the joints;
  • improves eyesight;
  • supports the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the possibility of urolithiasis;
  • improves immunity.

Reviews about cat food "Grandorf"

What do customers say about an animal product like Grandorf? Reviews in most cases are positive. Cat lovers like the natural composition of the feed, the large amount of meat in it and the complete absence of soy. In addition, this food is ideal for pets prone to allergies.

As for the cons, they are not so significant. In general, animal owners believe that feed pellets are a bit small. But for cats, this most likely does not matter. And the second minus is the price of feed. Indeed, it is much higher than that of other manufacturers popular in Russia. The reason for this is obvious - the Grandorf company prioritizes the quality of feed with the maximum amount of meat in the composition, without replacing it with cheaper soy or corn starch.

Dog food "Grandorf"

Grandorf dry food for dogs consists of easily digestible natural ingredients. At the same time, the percentage of meat in it is within 60%, and the remaining 40% is occupied by rice, herbs and herbs, brewer's yeast, vitamins and other components. The food does not contain any preservatives, allergens, offal, colorants, flavorings, as well as sugar and salt.

food Grandorf reviews of veterinarians

There are different types of Grandorf food for dogs, so it’s not difficult to choose the perfect option for a puppy or an elderly dog, a pregnant or lactating animal, as well as for any characteristics of the pet’s body (illness, digestive problems, tendency to allergies, etc.) d.).

Reviews for dog food from the company "Grandorf"

What impression did Grandorf feed have on customers? Reviews of veterinarians and just dog owners are exactly the same - this food is ideal for any breed, age and health status of the pet.

Pets are happy to eat Gradorf food, and any digestion problems disappear and stool quality improves. In addition, the animal becomes active, its coat is soft and shiny.

But, despite all the positive reviews, there are cases when this food did not fit the puppy or already an adult dog. As a result, digestive problems were observed in the form of an increase in the amount of stool. Experienced dog breeders say that this process is normal when changing the type of feed and you just need to endure it. Those who took this advice noticed stool normalization during the first two weeks. The rest decided not to "experiment" with their pet and continued to search for the ideal food for him.


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