Production, types and shelf life of cement

Cement is one of the main building materials. Not a single construction site can do without it. It is needed both to strengthen the foundation, and for finishing work. This material is indispensable today, and it has no analogues. A huge selection of cement manufacturers and brands usually makes selection difficult. Therefore, you need to understand all the intricacies and tricks in order not to miscalculate and get an excellent result in the end. If desired, cement can be purchased in bags or in bulk.

Cement production

Over several centuries, the production technology of this material has not changed much. Only technologies have been improved and production costs have been reduced. Modern equipment allows you to get a quality product with high quality indicators.

cement shelf life

Cement production is usually carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Limestones, which are the main component of the mixture, are crushed into small pieces after extraction, not more than 10 cm. This mass is called sludge. Then it will be repeatedly crushed to the desired consistency.
  • After that, the process of drying or moisturizing. It all depends on what method is used in production.
  • Next, the resulting mass is fired in a furnace at very high temperatures, until all components begin to melt. During this stage, cement clinker is formed in the form of small lumps.
  • Then it is thoroughly ground to a powder state.
  • The next step is characterized by the addition of gypsum. It needs only 5%. This will increase the stickiness of the cement. Also, to improve the characteristics of the material, various minerals and components are introduced into the composition.

Main characteristics and properties

Everyone knows the wear-resistant qualities of the composition, but no one thinks about its other advantages. High-quality cement, the characteristics of which are the highest, of course, will differ in price and marking. But, paying attention to its other indicators, you can choose a high-tech product that will perfectly cope with its tasks and meet your expectations.

cement shelf life

One of the most important characteristics is corrosion resistance. Many were faced with the problem of violating the integrity of the cement coating due to the influence of an aggressive environment or excessive contact with ordinary water. To extend the service life of cement and ensure its safety, you need to pay attention to the composition. In many cases, special polymer additives help to increase the strength of the mixture.

When making the solution, pay special attention to the amount of water added to the dry mix. Microparticles of cement have three times greater density and are able to absorb various amounts of liquid. If you do not guess with the calculations, some of these particles will settle, and the other half, on the contrary, will rise to the surface after some time. As a result, lack of strength and tendency to fracture.

The fineness of grinding cement affects both its quality and, accordingly, the cost of the product. The smaller the particles, the faster they will solidify, and the longer their life. But not always a small amount of microparticles gives a positive result. Try to choose the optimal ratio of fine to coarse grinding. It is this combination that will ensure the reliability of the material in the future.

cement characteristics

It is also important to consider strength and heat resistance. Do not underestimate any of the above characteristics. All of them are important and of paramount importance. To get the best effect, manufacturers try to combine all the best in one product. But there are those that, by reducing some characteristics, significantly increase others. Here, everyone chooses his own option, in accordance with the tasks and expectations.

Storage conditions for cement

In order for the material not to lose its qualities, it is necessary to observe the storage and operating conditions required by the manufacturer. Only this will ensure the availability of the goods for as long (or even longer) as promised by the manufacturer.

The cement warehouse must be dry. This is perhaps the most important storage requirement of the material. This is due, first of all, to the property of cement to quickly absorb moisture (even from air). For the same purpose, a room with good ventilation is necessary. Cement in bags, which is sent for storage, must be checked on the integrity of the package.

Cement Shelf Life

If you bring the average value, then this indicator usually fluctuates within 2 months. The shelf life of cement depends on many factors and may vary. For high-speed species, this indicator is even less - about 1.5 months. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the production date and the indicated shelf life of cement.

bagged cement

Impact of extraneous factors

The quality of cement can be affected by the storage method, transportation methods, and the brand of the product itself. Inaccurate handling of containers may cause depressurization, and the dry mixture will absorb moisture from the external environment. This will not only reduce the shelf life of cement, but also deprive it of its basic properties. Therefore, storage conditions must be observed, and the mixture is packaged in special airtight bags. Subject to these conditions, the shelf life of cement can be from 1 to 2 years.

Types of mixture

There are several types of cement, each of which differs in composition and raw materials. The following are most common:

  • Lime.
  • Mergelic.
  • Clayey.

These species are most resistant to water and temperature extremes:

  • Portland
  • Slag Portland.

cement warehouse

This type of cement is distinguished by its hardness and corrosion resistance.

  • Hydraulic It absorbs water quickly and solidifies just as quickly.
  • Grouting . It is characterized by high strength and is often used in the construction of dams, dams and other water-resistant structures.
  • Decorative . It has a neutral white color and is used for finishing work.
  • Sulfate resistant . Withstands very low temperatures.


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