The story "Angel": a summary, analysis

In the Russian pre-revolutionary newspapers during the winter holidays it was customary to publish stories on Christmas themes. A typical work in this genre can be called the story "Angel". A summary and analysis of the work of Leonid Andreev is presented in the article.

angel summary

about the author

A collection of short stories published in 1901 brought fame to the author. But Andreev did not create light, entertaining prose. In his work, he explored the inner world of man, wondering about the causes of the evil that prevails in everyday life of ordinary people.

What is the story of "Angel"? The summary can be summarized as follows: a story from the life of a "bad boy" whose soul brightened at Christmas.

The hero of the work shows rudeness and self-will. He is impudent, undisciplined, does not show a craving for learning. But he cannot be different, since he lacks affection, care and love. The Angel, a summary of which is outlined below, is a Christmas story. However, this story does not have a happy ending.

The work is partly autobiographical. In childhood, the author had an elegant wax toy. But she, to the chagrin of the boy, melted. This toy was an extraordinarily beautiful angel.

andreev angel summary


The story consists of three chapters. The first describes the characteristics of the heroes. How did Andreyev portray the main character? "Angel", a brief summary of which is the story of a poor boy who fell on a Christmas tree in a rich house, is a deep, philosophical work. Sasha is a poor student, cheers on teachers. His mother is a cruel woman. The boy constantly lies and believes that in this way he takes revenge on others. But he lies only to his father.

Ivan Savvich is a sick and weak person. He does not dare to argue with his wife about what the minor son reproaches him with. Sasha’s father was once a respected man, but after he married a woman he didn’t love, he began to drink. Ivan Savvich sank to the point that he fell right on the street, and he was carried to the station. When he, due to poor health, stopped drinking alcohol, his wife suddenly washed down. This uneducated and rude woman began to take out on the man all those grievances that she had borne over the years of family life. But her health, unlike her husband’s, from vodka only grew stronger. And darkness, hatred, irritation reigned in the house. Like many children of unfortunate parents, Sasha grew up in an embittered wolf cub.

In the house of Svechnikov

Ivan Savvich once served as a teacher in the house of a wealthy man. He fell in love with a relative of Svechnikov, but, as you know, he married another. Sofya Dmitrievna, and that was the name of the girl, she also married. Sashka considered this act a betrayal, despite the fact that the father was by that time the husband of the daughter of the landlady.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to invite children from poor families for Christmas. The Svechnikovs, having invited their son Ivan Savvich to their home, are fulfilling their Christian duty. But there is no sincerity, mercy, kindness in their actions. All this is done as if for show. Sasha feels a lie and takes revenge. Shows the language to the venerable gentleman and offends the master's son. Thus depicted the relationship of the heroes of the story L. Andreev.

l andreev angel


A summary of the first two chapters is outlined. You can proceed to retelling the third. And this part of the work tells of happiness, which is ghostly and fleeting even in the life of a teenager. Sasha sees an angel on a Christmas tree. And suddenly changes take place in the soul. The boy cannot think of anything. Just about how to get hold of a toy. With the help of cunning and persuasion, he still gets an angel.

Fragile happiness

Evening. Twilight. Mother is sleeping, tired of hard work and drunk vodka. Father and son enjoy a toy for a long time. They do not see each other. Father and son each yearn for his own. But there is something that unites their souls. This kindness, light, hope, love - all that is lacking in the life of the "humiliated and offended." But happiness is illusory. And once Sasha falls asleep, the angel melts. He’s from wax ... Andreeva’s story ends on this. But the reader understands that the next day in the life of the boy and his parents will be as grim as all the previous ones.


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