Railroad Simulator

Such a genre of computer games, like train simulators, originated a very long time ago. Despite the fact that there are fans who like to play as drivers of steam locomotives, watch the arrows and spend long hours riding iron monsters on different tracks without the possibility of turning somewhere too little, nevertheless, there is a demand for such games, but how do we learn from the economics guru , since there is demand, then there will certainly be an offer.

In this article, I would like to talk about such an interesting product, as the Trainz Driver game, which recently appeared on Android devices.

The full name of this masterpiece is “Train Driver - Train Control and Realistic Railroad Simulator”.

As you can see, the creators of this product raised the bar high enough by their name, let’s see how much the name corresponds to the content.

Since this is a driving game to a greater extent, and the economic simulator of the railway is much less, respectively, the main playing time you will drive “behind the wheel” of your faithful locomotive. The economic part is indicated superficially, you will carry out tasks for the transportation of various goods to factories and mines.

In order to start a game, you should learn how to play it, this rule is especially relevant for simulators of everything unusual. Trainz Driver simulator is no exception in this matter, the young driver will have to complete nine training missions. Without this training, according to igrodelov from the Australian company N3V, there is nothing even to think about becoming an ace.

When the mission begins, the first thing that catches your eye is the graphics. The world is filled with very realistic looking objects. Grass, trees, rough terrain, ruts, bridges, stations and people - all this is in abundance. And also, of course, trains, how can a railroad simulator do without them? All that can move is necessarily moving, people are going somewhere, trains are traveling, rivers are flowing - the impression of the surrounding space is simply magical. Yes, of course, we saw in some games more beautiful graphics, but the scale of the world there, as a rule, is not so huge.

It usually takes about two hours for the average player to complete all the missions of the tutorial. During this time, you get an idea of ​​what the driver of the modern railway train has to do on the way and how this railroad simulator “breathes”.

The goal of the whole event is simple, to get from point A to point B. But not everyone succeeds in completing this task the first time. Firstly, you need to monitor the speed, in some places it is limited, and you should observe the speed regime in such areas. If you don’t bother with this, your train will begin to break, and the speed scale will gradually turn red. If it turns bright red, then you should immediately reduce the speed to a minimum. Those who will ignore warnings - simply will not reach the finish line.

Since your train is not the only one in the game, trains may collide, in order to avoid such a terrible event, constantly monitor the color of the light bulb at the top of the screen. When it is green - nothing should be done, if it turns yellow - reduce the speed, but if it is red - stop immediately. From time to time it is necessary to transfer the train from one track to another in order to avoid a dead end, not to collide with an oncoming one and not to fall from an unfinished bridge into a river.

In short, there are enough worries, and every mistake can end in a crash, so you should not relax for a minute on the way. One wrong decision and start all over again.

In addition to extreme realism, this railway simulator boasts an arcade mode in which you will be offered various interesting tasks, for example, how do you like the idea of ​​racing with another train? The choice of route is completely up to you, the price of an error is a mission failure. The remaining tasks in arcade mode are very different, they will offer you a choice: get to the place at the appointed time, take coal to the station, connect the cars in a long train, and the Trainz Driver simulator will not let anyone get bored.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21838/

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