What is comedy? Definition in the literature

Each of us will surely be able to explain in his own words what comedy is. However, if you try to state the definition of this concept on paper, you run into difficulties, because explanations like “it's when it's funny” sound too simple.

It is known that the understanding of the comic belongs to the rites of antiquity.

What is comedy in literature? We will try to deduce the definition of this concept.

The subject of comedy, its types

The subject of comedy can be considered the desire to pass ugly for beautiful, stupid - for smart, petty - for noble.

In the literature, high types of comedy and puns are distinguished. High species include works such as Don Quixote by M. de Cervantes.

what is comedy

Types of Comic

Before you begin to understand what comedy is in literature, we first consider the types of comic.

These include: humor, irony, satire, sarcasm, grotesque.

Humor can be defined as a good laugh.

Irony is a mockery based on criticism. Among Russian writers, Pushkin often used irony, for example, in the poem "Eugene Onegin": "Girls jump in advance," "In the village, happy and horned."

what is comedy in literature definition

Sarcasm is the highest degree of irony and is translated from Greek as "tearing meat."

Satire is a way of reproducing reality, the task of which is unpleasant criticism.

The grotesque is easy to distinguish from the rest of the comic because the funny is difficult to separate from the terrible, the terrible. This type of comic is characteristic of Gogol ("Nose") and Mayakovsky ("Bedbug", "Bath").

what is comedy in literature

What is comedy in literature? Definition

From a scientific point of view, comedy is a special kind of drama in which the conflict or opposition of characters is resolved specifically.

The fight in comedy is different in that it:

- does not lead to serious consequences;

- aimed at small, mercantile purposes;

- It is conducted in funny ways and means.

Comedy Theme

In order to fully answer the question "what is comedy", you need to understand the features of its subject.

It certainly depends on the needs and needs of the class that is its creator. Of course, the creators take into account the interests of those to whom it is oriented.

It is worth noting that the comedic fever is very resistant to the effects of time. So, for example, from the days of antiquity to the present day, the scheme of intrigue in a love comedy has been preserved , when parents oppose the union of young people, but they are forced to accept it by a third person who helps young people build happiness.

Types of Comedy

To answer the question "what is comedy" it is necessary to understand what types of this genre can be distinguished.

The first type to be mentioned is the comedy of morals. She depicts human characters, their confrontation.

Now we will understand what a comedy of provisions is. In it, certain ridiculous actions, the behavior of heroes, cause laughter.

Comedy story

Comedies existed in ancient antiquity. The most famous author of that time is Aristophanes. We have heard about 11 comedies written by this author in 425-388. BC e., for example, "Clouds", "Frogs". Antique comedies are characterized by ridicule of human vices, a clear trace of the author’s assessment of everything that happens.

In the Middle Ages , sideshow (a small comic play), farce (a light comedy with external comic features), a hundred (a sharp satire), a fast-spire (Pancake week game) appear.

The Renaissance is characterized by attention to human nature. Among the authors of that time, the most famous is W. Shakespeare (“The Taming of the Shrew,” “A Midsummer Night's Dream”). The main idea of ​​the works of this author is the idea of ​​the dominance of nature over the soul of man.

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The era of classicism ridicules human vices, ignorance (Moliere's comedies, for example, The Imaginary Sick).

Enlightenment calls on comedians to use common sense.

The era of romanticism gives us a comedy based on the idea of ​​the impossibility of perfecting the world. In the XIX century, the features of the comic are associated with ideas about the aesthetic ideal, which includes widespread ideas about human life. In Russian literature, this trend is manifested in the immortal works of D.I. Fonvizina, A.S. Griboedova, N.V. Gogol.

The literature of the 20th century is characterized by social and everyday comedies (V. Mayakovsky, M. Bulgakov).

This article discusses in sufficient detail the question of what comedy is. It should be noted that this genre is the most popular today and enjoys special love, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and the ability to see the comic in life makes our everyday life brighter and easier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21845/

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