Ceiling options in the apartment and in the country

Today, there are various options for finishing the ceiling in the house. However, many owners still prefer painting or whitewashing. In turn, such options for finishing the ceiling on the balcony are often used. This is mainly due to the fact that the owners of the premises think that the conditions of this part of the house do not allow the use of any other materials. However, it should be noted that the usual for many options for decorating the ceiling are today considered somewhat outdated. Today, the market offers a wide range of a variety of materials, the characteristics of which allow them to be used in a variety of places. Next, consider the growing options for finishing the ceiling.

ceiling finishes


The following ceiling finishes are gaining popularity today:

  • drywall
  • plastic tiles or panels,
  • tree
  • decorative plaster
  • stretch cloths.

The first material today is considered somewhat universal. For example, when considering options for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, homeowners pay attention to waterproof sheets of GVL. This material has the necessary properties for use in wet rooms. In the bathroom, plastic is also often used. This material is easy to install, light in weight and aesthetically pleasing. Considering the options for finishing ceilings in an apartment, many consumers opt for stretch linens. This coating is practical, it can be used in different rooms, including with high humidity.

options for finishing ceilings in the apartment

The most common modern material

Speaking about what options exist for finishing ceilings in an apartment, first of all, you should pay attention to the GVL sheets. Using this material, you can create original and complex designs. As a result, the ceiling will become the main decoration of the interior of the house. GVL has soundproofing properties. Therefore, when considering options for finishing the ceiling of a bedroom, for example, this material is increasingly preferred. In addition, fixtures can be built into the structures, which will give the room even more charm. Also, LED strips can be used to create original lighting. Sub-ceiling and ceiling structures are created for their installation. The result can be very impressive.

Stretch ceiling

It is believed that this is the simplest and fastest ceiling finish. The options here may be different. For example, you can choose a glossy or matte surface. However, this material is quite expensive. Often, when considering options for decorating the ceiling in a home, homeowners use combinations of different coatings. For example, combined designs from GVL and a stretch cloth effectively look. The latter may be a PVC film. It is pulled on a frame pre-installed around the perimeter. The effect of a single web is obtained by heating the film with special equipment. In addition to PVC, fabric is also used. In this case, heating is not required, and the result is very original.

bathroom ceiling finishes

It must be said here that the options for finishing the ceiling with fabric are a separate sector of decoration. As a rule, in typical rooms it is possible to mount a seamless coating. But if the area is large enough, then several parts are soldered together. The advantages of a stretch ceiling include the speed of installation, the absence of the need to carry out complex preparatory work with the base, as well as a long period of operation. PVC fabric has high tensile strength. The disadvantages of the coating include exposure to damage from sharp objects. For example, in rooms with low ceilings, when introducing bulky items, there is a high risk of damage to the canvas.

Staining and whitewashing

Modern ceiling finishes undoubtedly have many advantages. However, many choose traditional classics. Painting or whitewashing is the easiest ceiling finish. The options presented above either require large investments, or are not suitable for every interior. But the advantage of traditional dyeing or whitewashing is in neutrality. Often used such options for finishing the ceiling in the country. Rural property for a seasonal stay does not require any refined interior. Therefore, most often the ceilings in the country are painted or whitewashed. At the same time, the surface looks clean and fresh. Often these ceiling finishes are used in the kitchen and in the hallway. However, there are some nuances. Let's consider some of them further.

Features of coatings

As for the process itself, the application of materials to the surface is not accompanied by any difficulties. Difficulties arise in preparing the foundation. Firstly, this work is quite "dirty". In this regard, at the very beginning of the preparatory phase, it is necessary to close all furniture with polyethylene. Also, the floor covering and the walls should be protected. Next, you must carefully align the ceiling. For this, plaster is used. The thickness of its layer will depend on the existing defects. If the differences in relation to the walls are sharp enough, then repeated application of the plaster will be required. Also, the surface must be clean. This means that on it there should be not only dirt and dust, but also various spots. If there are such areas on the ceiling, you will have to handle it with special compounds. After the surface is plastered, it must be primed. After the composition dries, putty is applied. If there was already whitewash or paint on the ceiling, then the coating is previously removed. Only then can we proceed to further work. As you can see, surface preparation is quite tedious.

ceiling decoration options

Advantages and disadvantages of staining or whitewashing

One of the main disadvantages of these finishing options is their comparative fragility. Over time, the coating turns yellow. If the plaster is applied in a thick layer, then cracks appear on it. Of course, coatings also have advantages. For example, relatively low costs. However, if we recall the preparation process and the subsequent cleaning of the room, then it is worth considering whether such savings are necessary.

Simple decor

If you still choose painting or whitewashing, then you can make the surface more original using polyurethane stucco molding. For example, often on the ceiling you can see the layout of the moldings. Also add originality to the painting, stained glass and other designs. Surface decoration can also be done using lighting. In addition, color is often added to white paint or whitewash. For example, greenish or blue ceilings visually make the room taller, and pale orange, light lemon, cream or beige - β€œwarmer”.


This option allows you to show creativity. Wallpapering the ceiling with a wallpaper is not as time-consuming as, for example, preparing for whitewashing or painting. Hide surface defects, joints and seams between the plates with dense foam canvases. Some home craftsmen use glass. This material can be repeatedly painted. Among the shortcomings of wallpaper should be noted the inconvenience of installation. It’s more common to glue them on the walls. In addition, there is an opinion that this decoration option is very outdated. But designers argue that the use of certain materials is a matter of taste. If you liked the wallpaper, then it is quite possible to glue them on the ceiling.

kitchen ceiling finishes

Polystyrene tile

This is perhaps the easiest option for finishing the ceiling. This method does not require large investments. In addition, the installation of tiles on the ceiling can be done independently. Today the market offers the widest range of this material. Polystyrene tiles are lightweight, water resistant, practical. The material can be chosen with a different pattern and shade. So-called seamless tiles are also available. In this case, after installation, the joints of the elements are not visible. As a result, it seems that the coating is solid. There is an opinion that the tile is not very environmentally friendly for living quarters. However, according to experts, there is no more harm from it than from oil paint or wallpaper. Tile, in addition to aesthetic appearance, has soundproofing properties and resistance to moisture. This material can be used in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Suspended structures

Such ceilings consist of frame and sheathing. As the latter can be a variety of materials. However, it should be noted that suspended structures are not as popular as other types of finishes. This is due to their relatively high cost. The range of suspension structures is not so wide, but among the presented options you can find quite original solutions. So, for example, the surface can be mirror, metal, wood. In addition, some designs provide several levels. The undoubted advantage of suspended ceilings is their durability. They also do not require special care. The materials used in the production are not afraid of temperature changes. The biggest disadvantage of such structures is that they take at least 15 cm from the height of the room.

options for finishing the ceiling in the country


Such a solution is far from suitable for every interior. Beams will look harmonious if the room is decorated in a country style or Provence. Moreover, the elements may be artificially aged or deliberately coarse. For a classic interior, painted and perfectly smooth lacquered beams are perfect. There are various options for stacking items. For example, they may intersect. The resulting niches are also decorated. Such a ceiling is called "coffered". He is incredibly beautiful, but also very expensive. Such a solution is suitable for an elite room. Coffered ceilings can be seen in the antique interior, for example. You can reduce the cost of the design by replacing the wooden beams with polyurethane and choosing a simpler decor (wallpaper or paint).

ceiling finishes on the balcony


Of course, it is impossible to talk about all the existing finishes within the framework of one article. When choosing one or another solution, experts recommend paying attention to a number of points. In particular, on:

  • Cost of coverage. This includes the price of the material and the work of the craftsmen (if required).
  • Service life, reliability and quality.
  • Environmental friendliness. For example, experts do not recommend the use of plastic when arranging the ceiling in a children's room or bedroom.
  • The style of the room. Choosing this or that material, it is necessary to consider features of an interior. The coating should be in harmony with the existing decor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21850/

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