Is 80s fashion coming back?

Modern trends set by clothing designers are very difficult to interpret unambiguously. Undeniable is the fact that fashion is a cyclical phenomenon. Having examined it through the prism of time, you can see that many elements are repeated after a certain period. Sometimes this can be positioned in terms of predictability: sooner or later the cycle will repeat, and people will be able to put on well-forgotten old things again.

Historical changes in the fashion world

Over the entire long history of the existence of man on Earth, he managed, developing independently, to improve the things surrounding him in everyday life. Of course, clothes and shoes were integral companions of people who had to hide their nakedness under the influence of social development of the society, as well as weather conditions.

80s fashion

Talking about fashion did not always make sense, since only from a certain stage in the development of mankind did it receive the status of importance and received special attention. If you move away from the historical excursion and not go into technical details, then we can say that it has undergone significant changes. People put on the most elaborate costumes, built incredible hairstyles on their heads, created outfits that were unsurpassed in their design, and experimented with shoes.

Each historical stage is marked by clothing inherent at that time, and the appearance of individual details is closely connected with socio-technological necessity. Starting from the 20th century, serious changes are planned in the world history of fashion. Since then, every decade has been marked by new breakthroughs, completely unknown models of clothing that are created with a deep ideology. This article will examine in more detail the trends of the 80s.

Fashion of the 80s: what is its novelty and why it has reached such a high popularity

Historians claim that every decade of the 20th century has its own “face”. This statement is relevant not only for the political life of each individual state, but also for the appearance of its inhabitants at that time. Any socio-economic phenomenon leaves its mark on people's consciousness, and creative individuals find ways to express their feelings with the help of art. And what kind of art is the most widespread, most socially significant and, of course, beloved by all? This is the creation of clothes!

fashion spring

From the point of view of the textile industry, the 80s fashion has its own distinct features:

  • At this time, there is a peak in the creation of new fashion houses. Not only the most famous of them enter the arena, but also many companies are being created offering inexpensive street-style clothes .
  • In the 80s, it was first noticed that designers in their collections turned to the motives of previous decades.
  • NTP gave the world a lot of new synthetic materials: lycra fabrics appeared, which marked the appearance of sportswear not only for professional purposes, but also for people's everyday needs.
  • At this time, there was a sexual revolution, which left its mark on all types of art, especially on such as fashion. Summer and spring allowed the ladies to express their sexuality as much as possible with the help of mini-skirts, corsets, decorative prints and high-heeled shoes.
  • The period was characterized by the appearance of images of fatal seductresses and the emergence of a sexy style.

What did typical fashionistas of the 80s look like?

The main ideas that pervaded the outfits of all residents of that period were bright colors in combination with elements of sportswear. At that moment, products made of denim, sneakers, synthetic leggings, sports windbreakers began to be of particular relevance. Ladies adorned themselves with catchy ornaments with intricate patterns.

fashion summer

Fashion of the 80s is very closely associated with the emergence of various types of sports training. People began to actively monitor their health. The images of strong men from American militants made visiting gyms popular, and cultivating slender beauties from screens served as a strong incentive for practicing shaping and aerobics. Women who worked, took care of children and took care of their harmony needed comfortable clothes that did not constrain movements and were comfortable. It was during these years that wide sweaters and long, slightly flared skirts began to enjoy special popularity .

The most trendy wonders of the 80s, preserved today

Fashionistas of those times resembled rebels, as they sometimes combined ambiguous models of clothing. Firstly, the most important distinctive element of the time were jackets with false shoulders. This strange, it would seem, attribute that makes female silhouettes look like male ones, was very popular.

The image of Princess Diana with her elegant hats and romantic outfits has become one of the favorite trends of the honorable 80s. True, unlike the royal family, fashionistas successfully combined feminine and elegant shirts with rude jeans.

80s fashion

The fashion of the 80s gave the world an inimitable punk style and a juicy disco. The jackets that began to be sewn in those days have still not lost their relevance and are at the tops of fashionable charts.

Today's fashion is filled with elements from different eras, but undoubtedly, the clothes of the 80s became the prototype of many models of our time.

Makeup originally from the USSR and its relevance today

As previously written, in those days bright colors in clothes were especially popular. It was in the 80s that such a concept as acid colors appeared, which differed in juiciness and unreal neon flicker.

Ladies did not spare cosmetics to emphasize eyes and lips. A distinctive feature of the makeup of that period is the predominance of bright lipsticks, blue and green eyeshadow on the upper eyelid, black eyeliner. Hairstyles of the 80s also had an unforgettable look: enchanting combing, massive bangs and a huge amount of hairspray.

hairstyles 80 x

If you draw a parallel between those times and today's trends in makeup, then we can safely say that in our days, preference is given to naturalness. Ladies try to paint in the nude style so that their face looks fresh, healthy and seductive, but does not dazzle with bright colors.

How can you dress in the style of the 80s today?

All women have always been interested in fashion. Spring and summer are great seasons for a designer imagination game. Weather allows you to get rid of outerwear that hides beautiful wardrobe combinations behind its canopies. Many do not know that very often in their experiments with outfits they use tricks from the 80s that are not only very relevant in the current season, but also allow emphasizing natural sexuality:

  • You can wear a jacket with shoulder pads in combination with a short dress. For completeness, it is desirable that one of the elements of such a combination was a bright neon shade.
  • Voluminous sweaters resembling a hoodie look great with skinny jeans or short skirts.
  • Leggings or tights with patterns go well with dresses. If you put on a voluminous sweater over such a kit , you will get a vivid image from the 80s.
  • Another element that our generation gave that bright time - leggings. This accessory is perfect for leggings and skinny jeans. Another option on how to wear it is on lycra tights combined with high heels.

Shoes from the 80s

If you want to create a fashionable image of that decade, it is worthwhile to understand that the 80s is considered to be a period of great bad taste. Designers in their experiments on collections have proved that the use of individual details of clothing of a past generation can effectively look in combination with other stylistic trends. Shoe plays a significant role in that era. Firstly, most women preferred to wear high-heeled shoes, and the image of the fatal seducer literally required a long hairpin.

clothes of the 80s

To date, in the collections of shoe designers there are always shoes with a pointed toe and a closed heel, which gave fashion 80s. In addition to standard shades, it is often possible to meet models of flashy colors with decorative inserts.

Another interesting interpretation of the shoe industry under the name “jelly” was introduced from the last century by fashion mistress. Summer is the time to wear such a product. As a rule, such shoes are made of PVC plastic or rubber, have a flat sole, look transparent or shimmer with neon shades. “Jelly” is especially in demand in resort towns, where you can wear it to go to the beach.

For several seasons, sneakers have been at the peak of popularity. Few people know, but the trendy combination of this accessory with any type of clothing hails from the 80s.

What gave men fashion eighties?

At this time, there was a process of forming a new type of businessmen. Men became active, needed self-expression through the use of luxury goods. Costumes, as well as any hints of similarity with foreigners, especially Italians, were considered relevant at that time. The tan was in fashion, expensive accessories and brown shoes. Costumes began to be strictly divided into business and formal weekend.

For the first time, the so-called banana pants appeared. Among the jeans at the peak of popularity were “dumplings”. By the way, if the latter are not particularly relevant in the current season, then many brands have not been able to refuse bananas for many years.

Summing up, it’s worth saying: nothing is as changeable as fashion. This spring, once again proved that the world is so oversaturated with new products and achievements of the textile industry that designers tirelessly return to old motives, drawing inspiration from the stylistic metamorphoses of the last century.


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